Colt wake up at 5:00 the girls where all exhausted from last night and Lune and Aurora have new crest on their chest. Colt decided to go to Delilah room he when in her room and climbed on top of her she jumped but Colt had his hand on her mouth master that are you doing here I'm here to use you. Mmmmm master Delilah I'm going to get up I want you to get up and strip yes master. Delilah did as he ordered the Colt walk up behind her and cuff her hands behind her back and cuff her feet then make her her down to her knees and suck him when he was close he had her stand up and take him in her ass hard.After cuming in both her holes he uncuffed her and lay with her in her bed and fall back to sleep.Colt wait up at 09:00 stit Diamond are with the princess yes go---------- Diamond get the princess to her troops tell them she may be in danger. Though the link sound the alarm before Diamond could say anything the bells began to ring that going on lady Diamond we need to get you to your troops now King Colt just had the alarm sounded I do not even know but half the troops are following the king to the northeast and the remaining are in massing here.Once Colt got to the border there was a group of holy knights about 500 what do you want Draco was the first one there that can talk great king Draco of the coatyl dragons we are here because there was a new oracle born here. And who are you I am priestess Eudora of the holy empire. My king it a priestess and her holy knights if you show up with your wings they may mistake you for a fallen angel.If that attack I will kill them. As soon as they seen Colt the holy knights got ready to attack but the priestess yell do not attack the great judge when the knights heard that they drop there swords and knelt before Colt why are yous here my name is priestess Eudora I came to meet the new oracle in our ranks so you are also an oracle yes. I currently have a demon princess on them territory will not hurt come to her or her troops as long as they do not attack us we will not attack them. Draco watch them when I am ready for them Lady Diamond will come for her and her troops yes my king. Colt flew off. Priestess who is that man the angel of death.Colt got back to the castle it was 10:30. Diamond have princess Amaymonil meet me in the meeting hall in 30 minutes. Did you and the princess eat breakfast yes my lord ok. Elizabeth have the kitchen make me up a light breakfast for me and snacks for the princess and her advisors and have lunch ready at 12:00 and have it all served in the meeting hall yes master and have Bronya come to the meeting hall at 11:10 yes master. When Colt walk into his room Lune and Aurora was still there you two follow me Colt link Luna and Ivy to meet he after assign them room he told Luna to help Lune and Ivy to help Aurora. And Aurora Ivy I want both of yous in the meeting hall in a hour dress nicely understood yes master they both answered. Colt link Diamond and Elizabeth to get any paperwork he needs to go over and put it in the meeting room. Colt message Crystal and Jimmy to be in the meeting hall dress nicely to meet an envoy. Colt link Delilah to get all the vassal lord and bring them to the meeting hall. When Colt walk into the meeting hall he was the first one there Elizabeth brought the food Colt ask for. Shortly after Princess Gehenna and general Amaymoni walk in with 5 other. King Colt these man are my advisors Colt got up gentlemen welcome please have a seat will can start meeting soon there are still afew people miss. Do yous happen to know about lords from another world. Yes the princess said. Princess Gehenna that a realm secret how can you.Gabriel if he asks he knows about them. What yous know about them they are powerful and can control different troops type. Are you not one yourself king Colt you are very observant Amaymoni. I am and two other lords in my alliance and have 6 lords as my vassals. So considering your troops you are an undead lord I was but not now.Princess Gehenna look at him did you switch your Bloodline no it evolved. You mean you evolved it to the angel of death. Amaymoni reply everyone look at Amaymoni. General that not something to just say. Amaymoni look that the advisors are any of yous old enough to have seen the last angel of death. No exactly I have and once you feel that aura you never forget it. And since king Colt not denying it that also answers the question. Just them Crystal and Jimmy walk in.Crystal and Jimmy have a seat. Let me introduce Jimmy wyvern lord and Crystal harpy lord. This is Princess Gehenna and general Amaymoni and her advisors. Are these two the one in your alliance yes. Just then Ivy and Aurora walk in sorry for our interrupting. And the walk over to Colt and Ivy sat on Colts lap Aurora stand behind Colt. King Colt you have multiple succubus in your harem yes. That must be very taxing. General Amaymoni laughed if it is it do not show in the battlefield. You have fought the king before his troops he was busy killing another lords troops 50,000 elements creatures and 5 lords. So for the prisoners have you heard anything princess yes my father agreed with you and the territory he also agreed with you but there is land we have claimed and been used for the past few hundred years. Then it is yours and if for some reason it would be surrounded by my land or if an enemy attacks and surrounds it if my land is up against yours I will allow citizens of the territory leave though my lands and I will allow supply though if we are not fighting the same enemy but no troops will be allowed. How about your troops in that area if they surrender to my troops they will be my prisoners. And for a fee that can be returned. Again General Amaymoni laughed what so funny ask an advisor? So you will stay neutral in the conflict but be on the line of siding with us. Yes I will do that for anyone in on friendly relations with. Because I do not want to watch the innocent be kill of not reason. Currently I'd there any wars going on yes the demon are at war with the beastkin and the seaforks. The seaforks are fighting everyone but the human and the angels. And the beastkin are also fighting the demi-humans,elfs,and goblins. Goblins are fighting demi-humans, dragons, elfs,human,and the dwarves. That good to know.Bronya walk in and walk over to Colt. You ok yes my king good Colt have a chair brought up and put next to him. So this is the new oracle princess ask yes she is a rare one a 9 tail fox. This is very good for your kingdom King Colt with an oracle your kingdom or empire is recognized by the gods.All of a sudden Bronya eyes growing even without an oracle we recognized this man as a king of an empire because he have challenged the gods and forsake of the innocent of this world even though he is not from this world. He have been chosen to become the new god of judgment. Then her eyes clear up. King I Colt shook his head that your job you are to speak the words of the gods. If there not else for now let eat and we can continue talks. After lunch they continue talks about trade and building road. Talks was done at 16:00 king Colt I will be leaving immediately to return to my realm. Until we meet again. Princess Gehenna and her envoy left the castle at 17:00 and by 21:00 they were our of his territory. Colt when to the front of the castle and summon, disassemble, and collected everything.
114k iron,1.8m stone,40k copper ore,1.44m copper coins 20k silver ore,1,200 gold ore,900k wood,24k mithril ore,240 opal,700 rabbit furs,3,300 deer leather,3,300 boar leather,1,800 boar tusks,1,950 wolf furs,1,600 wolf fangs,50,450 low grade magic crystals, 300 medium grade magic crystals and 50k food.Ok let's upgrade Guardians of the dead level 11,Shrine of the dead level 3, dungeon,outer walls, stables, pastures,and hall of races to level 5.
City level 5
Territory 17 square miles
Territorial 28 square miles
Castle level 5/50
Dungeon level 5/50
Barracks level 10/25
Shrine of the dead level 3/10
Guardians of the dead level 11/25
Forge level 5/50
Residents quarters level 5/50
Blacksmith level 2/25
Inter Walls level 4/50
Outer walls level 5/50
Energy towers inter level 2 / 25
Energy towers outer level 2 / 25
Energy cannon level 2/25
Farms level 5/50
Iron mine level 5/50
Mithril mine 2/25
Stone query 5/50
Lumber woods/sawmill 5/50
Warehouse level 5/50
Granary level 4/50
Leather Smith level 2/25
Weapon Smith level 2/25
Armory level 2/25
Siver mine level 5/ 50
Gold mine level 5/50
Coin Smith level 5/50
Copper mine level 5/50
Gem stone mine level 2/25
Dead fortress level 2/25
Hall of races level 5/50
City square level 4/50
Teleport gate level 4/50
Great library level 2/25
Mage tower level 2/25
Great shield level 4/50
Pastures land level 5/50
Treasury level 4/50
Jewelry Smith level 2/25.
Orchard level 5/50
Alchemy workshop 4/50.
Stable level 5/50.
My king there lord near a demi-humans town it appears the lord been attacking villages of human and demi-humans and using them as slaves the male are being use to mine and gather wood and food and the female for the lord pleasure. What type of troops do the lord have Drop bears my king.
This lord been attacking every day how many bears about 300 Okay I am on my way. My king the lord is feeding his bears anyone that do not listen to him and it looks like when he is done using a girl he let the bears eat them. How many of yous are there there is 10 of us. Attack the bears and try to save the people. I will be there in afew minutes. The angels attack the drop bears and where overwhelmed afew minutes later the lord came out to see some of his bears where dead that a hell he looked and see the 10 angels fighting the bears the lord cast earth magic at the angel stopping there attack just to watch 50 of his bears engulfed in black flames. Unknown to Colt there was soldiers from the human realm about 1,000 with the support of 200 mages. Colt look at the lord that your name it is Mateo and yours Colt you like me we can join forces and do as we please no you have kill for no reason you rape and torture for fun I have nothing in common with you. Mateo try to surprise attack Colt but in one swift move the bears Mateo have attack Colt was cut in half and Mateo was on the ground coughing up blood then Colt use flame magic and on the bears until they where almost dead. Then stop it yous angels can kill them and watch him. Colt when in the castle and found there was some people in the dungeon he freed them and told them to go out side with the rest of the people Colt look in the warehouse and found 30k low grade magic crystals and that was it. When Colt found in the lord chamber there was 5 woman in chain Cotl freed then and heal there injuries can yous walk yes good yous are free let get out of here. Once they got back out Colt walk over to Mateo now you die. Colt use flame magic and hit Mateo with a fire ball and watch him burn to death. Congratulations you have killed a lord you have acquired a special blueprint and have acquired bonus barrack drop bears barracks. After Colt kill the lord turn to the people he just saved yous have two choices you can come with me to the kingdom of freedom and start anew or I can take yous to the closest village. One of the younger man ask what did he mean that you where like him. We came here from the same place at the same time but I do not enough killing those weaker then myself what kind of warrior attacks a child. But you kill him. Do you kill a stray dog for no reason? No answer the man how about a rabit dog? Yes if the dog gone rabit you need to exactly. That what I just did.
Colt yell out loud yous do not have to hide. A large group of soldiers came out of the wood one of the villagers said they are soldiers of the kingdom of Brosal. And you are a soldier ask Colt advance scout time for the kingdom of freedom. There is no just kingdom one of the soldier say. There is a new kingdom by that name the Captain said to the soldier the kingdom of Alexander is in talks with when and the oracle just told us that the kingdom of freedom just got an oracle of their own. But I do not believe you to be part of a scout party. Believe that you want. Just them Jimmy came with his wyverns. You need help Colt no I have it under control. Always the so reckless I can not help it. So we going to fight or go our separate ways we will go our separate ways. There was 300 human and 400 demi-humans the demi-humans all then with Colt and 100 humans the rest when with the troops of Brosal. After walking for a hour they came to the gate we will go though there and be at my kingdom. Is it safe ask one of the villagers watch Colt walk in and about a minute later he walk back out of it it is safe let's go. Once they all when through Colt escort them to the inn for the night yous will stay her tomorrow morning the elders and the people in charge of placing yous in houses and jobs will get with yous breakfast is between 5:00 and 8:00 in the messhall witch is the building next to this one. See everyone tomorrow good night. Once Colt was in his castle he when it Edward castle when Colt walk in one for the werewolve king Colt what can we help you with tonight get your master tell him I am here and as long as he have clothes on just come straight down. Edward came down wear shorts and that it what up Colt here Colt handed him a crystal that is a bonus barrack you can build it and upgrade it for more troops great Edward use it right a way and summon the drop bears they will definitely buff up my power good have a nice night you to Colt. Colt decided to summon his troops and then go to bed he summon his troops from the barracks but he seen a weird looking zoombie then Colt look at it o stit it the zoombie general.
zoombie general
Level 1/ 80 can level up by killing enemies
Strength -6
Health- immortal as long as soul fire burns
Loyalty -never betrayed
Active skills- battle roar level 1
Battle roar will buff troops for 5 minutes buffs depends on the troops 10MP
Passive skills- perm assemble level 3
Zoombie up max level
As long as the soul fire burns zombie willreassemble.Time will be determined by how much damage have been done to the zoombie
Zoombie up unlock all zoombie level to level 60 cap and boost all zoombie strength by 5 and agilly by 2
You name will be Charles thank you my king for the name I will bring honor to you. Colt then when to his chamber to find Delilah, Ivy,and Luna waiting for him.