Night 42/Day 43 Undeadkin abilities and Returning to Rehull

Colt grab the undeadkim and pin her against the wall your name it is Lyric. My king so you can sense my presence yes my king I never heard of undeadkin there is two stories of our origin one is we are the offspring of mages that used forbidden magic and they where cursed and their offspring still carry the cursed the other story is the a mage was kill protect his love but he knew she was still in danger for he became a liche so he could continue to protect her and they ended up having children and they are what we call undeadkin and we are all their ancestors. But no for sure answer no my king every well. Come forth and 20 damned soldiers appear that mark you are soldiers of the kingdom of freedom one of the humans say you know the flag of freedom yes me and my husband who was a demi-human was on our way to the kingdom when we where attack by bandits and he was killed and I was enslaved. So you can explain everything to the other but I thought slavery was forbidden in the kingdom it is yous are going to the kingdom as servant of the kingdom after 5 years of living and working in the kingdom you will be free to go and if you have family that wants to come and live in the kingdom they are welcome to. After the 5 years you will be free to do as you please you can stay in kingdom or leave the kingdom. And if we try to leave you will become criminal slaves and be kept in chains did the work no one else want to do or dangerous work like mining.For how long minimum 5 years maximum depending on how many times you try to escape and if anyone gets hurt. So I truly how you think about it. I am going to get food and clothes for yous. Colt left and the girl all look at the human what do you know of the kingdom of freedom. It a land that all are welcomed it does not matter you race. Everyone is equal no special treatment because of your race. I have heard the king is a just and fair man. He cares for the well-being of his people. And when it comes to his enemies he will protect his people. Him and his troops have kill 50,000 elfs that attack the kingdom and the king of freedom have a price on his head from the black dager gang he have killed about 10,000 but I heard that the king just destroyed a black dager base and kill 60,000 bandits. Just them the undead when and grab the girls and force them in to the next room just then the door opens and bandits rush the room only to be met by the danmed soldiers stit they are undead and they have a kingdoms crest on them stit the bandits attack the damned soldiers but they could not break though them the danmed soldiers manage to kill most of them the rest ran away but the noise cause people to come and see that happen some mages came over and the same merfork from before the mages where going to attack until the merfork yell at them do not attack them they are soldiers of a kingdom look at their arms the mages look do you know that crest yea that the crest of the kingdom of freedom. You got to be joking they are the ones that kill white beard baby brother yea and the same ones that kill 60,000 members of the black dager gang and kill 50,000 elf troops and an elf lord. Those bastards what should we do nothing look at the room they where in the room before the attack the dead are robbers. Now what we do nothing go tell the front desk. After telling the front desk they send cleaners up the cleaners when in the room and collected the body's and clean up the blood. The cleaners left and closed the door what did we just watch one of the mages ask the merfork I think it better not to think about it. When Colt return to the inn the front desk stop him and told him that someone tried to break in his room and his guards kill them but the inns cleaners collect the bodies and clean up all the blood. Okay Colt when to his room and told the girls to come in the other room. Colt unchained the girls but keep the mana compressing Colt pull out soap shampoo and new clothes you go take baths you all need to. The demon was the first one out so what you planning to use us for me nothing but for the kingdom my advisors will see what skill or talents yous have and give you a job with them in mind. After everyone eat everyone talk Colt when and pull out one of the books he got and started reading it. Lyric came over and ask my king what are you doing am reading. Is it a magic grimoire yes it is a undead grimoite. You really reading a magic grimoire on undead magic. Yes there no reason not to. My king yes Colt look up at Lyric she took off her clothes my king fuck me. Colt look at her come over here and ride my dick you will have to work your release. Colt wake up at 05:00 we need to get ready to return home Colt wake everyone up and told them to get ready we are leaving today. After eating Colt and the girls left the inn and walked into the jungle after walking for a half hour Colt told everyone to stop and Colt have 10 coatyl dragon appear yous are riding these dragons hop on all the girls climb on the dragons and the dragon took off and after another 30 minute they see a black ship the dragons one by one landed on the ship and Colt landed on the ship and told the girls to jump off the dragon we will take the ship back to Rehull. Once on the ship Colt was sitting in the captain quarters when there was a knock on his door enter Colt yell and Lyric walk in want you want Lyric I want your dick inside my pussy my king. Did we not have sex last night yes we did but you where not forceful enough. I was not forceful wait a minute when she was in her restraints she was wet when I push her into the wall stit she like that. Colt told Lyric to take off her clothes then told her to turn around and Colt hand cuff her hands behind her back then pushed her against the wall and slammed his dick into her making her orgasm almost instantly and making her orgasm multiple times before she passed out from all the orgasms. Colt unloaded in her just as she have her hardest orgasm and past out Colt caught her before she could fall and carry her to the bed and uncuffed her. And when back to reading his grimoire.After 4 hours Lyric wake up and look around and she do not remember passing out but then everything came rushing back my king did I pass out before you could have your release no I cum in you just as you had your last orgasm ooo ok she got up and walked over to Colt and drop to her knees and unzip Colts pants what are you doing you make me have so many orgasm but yet I only gave you one I will see if I can not even it out alittle she smiles as she lick and then started sucking Colt off after making him cum she swallow every last drop and she got dress so my king were are we going we are going to the city of Rehull and once we are there we are going to be using a teleport gate to go to my capital city where you and the others will be living and I will have Elizabeth,Maya,Dan and Druz get with yous and see where yous are best suited to work at. And them like I said after 5 years yous can leave but if you want I can bring any family over you want and you can stay in the kingdom. What if I want to be your toy my king I can make you a concubine but my concubine are expected to be more then just sex toys for me I expect them to do something for my kingdom. Being an undeadkin I can boost the stats of undead by using my ability black armor and death blessings. Black armor increases the strength of the undead and death blessings will give a bonus skill to the undead target. But there no set bonus it ranges between undead like the undead soldiers,dragon,and the 3 different one on this ship they all will have different bonus but same type will have the same no matter the level of the Troop or when the bonus is added and it is permanent once they have it they keep it until they are completely destroyed and there soul fire is put out.That good to know. There was a knock on the door sir yes one of the demonkin open the door we are at a dock. Colt got up and Lyric got dress once Colt was on the deck of the ship he look at the girls welcome to Rehull. Colt when over everything with the girls about what going to happen next.