In the bustling heart of a modern metropolis, Alex Hartley lives a seemingly ordinary life as a freelance graphic designer, navigating the chaos of deadlines and fleeting relationships. Beneath his calm and collected demeanor, however, lies a secret he doesn’t even know he harbors.
Unbeknownst to Alex, his mind is a labyrinth of fractured identities—multiple personalities that have silently coexisted, keeping their presence hidden from him and the world. This fragile balance shatters one fateful night.
After a late-night gig, Alex is cornered in a dimly lit alley by a group of violent assailants. Outnumbered and overpowered, his world blurs into darkness as the first blow strikes. But just as the brink of death seems inevitable, something stirs deep within.
Suddenly, Alex’s trembling form transforms into a figure of pure precision and ferocity. The assailants are no longer facing the mild-mannered designer but someone—something—else entirely. With ruthless efficiency, the awakened personality dismantles the threat, leaving Alex’s attackers fleeing in terror.
As the adrenaline fades, Alex regains control, staring at his bloodied hands in disbelief. The memory of the fight is fragmented, his own voice echoing in his head—but it’s not his.
For the first time, Alex comes face to face with the truth: he’s not alone in his own mind.
To be continued...
Love this author's work. The concept of this story is cool and unique. I hope the author keeps this story going along with his last story.
came from your originals book but your writing is fire so why not 5 stars ?