Chapter 10: A Monster..

The tavern was the only house lighting up the night. The village was quiet—a gentle breeze glided through the streets, picking up leaves along the way.

The night was indeed calm. The tavern, on the other hand...

"AARGH!" Lex, like a raging armoured rhino, surged forward, propelling himself through the crowded tavern. The village-folk barely had time to react as he heaved past the tables, his armour clanging loudly with each powerful step. He exploded, lifting off into the air - slamming right into his target, a rotund drunkard, with bone-rattling force. The impact sent both men crashing to the wooden floor, skidding forward amid the chaos.

"What the—" the man choked out, his voice strained as Lex's hands clamped around his neck. His body convulsed, his heavy, hooded brown eyes widening in terror. He gazed into Lex's unrelenting, wrath-filled eyes and knew he was in deep trouble. " me!" he gasped, a guttural noise escaping his throat as he struggled for breath.

Around them, the tipsy tavern patrons stood in stunned silence, the air thick with tension. Lex's grip tightened, his anger palpable as he wrestled with the man on the floor. The drunken man's attempts to break free were futile, each movement growing weaker as his strength waned.

"AAAye! Kill this freak!" A big, dark-featured man shot up from his chair, his eyes blazing with anger. He wound up a powerful kick, his boot connecting with Lex's armoured ribcage with a sickening thud. The force of the blow sent Lex flying off the fat man, crashing into a nearby table and scattering drinks and food everywhere.

"Guh..." Lex groaned as he struggled to stand, his face a mask of pure rage and determination to punish them for their words against his princess.

"You bastard..." The fat man staggered to his feet, wiping the spit that had involuntarily escaped his mouth, breathing raggedly. "Kill him!" he roared.

"Aye!" Several men leapt up, one grabbing Lex's armour from behind and pulling him into a chokehold, while others kicked and punched him mercilessly. Pure drunken chaos erupted in the tavern.

Elaris stood from her seat, terrified for her knight but paralyzed with fear. Her hands, lips, and eyes trembled, her feet frozen to the spot.

And Rath...

"Badum, badum... badum, badum." His heart pounded louder and louder with each blow Lex took.

Within moments, Lex was obscured by the swarm of drunken men raining down blows.

"Badum, badum, badum, badum, badum." Rath's eyes widened with bloodlust, his veins bulging as chills raced down his spine. Despite being the kind of person who wouldn't harm a fly, an overwhelming, primal urge to kill, everything and anyone, surged through him. He took a step forward. Then another, his heartbeat like a drum, so loud it muffled his hearing.

"Rath..." Elaris shakily mumbled, unable to tear her eyes away from the horrid sight of her best friend being beaten to death. "Please..." she whispered as cold tears slid down her burning cheeks.


Rath seemingly teleported, leaving an afterimage of swirling dark dust —one moment he was in front of Elaris, and the next, he was atop the neck of the big man who had kicked Lex, his knees firmly locked in place.

Elaris' heart pounded so hard she thought it might explode. Every noise was muffled, time seemed to slow to a crawl - almost as if it had stopped. Her eyes locked on Rath's right hand, poised to strike as he gripped the man's hair with his left. This wasn't the Rath she knew—this was a monster about to do what monsters do best.

It all happened in an instant.

The tavern doors exploded open, fragments of wood flying in all directions. In the same moment, Rath was launched backward, smashing into the wall behind the counter. The big man he had been on top of was thrown off balance, crashing to the ground and losing consciousness.

Rath's eyes shot wide open with a cold shock, his dark pearls darting around, searching for the culprit. It was no human—all he could see were remnants of dark dust, which he traced hurriedly as he slowly stood up, dust and rubble cascading from his body.

"AAAA!" A man screamed gutturally as he was hurled high into the air, smashing into the ceiling. Debris and chunks of plaster rained down with his limp body.

"What the—" Another man was flung across the room, slamming into the wall next to Rath. His body slowly slid down, settling in a heap of rubble and shattered glasses and plates.

Drunken fighters of all ages were ejected from the chaotic brawl, their bodies crashing into every corner of the tavern—tables splintered, walls groaned under impact, and paintings were knocked askew and torn off. One unfortunate soul was even launched out the window, sent hurtling into the cold night along with fragments of wood and rubble.

In seconds, the tavern fell silent. Only the faint groans of the still-conscious injured and the crackling of the hearth broke the stillness.

A tall, long black-haired woman stood poised in front of the bloodied, yet somehow still conscious Lex. Her presence exuded a calm but deadly aura.

"H-hi... there..." Lex managed to say, spitting out a mouthful of blood. He turned to the side, letting it dribble from his swollen lips.

"Cara..." Rath whispered to himself

"Lex!" A piercing screech echoed through the tavern as Elaris sprang into action, her heart pounding with fear. She leapt over the bodies sprawled on the ground, weaving through the wreckage of broken tables, scattered mugs, and the remnants of the brutal fight. Finally, she crashed down on her knees beside Lex, her hands instinctively reaching for his battered face.

"Ouch! Princess!" Lex groaned, wincing in pain as her fingers brushed against his bruised skin.

"I'm sorry!" Elaris cried, quickly pulling her hands back to her torso. Tears streamed down her face, glistening in the flickering light of the torches on the wall. "I'm so sorry!" she sobbed, her voice breaking with emotion.

"Cara..." Rath muttered, his gaze shifting to the tall, dark-haired woman who stood calmly, observing. With a determined leap, he vaulted over the counter and slowly walked towards her.

"Rath..." Cara replied, her voice low and steady. Her half-closed eyes bore a serious, enigmatic expression that seemed to hold a depth of untold stories.

"Why..." His lips trembled, his heart aching. "Why did you do this... Why are you here?" His face wrinkled with anguish, his jaw clenched tight.

"Rath..." Cara took a few cautious steps towards the dark-haired boy. "You did nothing wrong..."

"Ooohh..." He let out a pained groan, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "You know better than anyone... Don't you..." He was furious, his eyes filled with a painterly mix of rage and sorrow. "I'm a monster..." He roared quietly, his fists clenched and trembling with unspent power.

"You are not a monster... You didn't kill anyone..." She spoke with calm authority.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB!" He roared, taking a long step and stopping right in front of her face. "I was..." His body rocked and shook, tears streaming down his rage-filled face. "I was going to kill him!"

"But you didn't..." Cara replied firmly.

"I was but you stopped me!" He screamed, his voice echoing through the tavern, reverberating off the walls.

"L-little Devil..." Lex spoke from the ground, his voice barely audible. "Do you... T-think..." He coughed up more blood. "Oh gods..." Frustrated by his inability to speak, he strained to continue. "Do you think... I'm a monster?" He asked, his face serious despite his weakened state.

"..." Rath furrowed his brows, lost in thought.

"Rath!" Lex shouted, summoning all his remaining strength.

"...I don't..." Rath looked away.

"Then you aren't one either." Cara gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

Rath swiftly smacked it away, turning his back on her. He walked over to one of the few unbroken chairs and sat down heavily, burying his face in his hands and breathing out shakily.

"Lex, we need to get you out of here! I need to patch you up!" Elaris pleaded, her hands trembling as she clutched Lex's arm armour.

"Aah—no need, Princess, I'm perfectly fi-fine." He coughed up more blood, managing a weak, silly smile.

"Please!" Elaris turned her begging gaze to Cara. "Help me carry him somewhere safe!"

Cara remained silent for a few moments, her gaze shifting to Rath.

"What do you see in her... In them..."

"Far more than I will ever see in any of you..." Rath stood up, his expression hollow and lifeless. He walked over and knelt next to Elaris. "Please..." He gestured to Elaris for her to move aside and gently lifted Lex, cradling him in his arms. "I owe them my life..."

"Augh..." Lex groaned softly, slipping into unconsciousness.

Rath turned to face Cara, the bloodied Lex in his arms, Elaris standing close behind him.

"And you..." Rath said with quiet intensity. "Make up your mind." His sharp gaze pierced her calm facade.

Caught off guard, Cara stood silent, unresponsive.

Rath sighed, the weight of the moment heavy on his shoulders. "Goodbye..." he said, turning away and stepping through the broken tavern doors. His silhouette faded into the shadows of the night, weary Elaris following close behind.