Colt fly back to his room before the sun rises so everything is set so we should be able to get everything and leave by middle day. Colt hear something at the door he ordered the undead to go back into storage.Colt hear the lock get picked and the door opens slowly. Then 5 figures sneak inside the room once they are past the door Colt used magic to close the door and make light it the room.The intruders wore all black as soon as they realized that Colt had the drop on them that attack him.They were weaker then Colt and he kill 4 of the 5. Colt healed the fifth one and took the mask off to find out it was a female demi-human a cat type. Colt use creation magic to make I head band that make it impossible to use magic and hand cuff,shackles,and a harness setup to fully secure this attacker so Colt could interrogate her to find out why that attack him. Colt strip her down to just her panties to make sure she did not have any weapons witch he found afew as he was striping her he also make a gag and stuck it in her mouth so she would not be able to scream. Then he woke her up at first she tried to stretch but quickly realized she was restrained and gag she was in the dark so she knew she must have a hood on she tried to get her restraints off but realized she could not and that her magic was sealed. Once she stop pulling at her restraints Colt pick her up and put her on a chair. She struggle alittle but then stop when she realized she was not going to get free. Colt took her hood off she realized the person they were aspost to kill was alive and have captured her. I am going to take the gag out and you are going to behave as soon as Colt remove the gag she started to scream after a minute Colt hit her so hard it broke her jaw he then heal it . And look at her there is a barrier up so I does not matter not one will hear your scream. Colt ask her questions and she refused to answer after about an hour of interrogate her nothing. Colt will give her one chance you ether start talking or I will put a slave crest on you. You can not do that yes a can. Will you talk never and she spit on him. Colt shove the gag back into her mouth and Colt threw her on the bed and remove her panties then ungag her will you talk fuck you. No Colt tighten the handcuffed and shackles so they dig into her skin and he proceeds to fuck her an both holes and cast contract magic that burns into her soul afterwards Colt ungag her and questioned her he found out that she was part of an elite assassin's. They heard of how much gold he had and they where going to kill him and take his gold. Is there bounty on yous yes.Good when the sun comes up we can collect the bounties on them and see what to do with they do wil you normally i would be executed but since someone inslave me I will probably not be executed but force to remain your slave . It is sun rises let's go here Colt handed her some clothing I will take you to get some clothing. Colt look at her what your name.Ines sir okay Ines we are first going to the adventurer guild. When they enter Colt walk up to the front desk how can I help you. I am here to collect bounties Colt pull the body out his storage. The clerk look at there faces these are members of the black assassin's here a 1,000 gold coins bounties on each and here 4 there 5 Colt pointed the Ines is one too but she was not being cooperative when I was interrogating her she was refused to answer my questions so Colt pull on her shirt showing her slave crest. You use contract magic and force her it submit and answer your questions yes. Okay let me get the guild master. The guild master came to Colt Mr Colt so I heard you have killed 4 black assassin's and make one your slave. Yes can I see the slave crest Colt told Ines to show him so she took her shirt off the guild master look at the crest that not a normal crest you know the most powerful contract magic. Put your shirt back on and she did it. I will tell the prince when I get in contact with him that 4 assassin's was kill and a fifth will never be a problem again. Thank you here is 4,000 gold if they will pay for her bounty it will be added to your tab . Okay thank you let's go. Colt when got a link we are here good I be there in a minute there 40 people there Colt walk up to the guard captain sir they are with me Colt motion for Delilah to show him her crest witch she did. Ooo they are your slaves yes they came to help me get everything I bought. They can pass then. Colt told everyone we are going to the auction and then to the wagons shop then to the slave hall then back to the livestock sales. Colt bought 20 beef steers,20 dairy cows,60 goats,20 pigs,36 sheep,200 chickens,10 horses and 10 oxen. Colt and party took the horses and the oxen and when to the wagon shop and got the wagons 2 carriage, 3 covered wagons, 3 open wagons, 2 of the oxen cover wagon,and 3 one horse cover wagons. They hook every thing up then stop at the leather smith got the saddles of the horses and 5 for the bicorns. Then when to the slave hall got the slaves and the magic beast the cerberus and the golems followed Colt orders and the rest on of the girls grab then they went back to the livestock sales and loaded the wagons with the caged animals like the chicken, sheep,pigs,and goats. Colt also get more 200 bags of chicken feed,300 bags of oats,200 bale of hay and 300 bales of straw. In total the livestock sale cost 60 gold coins. So Colt gained 2,000 gold coins with the rewards he collected.Colt when with them to the teleport gate and told the to get Elizabeth to get everyone settled and he told Delilah to handle the dragonborn fallin angel and the two succubus. Colt sent half of his undead though the gate and when back to the city and when in the guild and took 5 different jobs to deal with the undead the first 4 was just simple undead as soon as they see and scents Colt that bow to him and addresses him as king but the 5th one attack Colt. Colt kill a zombie and got a notification that he kill a lords troops so the zoombie a lord troop nice. Colt seach the surrounding area then he found a village when Colt checked the village there was no one there. I wonder what happened Colt continues to look then I found a hut alittle aways a way there was a fox girl there when she seen Colt she scream I not here to hurt you I am adventurer see he show her his name plate. What happened here the village was attacked afew days ago I think everyone was kill then turn it to zombies by a human. How did you escape? Because they did not adventure to far from the village because I am a half breed I was not allowed to live in the village . So you survive because of them being assholes and not letting you in the village save you. What will you do I do not know. I will be coming back though here I can take you somewhere at you will be welcome at think about it. But I'm a half breed half fox half demon. The kingdom of freedom do not care what you are all are welcome as equals. Colt ask her what way did the zombies come from the east good on going to press forward.Colt found the lords castle the lord was in the throne room on the system so you kill an entire village for troops . Do you know who I am no and I do not care I am an undead lord. Point look at your status there is 20 others.Will correction now 15 how do you know wait only 15 yes I have kill 3 and one submit to me and one change out there Bloodline of something else.You are a lord yes and I am here to kill you my alliance is on there way that a plus for me then.Colt use curse and lightning magic to knock him out then Colt look around the castle there was no one in the castle so Colt empty his warehouse and then Colt kill him congratulations you have kill a lord an acquired Bloodline of undead do you want to absorb yes congratulation you have acquired undead Bloodline of zombies you can now summon zombie though summon undead and from the barracks and all troops that can summon can now summon zombies. Just then a fire ball almost hit Colt and Colt seen 4 lords a ice dragon,gaint ants,earth fairly,and gaint lords appear did you kill Rony if that was the zombies lord yes. Why he kill an entire village just for fun. So you an adventurer half right and you are a lord now you are right. I will kill you the gaint lord troops attack Colt but Colt kill then quickly wit his sword.If you done want to die leave are you part of an alliance yes the watchers. As soon as the dragon lord heard that you mean the top alliance.What that impossible there only 3 of us in it. Colt look at it in his system who are you ask the dragon lord my name is Colt no your username name I not telling. Ether we will kill the other one or we will leave each other alone and part ways. For today we will leave but Tony no we will not be able to defeat him he is stronger than us. Good judgment Tony what your username flame knight 25 I will remember you as far as the rest of yous if I ever find your castles yous will die at my hands.Colt left . We could have take him no he in the top alliance.And the alliance is not even full how you know it shows if the alliance is full or not and that alliance is not full. Once Colt was back at the hut so are you coming with me or staying there. I will go with you what you name it is Bronya okay Bronya let's go Colt put her on the bicorn and the Colt climb on it we will stop in the city so we can report to the guild about what happened in your village then we will be going to my kingdom okay yes sir.