Chapter 4: The Adventure Begins

"Wait for me here, I'll go get the horses" Lex said as he dropped the boy's body into a nearby bush that existed under the shadow of a massive oak tree.

"Yeah.." Elaris nodded.

Some time had passed since her loyal companion had taken off and Elaris had some time to think.

She looked at the boy for a bit and felt the urge to apologize.

"Listen.. Might be hard to believe given.. The fact that we threw you out a window.. But we truly don't mean harm.. Guh this sounds horrible.." She scoffed.

"Lex just tried to save us both and he did the best he could.." She balled up with her head buried in her knees.

"It's all my fault of course- if you must blame or .. kill anyone - It should be me, Lex is innocent.. Despite what he likes to say he's a good man.. A crazy one too.." she smirked.

"I really don't know why that is but.." She paused, and the song of nature and its inhabitants filled in the gap. " I trust you.. I really do.. My instincts are telling me you are a good man too.."

The boy's fist flinched and half clenched, his brows furrowed. 

"No.." His voice was so quiet Elaris could barely hear what he said.

"What?! Did you just say something?" She leaned over him expecting to hear more but the boy went quiet again.

Elaris was perplexed but before she had time to let herself feel or think, she heard the nicker of horses and there he was, Lex with two Dark steeds.

"Alright princess, let's go." He hopped off his horse and went to deal with the boy. 

"Right.." She stood up and stretched before mounting hers.

Lex threw the boy's body perpendicularly across the saddle and hopped on, grabbing the reins.

"Gentle! Gods.." The princess scolded and Lex just stared at her for a few seconds.

"I threw him.. Off a window.. And he survived.. I think he'll be fine.."

"It's still rude.." 

"Princess, this is how men treat each other - it's called tough love" Lex said as he patted the boy on his back. " Ain't that right little devil?" He smirked. "Oh I swear this is how I die.." He mumbled as he trotted his horse along the narrow forest path.

".." Elaris sighed and caught up. "Follow my lead."

"But of course.."

The two dove into the depths of the forest, a road not necessarily meant to be traversed by horses - they had to be careful for a while until the forest opened up and made enough space to make the animals more comfortable.

"So.. I guess this is goodbye to my peaceful life as a knight.." Lex sighed.

"Yep.. Your life was boring anyways.." She winked.

Lex smiled. The sunlight, filtered through the shapes of the leaves, made this moment even more memorable and strangely - filled Lex's soul with an odd warmth..

Elaris noticed Lex's smile suddenly vanished and got replaced by a frown of sadness.


"Elaris, I'm sorry.." 

"..It's alright.." 

"I shouldn't have said what I said.. It was uncalled for.. It was pathetic.. I-" His introspection was interrupted.

"Shut up you idiot.. You were right.. As you always are.. I am sorry I put you in danger.." She looked up at the warmth coming from above. The varied shapes of light painted themselves onto her beautiful fair face and moved around in a hypnotizing way, her eyes shined with an unusual hint of regret.

"I've been an awful friend to you.." She looked down towards her saddle in defeat.

"Ahhh well.." Lex sighed. "I appreciate the appollogy but.. I knew you were crazy from the moment I saw you.. I knew what i was signing up to.." Lex smiled.

Elaris giggled. " You are not much different.." 

Lex's laugh was warm and heartfelt - it had the ability to mend all that had gone wrong. They didn't exchange many words and yet the princess and her loyal knight understood each other perfectly.

The ride was long, the radiant sun disappeared and a full moon took its place, the night birds started their concert, the horses' tired breath signaled that it was time to set up camp.

"You're dad has already declared a bounty on my head I bet.."

"Most likely.. If only they knew there wasn't much in there.."

"Rude.." Lex half-smiled. "But true.."

"Right there, that cave!" The princess pointed towards a deep dark hole carved into the wall of a stone hill. " We can sleep there tonight."

"Sure.. Let's just make sure there aren't any other enthusiasts already inside."

They trotted along to the cave and Lex jumped off making a splash sound into the mud and entered the cave with his sword out in case of danger.

Seconds later he came out.

"I don't see shit.." he declared, awkwardly pursing his lips as he walked towards his horse.

The princess just smiled as she watched him.

"There it is" He gestured at the torch he had brought.

Fwoom. Lex having lit the fire stick, bravely entered the dark cave. 

A few moments passed..

"Lex?.." She got concerned because she could barely see the light from the torch.

"It's safe!" His words echoed.

"Awh, thank the gods" Elaris's body sank in a wave of relief.

And suddenly - a loud screechy noise, a strange cacophony of death appeared a few steps away from her.

Elaris's heart dropped and she took a swift step back, her eyes agape in disbelief.

With the sound came a figure, a tall dark figure hiding in the shadows. All she could see were two yellow orbs for eyes staring at her, piercing her soul.

"LEX!!!" She shouted, her body convulsing with fear.

Step, step, step- As fast as he could, Lex slammed his armoured feet into the ground and leapt swinging his sword in the darkness between the princess and the figure, pointing the blade directly at the monster.

"WHO ARE YOU!! SHOW YOURSELF!" Lex screamed at the top of his lungs in an attempt to hide his fear and intimidate.

And despite his words- all that followed was the sound of the night owls and rustling of the trees.. The figure just stood there staring at them.

The princess turned around for she thought this had something to do with the boy and she saw- the boy's eyes were wide open, hiding behind his dark, flowy hair, buried in his head that hung from the saddle along his torso.

Lex's hand trembled. "Well?!" 

It was a frightening stand off. Darkness versus man.

"Throw him out a window one more time and you're dead." The darkness spoke, it's voice was that of a female. 

"W-..what.." Lex shook with chills that went down his spine.

And in a swift motion, the figure sunk into the void of the night, leaving a very subtle puff of strange dark particles. It was gone.

"What the hell" Lex gasped for air and fell on his knees dropping his sword.

Elaris was hanging on to her horse's saddle with her trembling hands because her knees had given out completely, her feet shaking on the mud- she too was out of breath.

Elaris opened her eyes, lifted her head up and locked eyes with the boy by accident.

"..Do you know her?" She asked

"What the hell have we gotten ourselves into.." Lex mumbled to himself.

"Please.. We need your help.." Elaris boldly walked up to the boy and kneeled to level her gaze with his.

"You could kiss him - usually works on us men.. " Lex loved to cope with humour..

"Please.." Elaris begged, her eyes watered - she was a strong woman.. But she was still a mere human who had encountered the supernatural, the forbidden. It was too much.. For anyone..

Everybody was quiet, the fire from the torch crackled, still alive resting on a cold stone.

The horses breathed heavily and raggedly - their bodies vibrated with a great intensity - unable to process what had just happened. They too felt the mysterious figure's bloodlust, they too felt utterly helpless.


"I do.." The boy spoke.