
I had to jog to keep up with Theresa's brisk strides. The skirt of her black gown looked stiff like cardboard.

We navigated hallways and corridors until we got to a fairly secluded wing of the school building, arriving at a dead end. There was the statue of a gargoyle on the wall with its mouth opened in a ferociously ugly snarl. Its eyes glinted red like rubies.

Theresa didn't even spare the creature a second glance, and merely proceeded to walk up to the wall,

I barely had the time to form the thought of why isn't she stopping, when she disappeared through the solid concrete like it was a holographic image. I was gob smacked. I didn't know immaterial walls were a thing.

It was obvious Theresa wasn't going to be waiting for me so I clamped my mouth shut, took a deep breath and followed suit, barely able to suppress my wince. I appeared on the other side with just enough time to see her turn a corner.

I jogged after her, and caught up with her just as she arrived at the arched entrance of a secret room with interlocked stone floors, and a glass ceiling.

Theresa disappeared through a narrow door, and when I walked through I was greeted by the sight of a dimly lit room. Steps graced the entrance leading down to the main area,

"Welcome Gia," Theresa said, she was standing at the center of the room with her hands clasped in front of her. Her face was stoic and aloof.

Torches hung from brackets on the wall, and burned with emerald green flames. Flickering and creating dancing shadows across every available surface.

The room was round and at the center was a raised stone dais with wreaths decorating the edges and a deep burgundy rug ran up the center of the room up to the altar.

My heart pounded in my chest and my palms felt slick and my throat was tight. I walked awkwardly down the stairs and stopped at the last one.

A group of girls were gathered, behind Theresa. All of them had on uniforms like mine, all with different shades of hair color, heights and physiques.

Yet there was oneness in the air, a unity and an ancient sacredness permeated the atmosphere. No matter the differences of the people present in that room, one thing was certain, they were all witches. The witches of St Gordon's Academy's Coven.

"The solstice is fast approaching, we need to discuss the ritual immediately. We've dallied long enough. Our powers grow weak!"

Theresa said, her tone was urgent and cutting.

"I've brought your new leader to you, now you must act quick young ladies, time is of the essence,"

"She comes from a family of murderers!" Someone screeched,

It was a girl who was standing at the edge of the crowd. Her hair was in a low bun, and her eyes glittered with malice. I frowned a little. There was something familiar about her face.

"Oh shut it! What's done is done, if you're unsatisfied with the outcome then you challenge her yourself," Gabrielle spoke up.

I hadn't seen her immediately because she'd been kneeling behind the altar. Now she stood up straight with a wreath in her hand and a wide smile on her face,

"Hi Gia, sorry I couldn't follow you to the infirmary, are you okay?"

I waved at her, my smile was warm.

"I'm great thanks,"

"My sister is still lying comatose! I demand justice," The girl reiterated, her voice was drawn with anger,

"Challenge is still open Delilah, like I said," Gabrielle pronounced through gritted teeth. "You saw what happened to your sister, you Cohens just need to learn to quit,"

The girl paled and real fear flashed across her face. I scanned the room, most of them were afraid of me, only a few looked at me with reverence. Even among this sisterhood I was still an outsider.

I cleared my throat, I was no leader, I didn't have any traits of leadership and I didn't know the first thing about overseeing a coven of witches. My reasons for entering the challenge had been based solely on survival instincts.

I was not interested in anything these people had to offer, but I had to still play a part. I walked past all of them and stood on the pavement of the altar. They all turned, following my movements. Funnily I didn't feel like I was in any immediate danger.

"Hey everyone, I'm Gia Carvel and as you all know I won the witch challenge. So I guess I'm your new leader. I'm hoping we can all work together to keep things running as smoothly as possible,"

Gabrielle was the only one that applauded, "Hear hear!" She cried out enthusiastically.

"What's this solstice ritual of a thing? Someone explain it to me," I said after her clapping died out.

I sat at the foot of the altar because I was nervous and didn't want it to be obvious that my knees were trembling,

"The solstice is when we have unencumbered access to the spirit world, the source of our magic stems from the goodwill of the spirits, and we have to show our continuous gratitude to them for allowing us channel their powers in the physical realm,"

Gabrielle spoke up. Her long dreads were decorated with beads and charm pieces that swung gently with each slight movement she made.

Another girl, a petite blonde with a pixie heircut and pointed ears explained further,

"We have our coven leader bring gifts and offerings and cross the threshold on our behalf to present these gifts to the spirits. If it's accepted, there's the renewing and immediately all witches are revitalized."

Theresa who stood at the back like an overbearing chaperone nodded in agreement,

"That's why the student body is very important, especially that of the witches," You're the link that ties everything together. It's always been this way,

I pursed my lips and my brows wrinkled as a thought occurred to me.

"You sound like the ritual hasn't been done in a very long time," I pointed out.

An uncomfortable silence descended upon the room and a few throats were cleared and several people avoided looking me in the eyes, even Gabrielle.

"The last coven leader was burned alive by your mother, and then after that, she sealed the gates to the spirit realm," Delilah said, she sounded pompous and smug.

"So in reality it's actually your fault and that of your family that witches have been losing their powers and ties to the spirits for over a decade now,"

"Is this true?" I turned to Theresa,

She inclined her head slightly, "There have been dark times for the witches, but your presence may be the light that we've been hoping for. Whatever it is that your mother did, you must undo it and usher us into a new era,"

It was as if a heavy burden was dropped on my shoulders and I was grateful more than ever, 

"Festum solis is the summer solstice, you're going to lead the ritual," Gabrielle said, she sounded so confident in me.

How was I to explain to them?

I was a bit worried now, I didn't have any magic, was I going to be the reason why these girls ended up powerless and in relation, the entire witch population?