Chapter 7 - Strange behaviour

It happened gradually. At first, it was barely noticeable, but from the moment they turned sixteen, Rurik and Luna started havinng trouble with their emotions. 

In Rurik's case, it didn't seem anything special at first. After all, he was a sixteen-year-old boy, and the hormones raging through his system were begging him to stick his dick in whatever looked more or less right. 

Yet, it was more than that. There was an actual burning in his mind, constantly urging him to have sex. Every day, the devouring thirst in his soul became exponentially stronger, and yet Rurik continued to grit his teeth and ignore it through sheer willpower. 

The reason for his defiance were threefold. For one, he refused to be a slave to anyone or anything, including his own instincts and desires. The day he let his actions be determined by anything but his own choices was the day he stopped being himself. 

Then, the second reason was Luna. He genuinely loved her, and preferred their first time to flow naturally, rather than being forced through need. 

Yet, the main reason he hadn't brought it up was due to Luna's own, strange behaviour… because he wasn't the only one with issues. Luna had been steadily growing colder towards everyone, even Rurik. Before she'd been callous, sure, but also playful, and genuinely caring towards her partner in crime. 

Naturally, this situation was quickly creating tension between the previously inseparable pair. 

Every day, Rurik's frustration grew as Luna pulled further and further away from him. All the while, his cravings were constantly intensifying. 

Every day, they continued building their criminal enterprise together, even as they communicated less, and Rurik failed to hide the hunger in his eyes. Their teamwork suffered under this situation, and they finally started making mistakes. 

Neither of them chose to disrupt the limbo they found themselves in, as if afraid of what lay on the other side. They'd made promises to each other. They loved each other. There was a powerful connection between them, and yet it was all failing them now. 

Inevitably, the situation imploded… 

* * * 

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Rurik roared as he took an almost threatening step closer to Luna. His eyes were burning with a potent mixture of fear, grief, anger, and lust. That last one had already become an essential part of him, as he was simply never without it. 

"Don't try to threaten me, Rurik!" Luna snorted coldly. "We both know you wouldn't hurt me, and you heard me perfectly well. Whatever is going on between us is making our teamwork suffer, and it's time to call it quits. There's no benefit anymore." 

The two partners were currently standing in the living room of the small appartement they'd found after leaving the orphanage. 

Rurik had grown up to be a handsome young man. His dark hair and blue eyes remained, but he was nearing the two-meter (~6'7") mark despite the fact he still had a little more to grow. Stubble was already showing on his chin, and he was wearing a simple combination of cargo pants, shirt, and combat boots. 

Meanwhile, Luna had grown into a near-celestial beauty. Her alabaster skin was young and vibrant, as were the golden locks that flowed down her shoulders. Her face had the form of a diamond, and her figure was that of an hourglass. Her clothes were a little more fashionable, as she wore a pair of jeans, an open jumper, and knee-high boots. 

She was a genuinely beautiful woman, and if it hadn't been for the power of her and Rurik combined, there was no telling what would have happened to her already. 

Yet, one thing detracted from her looks: the purple eyes that shone with exceptional coldness and indifference. 

"B— Benefit?!" Rurik stammered as his eyes flew open wide. "Since when has our relationship ever been about benefit only?! Rather, there's not been enough benefit!" 

He almost immediately regretted blurting it out. It was a combination of frustration, lust, and Luna's behaviour that finally broke through his discipline. 

"Ha!" Luna sneered derisively. "There's that disgusting hunger you've been looking at me with lately." 

She turned around resolutely and walked towards the door, "Have a good life, Rurik. You were useful while it lasted, but we both know this can't continue any longer." 

'S— She's actually leaving…?' he thought. For a moment, Rurik watched her leave in stunned silence. Never would he have expected it to actually get this far. He knew it was getting harder to control himself, and he knew Luna had noticed, but he never expected her to actually leave! 

He never expected her to actually renounce their partnership! 

'I'm not actually going to watch her leave, am I?' he pondered as his feet still remained rooted in the ground. With every moment, Rurik's rage was rising and mixing with his lust, until he could barely think straight anymore. 

Luna's hand was already reaching for the doorknob, yet she would never get that far. 

"No!" Rurik roared as he jumped after his partner. 

"W— Wha—?" Luna cried out in surprise as she turned around. Her face showed genuine surprise, yet, deep within, there was a hint of relief. 

Barely able to realize what he was doing; Rurik smashed his fist against the door. "It's you and me against the world, Luna! We will shape the future together, that was the deal! And if you've forgotten that, then I'll remind you!" 

Leaving his fist where it was, he grabbed Luna's chin and planted his lips on hers. Luna's eyes widened and she froze in the face of his onslaught. 

Yet, despite his violence, a dull spark inside her soul was reignited, and the coldness in her eyes began to melt. Slowly, she started kissing back. 

They were both inexperienced, but it didn't matter. Right now, the moment was raw and aggressive. 

Yet, it didn't last long. Having released some of his pent-up desires, Rurik quickly came to his senses again. His eyes widened and he quickly retreated, breaking free from Luna's body. 

"S— Shit! Luna, I'm s—" 

But she didn't let him finish. She bolted forward, and imitated his earlier actions. Now it was Rurik's turn to freeze in surprise. 

After a few seconds they separated again. By now, they were both panting with lust and lack of oxygen. "I— It's helping!" Luna whispered as a flicker of her usual energy seeped back into her voice. "I— I don't know what's going on, but keep doing what you're doing!" 

With lust and desire still rampaging in Rurik's body, he didn't need to be told twice. In moments, clothes started flying off and the two of them ended up in their bedroom.