Day 1 part 3

Colt looking the the notification of an unique blueprint what can it be there only one way to find out. Let's open it guardians of dead blueprint acquired. Guardians of the dead requires a level 5 castle 1000 stone,100 iron,500 low grade magic crystals ugh that alot of resources and it requires a level 5 castle I gues I will have to on to it.What does it do for that much colt pull the information up the guardians of the dead let you pick 4 warrior it stand guard of you castle.They will gain 1 exp a minute.The warrior you pick will not be able to leave the castle and will only be able to defend the castle once the enemy leaves the castle territory they will return to there stations until the next attack.If you remove a warrior from the station they will return to level.That will definitely be good but it costs so much.Colt looks at the barracks again what do I need to upgrade it again 3000 wood,3000 stone,30 low grade magic crystals.Nope that will have to wait. Colt decided to go to the throne room and see how much he will need to upgrade his castle.Once the the throne room he sat in on the throne and check the system do you want to upgrade the castle 250 wood, 250,and 15 low grade magic crystals do you want to upgrade yes.There was a low grow and the notification came castle upgraded to level 2. Dungeon unlock....

Dungeon what pulling up the system information dungeon you can imprisoned lords and native races until they submit to you.The dungeon can also be used to punishment anyone that submitted to you.

You can also interrogation prisoners for information.So it will be useful once the purge is over.Do you want to built the dungeon 250 wood,250 stone,and 100 low level magic crystals. I got so excited I did not look at the castle information for level 2

Castle/territory level 2

Castle HP 2000

Territory two square mile

Do you want to upgrade castle to level 3.

1000 wood,1000 food,and 100 low grade magic crystals.So there only 250 wood ,250 stone,and 121 in the warehouse.Colt decided I'm going to built the dungeon.The system ask you what to built the dungeon yes there was a grow on the wall on the left side of the throne room and a new door appears.When colt look at the system the information for the dungeon is it can hold any prisoner up to level 20 and up to 20 prisoners.Do you want to upgrade the dungeon to level 2. 2500 wood,2500 stone 750 iron,and 1500 low grade crystals.Not happening.It 13:00 and colt have 6 MPso he decided to go to the front and summon 2 undead.When colt walk out front the was corpses and resources everywhere he summon the first two corpses he seen they endup being 2 level 1 warrior.Colt order the two warrior to separate every by like things to make it easier to see that was here.Colt walk back in the castle and headed up to his bedroom to take another look around.Once colt got in his room he realized that the some of the book in the book case was magic books and he could use magic crystals to learn them instantly or he could try and read them and learn the old fashion way.Colt found a basic book on dark,curse, plague,summoning and earth magic.The cheapest one to quick learn was 1000 low grade magic crystals.So colt decided to take the book with he to the front of the castle so he can read and summon at the same time.Once colt got to the front 1400 and he had enough to summon two more undead there was afew weird looking slime so he used his two summon on them and summon 3 level warriors.After he summon the warriors he felt weird but in a good way like stronger faster.Just then colt got a notification you have upgraded to level .Colt look at his stats

Lord name colt

Bloodline undead 1/20

Lord level 2






Equipment-Death sickie level one will level up with Lord.When not in use it will be a ring form.

Active skills -undead summon level 1

Dark magic level 1

Black lighting level 1

Undead summon allow you to summon one random undead.You can only summon what you unlock in your barracks.Cost 3MP

Dark magic allow you to unlock dark,curse,plague,dark,summoning and alchemy.The higher the level of dark magic unlock the easier and cheaper the MP cost will be.

Black lighting can paralysis or kill a target cost 10MP.

When up alittle everything helps.Colt was thinking I have 1000 unit of food and not to use then on undead do not eat so he when on the trade hall to see what can can maybe trade for the food.But he was surprised to see there was no food every one was looking for food so he looked and the world chat and there was alot of talk about how everyone was having trouble with finding enough food.Some lords where in areas with little food but rich in other resources.And the rest of the lords got troops that eat there weight in food or there troops where so weak that they could not hunt of food his heart sank what if amber was one of the lords in trouble.Stop it colt you can not think like that she your wife stupid she strong will find her.I will find her I will find her.After getting that out of his system he decided to message the kid that was looking for his family his name was Jimmy.Colt look for Jimmy username supernerd002.Once colt find him colt message.


Jimmy how are you fairing.

Jimmy .

Good colt have about you?


Good how are you with your resources?


The area I'm at have a good mix.How about you?


The same there somethings I need to do.If there anything you need let me know.


Ok thanks will do.

Ok time to see how much low grade magic crystals I can trade for looking at the trade hall it about 4 food for 1 low grade magic crystals so instead of watching and buying everything I'm just going to sell the food 4 for 1 crystal. Mighty1920 create a trade selling 4 food for 1 low grade magic crystals have 1000 units for sale.The world chat light up everyone trying to figure out what type of troops I have I'm not using the world chat it a mine field I'm not playing with.colt started reading the spelling book about summon in-between summoning troops.At 18:00 colt finish the basic of summoning he got a notifications you have learned skeleton manipulation level 1.

Undead summon upgraded to level 3.

You have learned magic scholar level 1.

skeleton manipulation level 1 allow you to summon bone beast instead of a random undead.

Undead summon upgraded to level 3.

Undead summon allow you to summon one random undead.You can only summon what you unlock in your barracks.Cost 3MP cool down reduce to 48 seconds.

Magic scholar level 1.

Reduces the time it take to learn new magic by 20 it also reduces the amount of magic crystals to quick learn by 10%.One book down 5 to go.Let start the book on plagues hour into it 19:00 the sun is setting colt put a book mark where he stop and call to one of the warrior that just show up and told him to take a message to the rest of the troops to assemble in front of the castle.After 5 hours of hunting and gather there is a ton for resources to collect.There a level 4 corpse so let summon it and we what have. After summoning a level 4 warrior the stats do not surprise level 4/5 strength 5 and agility 4.It 20:00 it time to disassemble everything and collect all the resources and go to bed it been a long day Disassemble all and collect

50 level 1 rabbits,20 level 2 rabbits ,5 level rabbits,50 level 1 slimes,20 level 2 slimes,30 level 3 slimes,2 level 4 slimes,30 level 3 wild pigs and 40 level 4 wild pigs.

3175 food

75 furs

250 pig leather

320 wild boar tusks

589 low grade magic crystals

6000 wood and 4500 stone

As colt get ready to go in a notification come though night have fallen strong mosters will be out there and there will be higher drops rates