About 30 minutes later Elven was really instead of wearing a gown she was wearing a light dress that look like it would not restricted her moments with a leather corset armor and leather boots. Wow what ask Elven Colt was just staring at her you look beautiful say Colt. Thank you are you ready to go Elven.Yes my king okay let's go when they got to the stables the 2 carriages where ready. We will meet the rest of the caravan at the current border. Colt are you ready Blossom,Edward and Ellie was waiting at the stables with the bicorns already hook up to the carriages. Blossom,Edward,and Ellie will be in one carriage and me and Elven will be in the other. We will go to the first village we probably have to stay at the first village. We will have 1,000 cavalry escorting us there will be 2 damned solders on the carriages. I will have 300 ravens scouting ahead and the dragon will be in the rear let go. They left at 16:00 two hours later they when in the first village. When they arrive the villagers did not know what to do the cavalry encircled the village then about about 50 came back to the carriages a skeleton cavalry grab the reins and the damned soldier climbed down the second carriage doors opened and Blossom, Edward and Ellie climbed out just then fallen angel and werewolves came into the village and Ellie summon 300 elements then the damned soldier when and opened the first carriage door Colt climbed out then help Elven down. Thank you my King. Just doing what any gentleman would do. Colt walk over to the villagers I would like to talk to your village chef. Afew minutes later a younger woman came to Colt I am the village chef my name is Calantha you are very young for a village chef my father was kill in a bandit attack about 2 years ago I became the after his death. I am king Colt of the kingdom of freedom the reason I am there is because I want to make this village part of my kingdom. If we say no then we will leave I will not use force on peasants killing the weak to make them submit to me does not excite me or sounds like fun. Want will you require from us small amount of taxes from the village it can be paid with in coins or resource it will be 10 copper a year for every adult up to the age of 60 after 60 no taxes. What ! Yell Calantha you won't make children or the elderly pay taxes. No the elderly should not have to worry about taxes they should only be worry about passing their wisdom down to the youth and the children should not have to work from the time that can walk there nothing wrong with children working to buy something they want or to help the family but not for my taxes and it low because I want my subjects to stay in my kingdom and grow I have a sales tax I will make you pay of selling stuff in my kingdom 5% for every 20 copper coins you make selling I want one for the day so if in a day you sell 200 copper coins I want 10 copper coins. And if you accept I will but a new road to my city in the north and my troops will start protecting the village they will kill and bandits that try to attack yous and any mosters your hunter can not handle let them know. There afew things to know in my kingdom all races are equal and welcomed human,fairly, demihumans , beastkin, elfs, demon, half breed, goblins and another. Racism is not allowed and slavery is not allowed in the kingdom. There a goblin s settlement close by they have been helping us for a while will they be able to come to the village as long as they will accept my terms yes I have a question ask a villagers ask your question we do not normally use coins we just trade goods then you will continue to do so and once a year you will just give 10 copper worth of supplies to the taxes collector. If anyone wants to become solders there is a normal army in the kingdom of freedom there is about 2,000 people in the city of beginning and there is 25 normal soldiers. Calantha sent a villager to the goblins to tell them about what is going on the goblins was there with in 20 minutes the goblins was at the village so there was about 200 villagers and about 100 goblins Colt told the goblins the same thing is he told the the villagers and the next thing Colt knows all the goblins kneeled down and say hail to king Colt and the kingdom of freedom. The elder of the goblins started to cry Colt ask elder what wrong. There is a legend that there will come a king that will revive the dead realm with one that everyone will live hand and hand with no hatred. The king will be just and kind but can also be ruthless and
relentless to his enemies. Colt found out that the goblins realm never exist before the fall of the fall of the fae kingdom the goblins realm was originally parts of fae elf and demi-humans realms the goblins realm capital city was a border city on the fae side of the border. Colt look at Elven is that true yes the goblin realm is an infestation of goblins the elf realm and demi-humans realm decided it was not worth the troops at first 300 hundred years ago to do anything but now they are too strong to do anything but we have heard the new goblin king is a idiot that is trying to turn all the goblins into warriors. So alot are running away from the realm. Have yous been having trouble with slimes and rabbit mosters there been some abnormally strong rabbit mosters and been sightings of cerberus. By the way what is this village called it is Howe my king. Okay i will going and investigate the slimes and the sightings Ellie and Blossom I want yous to set up camp just to the east of the village I am assuming yous do not have a inn. No we do have an inn there are about 10 rooms we will take them all the how much 3 copper a piece here here 100 we will be needing stables of the bicorns and dinner if the inn serves it they do but this is too much no it not answer Colt if we own any more just let me know Colt message Crystal I want to to flyover to the village I'm at quickly ok and bring all your troops. Ok be there in 30 minutes. Colts ravens found the slime lord and was surprised to find 2 other lords with him and in the south there was 2 castle found. I will go to the north first Colt told Edward you will come with me. The rest will wait here for Crystal. Elven ran after Colt what do you think you are doing I am coming with you I want to see you in action. Even though I am your concubine I am still an elfin princess. And if I can tell my father and first bother about your strength in battle it could help them with the lords that think we should just attack you. Okay but stay close to me yes my king Edward once we are close to the castle I will let you deal with them I will let you know if we are killing them or not. Okay I will follow your orders boss man.