Day 41 the lords,vampire, and the demi-human

Back at Reform Colt decided to go meet with the demi-human Colt flew to the north east and found where the crow demi-humans where at. Colt landed and walk over to them I am Colt king of the kingdom of freedom and who may all of you be we are crow people we do not have a village we are constantly on the run because most people ether want to kill us or want to catch us and make us slaves to sell us for high prices how do you know I will not. Because we have heard all about you king Colt you are a fearsome warrior but a just man. And you protected one of our people and where willing to go to war to do it. So why did you want to see me. We would like to become subjects of your kingdom. How many of yous are there this is all of us like I said we have no village we are constantly moving because of the dangers we are in all the time we try not to have children so we all adults and the old ones that can not keep up know we can not slow down usually go there separate way. Fairly well you want to become subjects I will have yous go to the capital city of hope Colt summon some undead angels follow the angel and they will show you to way. All but one flew off is there something on your mind. He knee before Colt please save my family tell me what happened. About 7 months ago when look for food my baby sister was caught by human slavers they rape her multiple times be for we found her and kill them. But they impregnate her before we killed them. I have a question for you are you ready crow demi-humans you remind me of beastkin Colt said. My king we are pretty much beastkin but unlike beastkin or normal demi-human there no way to know what we will be born as. If too beastkin looking crow have a child it may turn out to be the demi-human looking crow. I see but other demi-human that will not happen yes my king. So your sister is a demi-human looking one yes my king. She can not fly anymore so my parents stay with her and to me to go. So you want me to find her yes I know in your kingdom her and her child will be safe you suggested to your leader to come to me. Yes but we all wanted it almost everyone in my group have mates we want to have children with. But the females once they are on the last few months they can not fly. I understand when did you see her last 3 days ago to the east Colt ordered all the ravens to go and search for her. I have troops looking for her thank you my king and he flew off to join his group. Now for the vampires Colt when over to the vampires Colt told his undead to have a group of undead angel bring Ambrosia to him once Colt got there he see 100 daywalker vampires waiting for him. Colt landed and walk over to the what business do yous have in my kingdom I already sent my reply to your king. We do not serve the false king we are here to collect our true leader queen Ambrosia. That is not going to happen princess Ambrosia is a concubine and is not leaving if you do not release her right now we will take her back by force. I would love to see you try. The vampire attack Colt and his troops but got pushed back so the strongest vampire use his domain Colt notice it affects his troops but for him it was not as effective. Colt used his domain that cause all the vampires to drop to there knees coughing up blood and Colts troops could move with no issues. Just then Ambrosia got there she was going to run over to Colt but the undead stop her if you go to the king you will be affected by his domain what Colt can use a domain my king can use two different ones but this is his unique one death domain. My king please do not kill them Ambrosia yell. Colt release his domain come over here Ambrosia yes my king she came over to he and knee next to him do you know these vampires yes my king they use to serve me before I was trapped. I thought all you troops where kill in the trap no my king I had a small territory so I kept some of my troops there but after I was missing for 10 years the territory would have been returned to the vampire kingdom. Princess Ambrosia why are you kneeling to his man because he is my king and I am his concubine. But you are the rightful queen I do not want it how about my younger brother he wants it but after the death of your older bother the elders have taken control of the kingdom. What you better not be lying to me everyone noticed that the undead all tensed up and was on guard a rise just then 5,000 undead and 60 zoombie dragons appeared we was going back to the city now. You vampires if you threaten any of my subjects or I find out yous have being lying I will kill yous myself is that understand. Yes we understand. Once they where in the city they where meet by Grathienid and Draco are they coatyl and Amphiptete dragons. The vampires where surprised so yous are telling me that elders are in charge yes. And king Seraphina is not a true vampire king no there no elders with that name and prince name is Lestat. So who sent them. Grathienid and Draco I want yous and 10 of each of your troops to go to the vampire kingdom and talk to these elders yes my king they both answered. I want 50,000 troops to come to Rehull and all troops are to be on high alert. Ambrosia yes my king you are to stay in the city yes my king Elle yes Colt you are to stay with Ambrosia yes my king Ellie do not do that yes my lord. Colt left. Princess Ambrosia will you ready stay with that man yes. Very well we will see if he will let us serve him if you do that yous must swear to me you will protect him with your lives I really almost lost him once I can not take it if something would happen to him I would not be able to go on we understand Princess we will.Colt ,Crystal and Jimmy left the city and make their way to the lords. So the lords troops are as follows drakes,cow demi-humans human and reririan. Jimmy what do you want the reririan would be good they can fly with my wyverns. Crystal the drakes so I will take the cows. Once they got there the other lords were surprised. How are you the drake lord ask we are lords just like you and we are here for one reason you can either submit to us and become vassal to us or die there on other options. The three lords agreed to submit after Crystal, Jimmy and Colt told them their username the cow demi-humans piss herself Daisy what wrong they are the watchers. What the most powerful alliance in the world where is the rest of there members that ant any there only three that just how powerful they are. Question yes ? Sorry your name Everest I am the drake lord who is your leader both Crystal and Jimmy said Colt so the one that did not bring any troops is the leader of the watchers he probably the strongest lord in the world.after the vassal contracts where finish. Now do you have anything in your castle servants or anything from our home world no they all answered why because we will destroy your castle here and rebuild then next to our own so can we destroy the they all said yes. They destroy the castle the drake lord have 60 troops and they are fire drakes, the cow demi-human lord have 100 troops and the reririan lord have 200. What your name Fisher said the reririan lord. Yous will now follow us after 2 hours they go to the city and they got the the undead navel base we are going through the gate okay they walk though the gate and Crystal and Jimmy said they good byes. Okay Daisy follow me they when to the back and Daisy see alot of castle here so be good and a castle appears this is your new castle and this small building is your barracks why is it so high it was only level 4 before being it goes off of my barracks level. Just then Myra and Odette showed up.good Myra and Odette this is Daisy she a new vassal lord can you go though everything with her yea we can you leaving again yes there alot to do yet okay. Colt when back to Rehull once Colt got back he eat something and got ready for bed it already 20:00 day was too busy I am done Colt walk into his current bed chamber find Elven sound asleep and Ambrosia up waking up for him can't you sleep Colt promise me to careful I can not lost you as long as one of my troops I'd alive I can not die. Colt please I will be careful. Colt fuck me and make me forget today your wish is my command.