I, Roy, Have Never Been Inferior to Anyone in My Life!

"Ding-dong... ding-dong..."

Shards of metal clattered to the ground before dissolving into energy and vanishing entirely. The Ame-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi—much like the Sword of Judgment wielded by Roy—was a manifestation of a divine power. Even if shattered, the sword could slowly be reborn so long as its original master still existed.

Anyone with basic knowledge of Japanese mythology would recognize the sword as the divine artifact extracted from the tail of the Yamata-no-Orochi after Takehaya Susanoo-no-Mikoto slew the great serpent. In the mythological framework of this world, this mirrored the concept of the Steel Hero, a god who defeated the ancient Mother Earth Goddess, transforming her body into his divine weapon.

Roy delved into his memory, carefully piecing together fragments of information about this world's version of Susanoo. After some effort, he unearthed details he had encountered sixteen years ago.

Susanoo had once been a Heretic God. After wandering the earth for countless years, he eventually grew weary of such a lifestyle and retreated into the Netherworld. This was a common fate for Heretic Gods who had not been slain by Campione—choosing seclusion in the Netherworld to escape conflict. For them, seclusion signified an end to wandering and meddling in worldly affairs, reducing their existence to that of mere observers.

"Since you're a hermit, you should stay out of the world's affairs—sip tea, play chess, and quietly watch its progression. But no, you insist on overstepping your boundaries, trying to interfere with the present world. If you won't remain in seclusion, then as a God Slayer, I'll ensure you're sent back to mythology where you belong."

Roy's voice was cold as he muttered to himself—or perhaps his words were a declaration of war, aimed at the distant god responsible for such underhanded meddling.

Though many Heretic Gods lived peacefully in seclusion within the Netherworld, never violating the rules, Susanoo was determined to cross the line. In doing so, he had provided Roy with ample justification to act. As a God Slayer, Roy now had the perfect excuse to hunt down this defiant deity.

However, even if he wanted to conquer the Storm God, now was not the time. Roy had exhausted all his authorities, and even if he wished to act, he lacked the means. Moreover, Susanoo was hiding in the Netherworld, making him difficult to locate.

Within Pandora's realm, Roy had studied the nature of the Netherworld and understood it as a "realm of thought." In such a place, the concept of physical distance did not exist. Without precise coordinates, trying to find a specific entity there was akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. Roy had no interest in playing hide-and-seek with Susanoo and decided it would be best to bide his time until the opportunity to strike presented itself.

"Lili, tie up this woman, Seishuuiin Ena. If you take a closer look, she's also a highly capable miko. Let her participate in my ritual as well. Treat her injuries slightly—just enough to keep her alive. There's no need to be gentle with her or Mariya Yuri over there. They're merely tools for my ritual. Treat them as slaves, with no need to grant them human rights."

Roy's gaze flickered briefly to Mariya Yuri, who lay motionless. The fourteen-year-old miko trembled in her ceremonial robes, lowering her head quickly to hide the anger and loathing in her eyes.

For Yuri, it would likely take a long time to overcome her bitterness toward Campione. Two years ago, she was dragged into a nightmare when the Marquis captured her for a ritual, forcing her to witness countless innocent witches and mikos perish before her eyes.

Now, just as she was beginning to put those horrors behind her, Roy had seized her for another ritual. This time, the scale of the disaster extended to all of Tokyo. In her heart, it was certain that she equated Campione with demons.

Yet Roy remained indifferent to her opinion. What mattered to him was Yuri's spirituality as a miko. Beyond that, she was nothing more than a pretty, ordinary girl. With Roy's status, he could have as many women as he desired. If he wished, he could easily toy with Yuri's body and mind without restraint.

"By the way, inform the Japanese History Compilation Committee that I am willing to forgive their prior attempts at self-governance, provided they locate enough qualified mikos and send them to Jerusalem within seven days. If they fail, they should prepare for the government to relocate its capital."

Every injustice had its source, and Susanoo had orchestrated this entire scenario. The Heretic God likely anticipated a gruelling battle between Roy and Marquis Voban, leaving both sides severely weakened. This would allow Susanoo to act as a mediator and reap benefits from both parties. However, Susanoo hadn't foreseen Roy annihilating Marquis Voban outright, leaving the god's scheme in ruins.

After pondering briefly, Roy could see through Susanoo's intentions.

Destroying Tokyo, however, was not on Roy's agenda. Tokyo held a critical position in the global economy, and its destruction would destabilize the world, plunging it into chaos.

In this moment, Roy found himself understanding the concepts of the Magic Gods mentioned in Aleister's writings. The "world" was fascinating because it existed. If it were accidentally destroyed, much of its intrigue would vanish. No one desired a desolate "world," devoid of anything—especially those whose hearts were lost or whose spirits had "withered."

Even so, while Roy didn't intend to destroy Tokyo, he believed in strategic intimidation. He needed a large number of mikos, and the History Compilation Committee would ensure the task was handled efficiently. After this, the committee would undoubtedly become more compliant and well-behaved under his influence.

"Erica, can you still walk?"

Roy's gaze fell on Erica, who was barely managing to stand, and his tone softened.

"After resting for a bit, I've regained some magic power, Your Majesty. While I can't fight in my current condition, but walking isn't a problem."

The Italian girl limped, her voice resolute despite her pain.

"Even with magical treatment, your injuries will leave you weak for a few days. My authorities are temporarily unavailable, but when they return tomorrow, I'll personally heal your body."

"How could I trouble your majesty to use his precious authorities?"

Erica bowed her head in awe, her voice trembling with humility.

"There aren't many battles worthy of my intervention. Keeping my authority unused serves no purpose, so I might as well use it to heal my loyal and brave knights. Consider it a reward for your valiant efforts. However, after a reward comes punishment..."

Roy's eyes scanned the fourteen-year-old girl, his tone growing increasingly playful.

Despite her age, Erica possessed a well-developed figure, especially the snow-white fullness above her slender waist. Paired with her exquisite face and charming smile, she resembled an enchanting fairy straight out of a storybook.

As a man, Roy couldn't deny being moved by her appearance. He believed even his elusive father, Aleister, wouldn't have let such a captivating girl slip through his fingers.

For Roy, surpassing Aleister was a life's mission. He had to outshine his father in every conceivable way.

In his entire life, Roy could not allow himself to be weaker than Aleister.

"Let's rest for a moment, and then we'll head straight to Jerusalem!"

Roy's actions were always decisive. The next task was to complete the ritual to summon a Heretic God and see which deity would appear. Considering the significance of Jerusalem and the ancient Judean divine artifacts being used as mediums, even if it wasn't King Solomon, the summoned deity would undoubtedly have connections to the Bible.


(T/N: Sorry for being late guys but here is the chapter.)