Chapter 32 - Eilin's corruption [2/2]

After they were gone, Rurik turned to Eilin with a small smile. "I can see you recognize him. That's good." Walking over to a nearby desk, he picked up some papers and a simple glock, before returning to Eilin. 

"I'm sure you suspected he was behind the death of your parents, but you simply had no proof," he explained calmly, before handing her the papers in his hands. "Well, I do, and here it is." 

With trembling hands, her eyes never leaving Jack's face, she took the so-called proof and looked it over. 

"Your parents were both American journalists, right?" he asked rhetorically, before continuing because he already knew the answer. "The good kind, too. The kind that worked to make the world a better place, rather than just get their hands on the next big scoop. The kind you cannot bribe or threaten but only kill. Personally, I respect that." 

He wasn't lying, either. Grit, determination, and absolute conviction to leave the world better than it was, were all things that Rurik appreciated. He didn't care about doing that last part himself, but he respected those that tried. 

In fact, while Rurik had killed several people who came too close to either him or Luna, when it came to genuine do-gooders, he tried to be more merciful if he could. Usually, that meant he would ask Luna to unleash her ability on them until they focused on other things. 

"You've always known your parents were investigating Mister Taylor here when they died in that car crash. You've always suspected he was responsible. Now, you have proof, and I'm giving you a choice," he continued in a charming tone, like a little devil, luring her into a life of sin. 

By now, Eilin was crying. Tear drops fell on the papers in her trembling hands, as memories of her parents resurfaced. 

Rurik pointed at the papers and continued in a soft and enticing voice. "You can leave my house, with this man, and that proof. Your contract will be null and void, we won't see each other again, and Jack here will live out his life in prison… probably. I mean, you never know anymore, right? Justice is so hard to find these days, I am living proof of that."

Eilin's eyes became hard, and Rurik knew he had her, a victorious grin spreading on his lips. "Or…?" she growled her first word since entering the room. It was a word filled with expectation and fury. 

Rurik smiled slightly and handed her the gun. "Or, you can kill him. Here and now. Take revenge for your parent's death and make absolutely sure he pays for what he did. You'll make the world a better place, and no one will ever know… But you'll remain here until your contract runs out, when Luna and I die." 

Eilin looked up, tears still flowing down her cheeks, her eyes boring into Jack… Without a word, she dropped the papers to the floor and grabbed the gun from Rurik's hands. 

With trembling hands, she pointed the weapon at the man responsible for her parent's death. She was having trouble aiming, so Rurik stepped behind her, to steady her arms. 

"That's right," he whispered in her ear. "Your parents were good people, but they didn't know how the world really works. The only way to survive, and to take care of those you love, is to be ruthless. Trust me, Eilin, and I'll make sure you'll never be brought low again. Serve me, and I'll protect you as ruthlessly as this man protected himself. Now, kill him, and avenge your parents." 

With her hands steadied, and the still-shocked Jack in her sights, Eilin began to pant… then cry harder… then scream in fury. 

Then, she fired. 

* * * 

1064 — Nidaros, Norway 

Eilin blinked as the memories from that day swam in her mind. After killing Jack, she broke down crying in Rurik's arms, where he consoled and soothed her. Later, some people came to clean up the mess, but Eilin stayed in his arms for several hours. When she stopped crying, she'd talk about her parents, and Rurik would simply listen silently, patting her hair. 

That day had proven to be a turning point in her relationship with Rurik and, by extension, Luna. It didn't take more than year from then before she'd settled comfortably in her servile role, head-over-heels in love with Rurik, and fanatically devoted. 

Now, back in Nidaros, Eilin was facing a similar situation. Rurik wanted her to kill someone, but this time, she had no relation to this man. No reason to hate, or care about him at all. Her loyalty to Rurik told her to kill him, yet she hesitated… just a little. 

Meanwhile, the man Rurik had designated for death was very confused… because he couldn't understand a word. Whenever Rurik and Eilin wanted to be absolutely sure their conversation remained private, they'd speak regular, modern-day English, which was unrecognizable to even current-day English speakers. 

"Are you… testing my loyalty?" she asked Rurik softly, her eyes still trained on the bound man. Her voice trembled slightly, actually feeling sad and a little hurt. 

But Rurik shook his head calmly. "No, I know I have your loyalty, this is for your sake." 

Eilin felt relieved, but no less confused than before. "For… my sake?" she muttered, now panning a questioning gaze at Rurik. 

Rurik simply nodded, before explaining. "You've only killed one person in your life, and it was essentially a crime of passion. But soon, you'll go into true, life-or-death combat by my side, and you'll need to learn to kill strangers. Innocent and guilty alike." 

He put a hand on her shoulder and talked in a low voice, "Your parents were innocent, good people, and they were killed by a bad man. But… I am also a bad man." 

He indicated towards the prisoner. "This person may be innocent, or guilty, he may be a father, or not, he may be good or bad. The point is: it doesn't matter. If you stay by my side, I'll ask you to kill more. Sometimes in combat, sometimes like this: in cold blood, with no idea why they need to die." 

He took a step back, leaving Eilin alone with the prisoner. "If this is not what you wish, then speak now, and we walk away. I won't allow you follow me into combat, and I won't trust you with certain tasks. But… you can stay by my side as a maid, not a fighter." 

Eilin blinked. Some struggle appeared in her eyes, and she turned back to the prisoner. The man on the floor was still confused and scared but remained seated… until Eilin moved again. 

She took a deep breath and grasped the spear on her back. "My parents were good people, and I loved them… Their path of trying to make the world a better place was valid, and admirable, but… I've chosen a different one." 

She pulled and flourished her weapon as she took a step closer to the prisoner. The current situation was finally dawning on him, and his eyes widened. He started to scramble backwards as best he could, muffled noise coming from behind his gag, but Eilin calmly followed, a hard look in her eyes. 

"Mom… Dad…" she continued to mutter. "I know you'd disapprove, but… your path left me alone in this world. It was my master who pulled me back up and helped me take revenge. Perhaps, if you'd been more careful, you'd still be alive and I would have followed you, but now… Now I'm choosing my own way." 

After the man hit a wall, she pressed her spear against his throat. Her eyes indifferent to his terror. "And my way… is a way of blood… selfishness… and service." 

Unflinchingly, she stabbed forward.