(Author note I have not been able to go through and do alot of editing after writing a chapter so if anything is missing spelling or I used incorrect grammar please let me know and thank for your support and please continue to enjoy.)
Anneliese was so shocked she could not believe that Colt have that much power. Anneliese is there anything besides coins you need. No my king Anneliese tell me the truth what do you need. My king it nothing we need. Okay then what do yous want. My king it an unreasonable request let me be the judge of that. We can use mithril for armor and weapons but there only 3 mines in the word and it is hard to get it. Correction Anneliese there is now 4 and one is here.What there a mithril mine here do that mean yes I can give your village some and later they can by some straight from the kingdom. Colt took 5,000 mithril ore any else no my king just then Diamond came over Colt here is the copper coins you ask for good. Just then 3,000 undead appear this will be the troops going to your town. You ready to go back Yes my king Diamond tell everyone that is joining me on raiding the dungeon to go through the gate and wait on the other side for me yes my king. Colt and Anneliese came back though the gate Colt gave Anneliese the coins and told her to buy supplies from the shops and anyone who works for town pay coins and see if that will help get the coins moving. If not we are just going to gave them to the town people to help get everything moving. Yes my king. Question for you my king are you planning to go to the dungeon yes why it is a natural dungeon all the level boss will regenerate as time goes on. And we do not know how many levels there are and what type or level the mosters are. I will be careful after about 1 hour everyone was at the teleport gate Jimmy, Everest, Elio, Odette, Ellie, and Edward. Nova and Lyric was just walking though the gate. Nova what are you doing here I needed to talk to you. What happened Nova after I left with the dragonborn I when back to my kingdom I have to go in front of the elders tell them how I was beating, enslaved ,bought by you, lost my virginity and ended up giving you my pendant. After a month of bullish and talking the elders decided that I was no longer worthy to be a princess strip of my title disowned by my family and exiled from my land. Then when I was exiled the elders told me that they will not recognizes the kingdom of freedom or you at all. So they are asshole fairly well if they what to fight with me the can I will not back down. We'll before I came back I when to the dragon and they are not in agreement with the dragonborn about you and the kingdom of freedom. They will recognizes your kingdom and it territory rights but they will not sign any alliances or agreement with us right now. That good but why are you here I want to kill something and I heard you where going to a dungeon and I need to blow off some steam. Ok is everyone ready yea good let's go I want to quickly stop at the market then we can go. After getting food Colt and group when to the dungeon be on the look out for others there could be adventurers all ready in the dungeon. They walk into the dungeon the ground floor did not have anything in it when the got to the first floor there was level one rabbits 5,000 of them and 5,000 slimes. Colt told everyone that he was let them deal with the weak ones after killing all the level 1 monsters they continue to the end of the floor there a door to the boss room in the boss room there was 1,000 level 2 boars. The boars were kill quickly. They look around the boss room there a treasure chest but I was empty. Let's go to the next floor Colt said. As soon as they got to the second floor there was level 2 rabbits,slimes,and boars after killing everything Colt disassemble everything there was 6,000 of each.In the boss room there was 2,000 level 3 slimes after killing everything they checked the treasure chest there was nothing. As soon as they got to the third floor there was now level 3 mosters so it look like every level is going up by one.Now there are rabbits,boars,slimes,and snakes.They clear everything then Colt disassemble everything there was 7,000 of each what was the lows level I believe it was 30 that is the highest level clear no wonder no one ever clear this dungeon. At this rate I do not know if we will be able to clear it. If it keeps going up like this floor 3 have 28,000 by floor 10 there will be about 140,000 level 10 mosters roughly and I will not have enough room Colt look at his item storage it almost max out but suddenly there was a notification congratulation you have unlock dungeon storage every for level you clear you can unlock a level of dungeon storage to unlock you will need to use Mp and food.Colt was looking at the notification when Edward ask. So boss did you just get a notification for dungeon storage yea did all of yous get the everyone but Lyric and Nova did not got the notification. So I am thinking we should unlock dungeon storage for everyone so we can store more resources Colt said. Colt if we runout of room can we put food in the system market. No we not it the castle. Jimmy look at Colt Colt is this town not in your territory yea why the system is aspost to work in the territory yea but if that be true all the resources should go to the warehouse unless there a distance restriction. That a good point Jimmy let me try Colt trying opening the system stit that works so that will help let look at this dungeon storage. Colt open it up so it gives us 1 million storage space and it looks like it will continue to go up by 1 million a level so with seven of us that 7 million a level that will help alot. So to unlock dungeon storage it takes 100 mp and 100,000 food there only enough food to unlock one of our dungeon storage so I will unlock mine first Colt said since I am not fighting yet.Now to the boss room there was 3,000 level 4 snakes. After killing the snake they searched the room and found the treasure chest empty again this sucks still nothing. On to the next floor as soon as they got to floor 4 they notice it was even bigger and more monsters rabbits,boars,slimes,snakes,and ravens. All the mosters attack and after alittle bit they were all kill that was alot yea it was Colt when and disassemble everything there was 40,000 that time how is everyone. After checking with everyone there was no injuries the only thing was some of there mana was low but it will regenerate slowly. What time is it by now it is 18:00 that can not be right it only been a hour so that means it been 6 hours in here then said Lyric what but how ask Colt my king you truly do not know for every 6 hours in here is one hour in the world do not ask me how or why but that how dungeons work.That why we are getting tried. My king we should level the boss room and the fifth floor once we clear the boss on the beginning of the sixth floor there will be a space we can rest without having to worry about monsters ok let continue. So that the plan then Colt quickly upgrade his dungeon storage to level 2. Now to the boss room in the boss room was 4,000 level 5 slimes after cleaning the boss room they checked everything and nothing again. When they got to the fifth floor it look like a forest this is beautiful as the group walks in the forest they get ambush by the mosters after almost 2 dungeon hours of fighting they killed all the monsters Colt disassemble everything and this time there was level 5 rabbits, boars, slimes ,snakes, deer and ravens.For a total or 54,000 monsters. With all the food Colt upgraded his dungeon storage to level five but now he will have to wait until the next floor. Edward, Odette, and Everest was slightly injured in the fighting and about 3,000 troops where injured Colt used healing magic on everyone that was injured. As soon as we clear the boss room we can rest. Then they entered the boss room they were attacking what a hell are they yell Ellie they are Imps watch out they can fly and use fire magic.