Day 18 the lords castle and the light element

Colt sent some ravens ahead a raven return to Colt my king there are 12 castle ahead 12 mmm there 7 unknown let's go and see that we got. Buy what the ravens found out the two in the middle the other 5 male lords are going in and out but no one else it looks like one lord is a dark element ,second is ice element,the third is trolls,four ice wyvern and the last was skeleton knights. Colt ordered the ravens to enter the two unknown castle the ravens return my king the one castle have a female tie to the bed on the top floor nake with different races of females in the dungeon and sevants quarters the same and the other have a female on the top floor and the rest of the castle have nymphs thought out all the floors.I am kill all the lords but the 2 middle castles Colt summon his troops we are attacking 5 lords I will deal with the lords myself let's go. The undead attack the enemies when the lords realizes that are under attack they hide in their castles fucking cowards. Colt when one by one and curse them to the point they almost die but can not do anything. Colt,Diamond and Luna quickly when though the undead lord castle there was no one in it but the lord so Cotl when to his warehouse and took his resources there was only 2,000 iron. Then colt kill the lord congratulations you have kill a lord you have acquired Bloodline of the undead will you like to absorb it yes as soon as Colt absorb it he upgrade.

Lord name colt

Bloodline angel of death 5/20

Race death angle

Lord level 13






Equipment-Death scythe level 13 will level up with Lord.When not in use it will be a ring form.

Death cloak level 13 1/10 death set will level up with Lord.

Death sword level 13 2/10 death set will level up with Lord.

Then Death scythe is out 25% bonus for all the lords stat.

Death cloak it reduces damage from all magic and elements attacks by 15%.

Death increases attacks by 15%can be imbue with your magic. The attack bonus only goes into affect if the sword is being


Ring of blessing double MP

3X Ring of storage stores 5,000 items

2x large ring of storage stores 50,000 items


Active skills -undead summon level max

Zombie manipulation level 2

skeleton manipulation level 8

Dark magic level 9

Black lighting level 7

Black flame level 7

Magic manipulation level max

Contract magic level max

Healing magic level 7

Undead healing magic level 8

Resurrection magic level max.

Flanes of judgment ( unique magic) level 7

Judgment of the dead ( unique magic) level max

Alchemy magic level max

Plague magic level 5

Green mist level 6

Curse magic level max

Creation magic level 4

Lighting magic level 5

Earth magic level 3

Black barrier level 7

Black mist level 3

Spirit magic level 2

Spirit summon level 2

Spirit manipulation level 2

Black barrier is a barrier that can block all damage and cause soul damage to attacker the MP cost depends on the strength of the

caster and the strength of the attacker

Black mist does soul damage MP cost3

Undead heal can heal undead but will slow

kill if use on the living.

Lighting magic can paralysis or kill a target cost 4 MP.

Earth magic can be use to attack or be use for defense.

Creation magic allow you to create item with

magic and materials.

Alchemy magic is like creation magic but you can create magic items.

Curse magic weakened your target and

cause soul damage.(if enough soul damage is done the target will die.)

Undead summon allow you to summon one random undead.You can only summon what

you unlock in your barracks.Cost 1MP cool down none.

Dark magic allow you to unlock

dark,curse,plague,dark,summoning and alchemy.The higher the level of dark magic unlock the easier and cheaper the MP cost

will be.

Magic manipulation allows to manipulation magic you have learned turning flame magic

into a fire ball for example.

Black lighting can paralysis or kill a target cost 3 MP.

Black flame can burn or kill a target.Black flame causes souk damage and will continue to burn forever cost 3 MP.Can only be put out by light magic or the caster.

skeleton manipulation allow you to summon

bone beast instead of a random undead

cost 1 MP.

Contract magic allows you to make all types of contact.

Healing magic allows you to heal damage and injuries.

Resurrection magic can bring target back to life

Flanes of judgment ( unique magic)will destroy the body and the soul of its target

cost 7MP

Judgment of the dead ( unique magic) will

allow you to summon a undead damned solder.Damned soldier are stronger then regular undead soldiers.Damned soldiers have the soul of the target.Cost 2 MP.

Zombie manipulation allow zombie dragon summoning and zombie summoning

Spirit summon allow you to summon Specter or wraith depending on the level of the spell. Cost 3 MP

Spirit manipulation allow you to manipulate spirits.

Spirit magic allows you to use different types of spirit magic and reduces the amount of MP required to use spirit magic.

Passive skills

Death guard ( unique skill) level 7

Angel eye level 6

Magic scholar level 5

MP rapid recovery level 8

Shadow storage level 9

Spatial storage level 3

Dragon storage level 2

undead communication level 3

spirit communication level 2

unique skill voices of the dead level max unique skill vision of the dead level max

Spatial storage allows you to storage 100,000 items in a void that you can put in or take out whenever you want

Dragon storage allows you to storage

Dragon that you can summon to your side anytime current capacity is 30 units

Shadow storage allows you to storage undead that you can summon to your side anytime current capacity is 1,000 units

Death guard ( unique skill) Reduces the amount of damage light and purification magic by 50%.

Reduces the time it take to learn new magic by 65% it also reduces the amount of magic crystals to quick learn by 45%.

MP rapid recovery reduces MP recovery time by 2 minute.

Angle eye reduces the amount of time to use

magic 45% and eliminate the need to use

magic incantations to cast magic.

Undead communication level2 allows you to speak to any of your undead troop telepathy up to 60 miles and any undead you meet.

Spirit communication level 1 allows you to speak to any of your spirit troops telepathy up to 40 miles and any spirits you meet.

Voices of the dead allow you and others heard the voices of the dead.

Vision of the dead allows you to see the dead and you can show others the dead as well.

Then the castle disappeared around Colt then Colt when to where the skeleton knights where fighting they have stop and they bow to Colt hail to the king so they are my now good about 200. Colt when to the ice wyverns lords castle found a human woman in the lords chamber tie up and naked Colt cut the ropes free you are free she starts crying on Colt. Once she calm down Colt had Luna stay with her outside the castle there was 10k food in the warehouse Colt took when colt when out of the castle and kill the lord congratulations you have kill a lord and acquire the Bloodline of wyverns. Good then Colt when to the castle of the troll there was not live prisoners there the troll have eaten every one colt got 20k low grade magic crystals, 10k wood and 5k iron.Colt then walk out of the castle and kill the Troll lord congratulations you have kill a lord. Then Cotl when into the one of the castles in the middle and begin to search the castle Colt and Diamond found in the dungeon and and sevants quarters 30 female lycan tie up once Colt got to the lords chamber he found a woman tie up and naked Colt ungag her are you the lord yes please do not hurt me what type of troops do you have light elementals she responded. What your username light queen123 Colt found her and sent her a friend request you will be getting a friend request from mighty1920 accept it Colt untie her she accepted it them Colt told her to go in and request to become his vassal ok she but the request in and Colt accept it get dress yes my lord she responded that not right if you going to use my title it is king. And he walk away when he left the castle he told Luna that when the lord comes down to have her take you up with the captives and get some clothing on them yes master. Then Colt and Diamond when the rest of castle and Colt found 200,000 low grade magic crystals.Colt kill the 6 other lords and get the Bloodline for the dark,ice,water,lightning,fire,wind,and earth elements and acquire a special blue print for an energy cannon and energy towers. The energy cannon can hit anywhere in my territory and the energy towers are defense towers that go on the walls and will automatically attack enemies. Then Colt when into the last castle and release everyone he found but they when not really doing anything so Colt when up to the lords chamber and ungag the female what are your troops they are nymphs so that why they are not moving yes. So I am going to untie you that your username lady of the woods 832 you will see a friend request from mighty1920 accept it when it came up. Ok I accept it then go in your system and request to become my vassal. Ok she did it and Colt accept it get dress and you troops dress and meet me out front of your castle. When Colt walk out he see the light lord waiting for him your name it is Ellie ok Ellie is there anything you want from your castle or anything you keep that you brought will you. Not those asshole took everything from me ok.Colt walk up and a prompt came up do you want to disassemble your vassal castle yes and with what her castle disappeared. What happened she ask I disassemble it once we are back I will build a new one in my territory. Then the other lord with her troops came to meet Colt what is your name Colt ask it is


my lord she said and bow to him. If you going to use my title it is king king Colt is there anything you want from you castle no I am really to leave and never look back goo Colt when and disassemble Audrey

castle. Can ether of yous fly Constance said no and Ellie said yes ok it will be night soon. So listen up everyone yous can not fly will be carry by my troops it will be about 1 hour them we will be in my kingdom from there we can figure out where yous can go. Ok let's go. Colt and everyone got into his territory by 20:00. They landed in the city square it is late there is an inn here Colt pointed to the elders can over these are my elders they will get yous rooms for the night.

Audrey and Ellie you will come with me and your troop will come too yous will stay in my guess chamber for the night and tomorrow we will go over everything but I am tried and what to go to bed.