Day 33 peace or war with the elf realm

So this is the elf king he look young but elfs age slowly. Colt motion and 4 of his damned solder brought out a beautiful chair out if I would have been bigger one may have thought it was a throne and said. King Acer it must have been a long journey here please sit. Thank you King Colt I will. You look surprised king Acer. I am that we know of there is not aspost to be anything here but a ruins of the old fae realm. You are correct Colt said when I came here there was nothing but ruins. King Acer what do you know of the castles that just appeared about 30 days ago. Well king Colt we know that each castle have a people that control the castle and a particular type of troop it is random what the troops are it can be as simple as a mosters or it can be extremely advanced like a dragon or even demi-humans,demon,demi-humans,beastkin and elfs. The lords as we call them powerful or weak it just depends on the lord.And how are you handling them that depends on them answer King Acer if they are hostile we kill them if they are wise enough to want to talk we see what we can negotiate with them. There been about 20 we have come across and so far we kill 15 and 5 are serving the realm.Serving the realm ask Colt. Yes king Colt 3 have strong troops so we have them join our army. And the other to have weaker troops one is helping kill mosters in the realm. And the other is working in one of our mines. How about you king Colt that a tricky question being one it hard to decide what to do. But so far I am in an alliance with 3 and have 8 as vassal lords. Colt look at king Acer and he was shocked you are telling me that you have 11 in your ranks. Yes that king Acer look at Colt wait you are a lord from another world. So what is your goal it this world then. That is simple king Acer to live a comfortable and quiet life but to realize my deepest desires I will make the peace with my own power so I will not be at the whims of others.So to make it reality you will use the old fae realm as your own and create a new realm. Yes the realm of freedom everyone is equal you are not judged or limited because of your race but rather by your actions and deeds. And slavery is illegal in the realm. What do you meet ask king Acer. You can not buy slaves in the kingdom and if you are a subject of the kingdom it is illegal to own any. If someone from a different realm comes into the kingdom with slaves nothing will be done. But if slavers are found in the kingdom they will be imprisoned and make into slave. Just then a maid came out with a platter with two upside down wine glasses and a bottle of wine she flip one over and handed it to Colt the open the wine and pour it in his glass then when down to king Acer. She curtsy to king Acer. Then ask king Acer would you care for some wine yes it will be nice he watch as she flip the wine glass over and handed to him empty and when he have it in his hand she poured it in his glass. Then Colt said to king Acer I how this wine is to your liking my subjects are trying to make a fine wine but they have not master it but this was some of the best they make so they give it to me as a gift. King Acer drink alittle it have some way to go before this will be a fine wine. But it not bad it needs to be aged and check with them if the barrels they uses are charcoal or not.If they are not have then burn them until they are black then wash them out good.So king Acer what have the elf realm decided will they ask for peace or

will they declared war. We want peace answer king Acer but there a problem. What is the problem ask Colt. In the realm I do not have complete control the elf lords serve me but they are able to do as they please. 90% of them are obedient but some are on the line of being traitor to the crowd. So you are saying you do not have complete control of the lords yes answer King Acer. And the other world lords that are there troops a titan lord,a demon lord,a fire elf, unicorn lord,and a dwarf lord. So king Colt we would like to give you 10,000 gold coins and my youngest daughter. Your youngest daughter what do you mean. It simple king Colt my youngest daughter Elven will stay here and become one of your concubine.Your youngest daughter will never be queen. Is that something she will be okay with being a concubine for the rest of her life. Colt look at princess Elven and ask her princess Elven are you okay with this become one of my concubine for the rest of your life. Without looking at him she answered yes I am okay with the arrangement I always knew that I will ether become a concubine or be forced to marry a king from a weak kingdom or a lord because I am the youngest of 13 children. Colt got up and walk down to her and put his hand under her chin and make you look him in the eyes are you sure about this yes she said looking him it the eyes. Colt see in her eyes that she have no regards or fears but was determined to do her duty for her people fairly well. I will accept the money and princess Elven as reretribution for the attack on my kingdom. Now king Acer what else do you want to talk about. Colt sat back down on his throne. I will like to sign a peace treaty,a trade agreement,finalize the border, and sign a defense pact.That a lot but why king Acer. It simple king Colt you want peace correct. Yes so the border for us is easy we never claim any of the fae realm land when it was destroyed so we still have the old border. So that is done for my realm. The trade agreement will be beneficial for both I have access of rare materials and you have mithril. There is only 3 mithril mines in the world one in the demon realm,one in the dwarven realm, and the last in the human realm.And you are not on good terms with them no the demon want to destroy our woods,the humans want our people of slaves and the dwarves want us to clear our lands and dam our rivers for production. And we will not do or allow any of it. And the defense pact it will allow my people to escape to your kingdom if we are over run and then we will not have to worry about our border with you. That sounds good Colt said so they both sign the treaty and the pacts. Afterwards Colt and king Acer when to the grandhall and eat dinner and talk some more. After dinner Colt offer king Acer rooms for him and his advisors in the castle for the night the Acer accepted them and was showing to them after dinner.Elven was show to her new chamber by Ivy and Colt told Ivy show her how to use the temanal and to help her get ready for tonight and bring her to his chamber. After showing Elven the temanal Ivy ask if she will need any help to get ready no Elven said if you need anything I will be outside but before she could walk away Elven grab her arm please do not leave. Ok I will stay. What will the king like will he be happy with my body. I can help you pick something out and the master is not picky about how your body looks.