day 6 and the town under attack.

Colt look out the window and see a raven on the roof of the other building. Colt told everyone to stay put for a minute then he when outside to a nearby ally what is happening.The raven then to colt my king there was skeleton archers and goblins attacking together. What will happen once the if they are natural created the will stop attacking and submit to you if anyone without a blood line summon them they will betrayed their master.And if someone with a blood line summon them they will try to kill you my king. Where are they attacking from the hills good the opposite way we are going.As they tried to escape they ended up running it the attacker colt attack the closet enemy he told the elfs with bows to attack the goblin and Diamond to attack any thing that tries to get the girls As colt attack the ravens begins to dive bomb the skeleton archers. Colt was killing enemies left and right he leveled up last night when he was sleeping.

Lord name colt

Bloodline angel of death 1/20

Race death angle

Lord level 6






Equipment-Death sickie level one will level up with Lord.When not in use it will be a ring form.

Ring of blessing double MP

3X Ring of storage stores 5000 items(15000)

Active skills -undead summon level 5

skeleton manipulation level 4

Dark magic level 5

Black lighting level 3

Black flame level 3

Magic manipulation level max

Contract magic level max

Healing magic level 4

Resurrection magic level max.

Flanes of judgment ( unique magic) level 2

Judgment of the dead ( unique magic) level max

Plague magic level 2

Green mist level 2

Curse magic level max

Creation magic level 2

Creation magic allow you to create item with magic and materials.

Curse magic weakened your target and cause soul damage.(if enough soul damage is done the target will die.)

Undead summon allow you to summon one random undead.You can only summon what you unlock in your barracks.Cost 2MP cool down reduce to 30 seconds.

Dark magic allow you to unlock

dark,curse,plague,dark,summoning and alchemy.The higher the level of dark magic unlock the easier and cheaper the MP cost will be.

Magic manipulation allows to manipulation magic you have learned turning flame magic into a fire ball for example.

Black lighting can paralysis or kill a target cost 6MP.

Black flame can burn or kill a target.Black flame causes souk damage and will continue to burn forever cost 6MP.Can only be put out by light magic or the caster.

skeleton manipulation allow you to summon

bone beast instead of a random undead cost 2 MP.

Contract magic allows you to make all types of contact.

Healing magic allows you to heal damage and injuries.

Resurrection magic can bring target back to life

Flanes of judgment ( unique magic)will destroy the body and the soul of its target cost 10MP

Judgment of the dead ( unique magic) will allow you to summon a undead damned solder.Damned soldier are stronger then regular undead soldiers.Damned soldiers have the soul of the target.Cost 2 MP.

Passive skills

Death guard ( unique skill) level 1

Angel eye level 2

Magic scholar level 2

MP rapid recovery level 4

Death guard ( unique skill) Reduces the amount of damage light and purification magic by 10%.

Reduces the time it take to learn new magic by 40 it also reduces the amount of magic crystals to quick learn by 20%.

MP rapid recovery reduces MP recovery time by 2 minute.

Angle eye reduces the amount of time to use magic 20% and eliminate the need to use magic incantations to cast spells.

Colt was cutting the goblins down with no issues. Once the goblins were kill colt attack the skeleton archers they continue to attack him so troops of another lord good to know after they were cleared some of the people that live in the town thank colt.The would be attacked was done. As colt and company make there way towards home a bunch of low lifes surrounded a young girl saying that they saved the town and that how are they going to get paid.One grab the girl and pin her to a wall and lick her face you taste good how about we have you for our payment for saving the town. Just then 2 small try to attack the lowlifes but the one of the lowlifes draw his sword and kill both boys. When colt seen this he try to control his self the town people were anger but they could not do anything they did not have weapons or was skilled in combat. Diamond walk up to colt master if you do what you are thinking you may never be able to return here and you make be hunted down. So am I to walk away and do nothing. I did not say that master just make sure what you choose you can live with the consequences of the action you take. Thank you Diamond. Colt walk through the people and look at the lowlifes and said you have 1 minute to get out of my sight before I kill all of yous. The lowlifes laughed and then attack colt. Colt kill 20 of the 30 lowlifes before they even knew that happened.All of a sudden there was 80 bandits the one that look like the leader was a female mage and there was 2 other males the remaining lowlifes made their way to the bandits as they slowly walk towards the bandits. Colt casted curse magic on the one with the girl before he got close to the rest he left go or the her and the knife he had the girl when running past colt. Ooo curse magic and you can silence chat spells this will be fun the female mage said.Colt ask Diamond though there link can you and your sister fly.Yes master good if everything goes haywire fly towards home. Diamond look the the rest of the slaves and said yous are about to the masters true power and form. They all just look at her. There female mage thank colt for making it easier to kill him. She cast raise undead and the dead lowlife become zombies and stand up she ordered them to attack but they just stood there. Not knowing what to do she ordered the bandits to attack and her and the other makes cast fire ball at colt. When the flames clear where colt stood there was a pair of black wings covering him. Colt lifted his wings and make a loud whistle then he looked at the bandit and said it is time to pay for your criminal. Colt looked at the zombies yous got and sat over there out of the way they nodded and walk to where colt pointed.Dan watch what just happened and ask Diamond it that really our new master yes Diamond answered. Dan was going to ask but Diamond look at him and said not here this is not the time of the place for that question.Dan just nodded. Colt fought hard but couldn't make any ground then he heard people screaming and saying o my god they must be here than 10 undead angels landed next to colt our king you call. Colt answer yes kill the bandits in front of us but the female mage do not kill her I want her alive so I can get some information. Yes our king the angels draw their swords and attacked. Between colt and the undead angels the bandits were all kill with in afew minutes. The female mage was knocked out. Colt use one of the rings to collect all the bandits corpse then colt walk over to there the boys were. The young girl was here holding both her dead brothers crying. Colt walk over to her knelt down to her they are brave little boys trying to save their big sister. She look at him and ask why did why did they have to die. I do.not know but I will not stand for it he took both boys from her and set then on the ground next to each other their sister watch then she look and seen colt eye one was red and the other was blue and they both was growing then she heard colt in a low voice said resurrect. She watched her brother body's grow then stop she heard then both gasp then sat up coffing they look at their sister and jump on her sis you ok. She began crying again colt look at the zombies yous will follow us. Yes our king good. He told Diamond though the link we are leaving now yes master. Diamond look at the other and told them that they are leaving. Once colt and party got to the front gate some of the towns people where there they came up to colt and they all bow to him you have save us and show that there are those that do not care about their self's as much as they care for others and you are always welcome back our hero. Colt nodded and continue to leave. Once in the wood colt ordered the angel to take them to here they keep all there kills. They took colt to where they have about 100 deer corpse good.colt disassemble some of the deer then he finish disassemble the deer then colt when into the creation magic and created some item they need now colt create a pair of handcuffs, shackles,gag,hood, and a MP absorbing collar. Once complete colt when and to the female mage that was with the bandits she was still knock out.And first he put the MP absorbing collar on her then he handcuffed her hand behind her back then shackle her feet and gag her and put the hood over her head so she would not know where they were taken her and so once she did wake up if they when not home she would not be able to get away. After walking for about an hour the mage wake up she tried to get free but quickly stop because she realized that she had no MP and because whatever they used on her wrist was not rope but metal and where so tight if she could not slip her hands free.She try to scream but the gag did it job will and you could bearly hear her.Once they got into the territory about an hour of walking yet will fly ahead to that care of afew things before they get there.Then he flew off. Once he was out of sight Dan at look Diamond so my question the answer is yes Dan your new master is the angel of death. All of the new slaves where shocked to hear it. Everyone just walk quietly after that. Colt got to the castle as soon as he landed he went to the dungeon with the female mage. He knock her out again then brought up the system in the biggest cell you can make a torture room to torture and interrogate prisoners. After colt set up the room colt walk in with the mage he strip her nake and restraint her with her arms and legs stretched out as far as they could go and regag her with the biggest gag he could without breaking her jaw. The left the MP absorbing collar on but he added a chocker collar on her as tightly as he could. Then he left her hanging there once she wake up he going to do everything the bandits did to his girls to her before he will question her and make her submit to the most powerful and controlling contract this is. Colt when it the front of the castle he empty the ring with the iron and the corpse.