A Gentle Touch ( 2 )

"Poor little boy," Liana said softly as she wiped my cheeks with a damp towel. Her touch was gentle, her movements precise, as though she'd done this a thousand times before.

Finally, someone who knows what they're doing!

I gazed up at her, my eyes focusing more clearly now. Her delicate features came into view—sharp cheekbones, luminous skin, and… wait, are those… pointy ears?

An elf!? A beautiful elf!? Oh no, I'm in love.

My heart—or whatever the baby version of a racing heart was—thumped as I stared at her. Her long, elegant ears framed her face perfectly, and her calm expression exuded both grace and wisdom.

Marry me.

Those pointy ears, I thought, unable to look away.

Those gentle hands, that soothing aura! I don't care if you're old. I don't care if you're a thousand years old—be my wife. Ehehe…

Liana smiled down at me, a soft, kind smile that seemed to glow faintly.

Oh, those lips! That smile! I've been reborn into the arms of perfection!

"Are you hungry, young master?" Liana's voice snapped me out of my delirium.

Wait… hungry? No, forget food—let's talk about love. Let's talk about our future together! You and me, Liana! But…

My stomach growled, betraying me. The sound was so loud it startled me.

Liana chuckled, a melodic sound that only made her more enchanting. "I'll take that as a yes."

She adjusted her hold on me, her movements fluid and graceful. As she began walking toward what I assumed was the kitchen, my mind raced.

I need to figure out what's going on with this world, but first, priorities: Liana, you're the best thing to happen to me since… well, since Francesca. I mean, Mama. Wait—never mind. Just… marry me!

As Liana prepared to warm some milk, the door creaked open. Another figure entered the room, her steps light yet confident.

The new arrival caught my attention immediately. Her skin was a deep, smooth shade of bronze, her features sharp and alluring, and—like Liana—she had pointed ears.

Wait… is she a Dark Elf?

I stared, wide-eyed, as she approached. Her hair cascaded like a silken curtain down her back, and her golden eyes gleamed with curiosity as they met mine.

Wow. Just wow. First an elf, and now a dark elf? Is this paradise?

"Miss Liana, do you need help?" she asked, her voice smooth and mellow.

"Oh, yes, please," Liana replied without looking up. "Could you hold the young master for a moment while I prepare the milk, Lithia?"

Lithia? I repeated in my head, the name echoing like a melody. What a beautiful name… Oh, Lithia, you're stunning.

She walked over, her movements exuding effortless grace, and reached out to cradle me in her arms. Her warmth was different from Liana's—stronger, more grounded—yet still tender.

Oh, Lithia… I think I'm in love. No, I am in love. Marry me! You're incredible! Let's run away together, Lithia!

She tilted her head, golden eyes studying me with amusement. "He's so small," she remarked with a soft chuckle. "But already full of energy, I see."

That's right! I'm full of energy! Energy to propose to you, Lithia! Ehehe!

I squirmed slightly in her arms, trying to somehow express my admiration. Instead of looking suave, I ended up drooling.

Lithia let out a light laugh. "Oh my, you're quite the messy one, aren't you?"

Messy? No, that's not drool—that's the overflow of my emotions! Lithia, I swear!

Meanwhile, Liana returned with a small bottle of milk, smiling at the sight of Lithia holding me. "Thank you, Lithia. He seems comfortable with you already."

Comfortable? I'm more than comfortable—I'm in heaven! Two gorgeous elves taking care of me? This is the greatest isekai ever.

With care, Lithia handed me back to Liana. "He's a sweet little one," she said with a smile.

No, don't hand me back yet! Lithia, stay with me! Wait—what if both of you stayed? 

Liana began feeding me, but my mind was far from focused on the milk. My tiny baby heart was racing from the sheer beauty and grace of my caretakers.

First Francesca, now Liana and Lithia… My new life was off to a pretty amazing start. 

Just as I was basking in Lithia's warmth and admiring her elegant features, she spoke the words that sent chills down my spine.

"Oh, Marita, could you hold him for a minute?"

Who!? My baby brain screamed. Not her! Anyone but her!

Before I knew it, my tiny hands latched onto Lithia's uniform with surprising strength. My fingers gripped the fabric as if my life depended on it.

Lithia let out a soft laugh, glancing at Liana. "Oh, look. It seems the young master doesn't want to let go."

Liana chuckled. "That's unusual. He's usually so fussy with new faces. You must have made quite the impression."

Of course I don't want to let go! Who in their right mind would willingly leave the embrace of a gorgeous dark elf!? Especially to be handed over to that slobbering demon! No, I refuse! Lithia, don't do this to me!

Lithia smiled down at me, her golden eyes sparkling with amusement. "Now, now, young master. Don't be stubborn. Marita just wants to help."

Help!? HELP!? You call turning me into a kissing target help? She's not a helper—she's a demon! An ONI!

Marita stepped forward, arms outstretched, her plump cheeks flushed with excitement. "Oh, come to me, my sweet little lord! I've missed you!"

Missed me!? I didn't miss you! I was praying I'd never see you again!

I let out a wail, my tiny body twisting in Lithia's arms in protest. Lithia! Look at me! I'm begging you—don't do this! Don't hand me over to the kissing monster!

Lithia paused, looking genuinely surprised. "Oh my, he's quite insistent."

Liana tilted her head, watching with an amused smile. "Perhaps he's more attached to you than we thought."

Attached? Of course, I'm attached! You're beautiful, graceful, and—most importantly—you don't treat me like a chew toy!

Marita, oblivious to my internal meltdown, clapped her hands together. "Oh, he's just shy. Once he's in my arms, he'll be all smiles again."

No, I won't! I'll be crying rivers, and it'll be all your fault!

Lithia hesitated, glancing between me and Marita. "Well… he does seem a bit reluctant."

Yes, very reluctant! Listen to my silent plea, Lithia! Be the hero I know you are!

Liana stepped in, her voice calm but firm. "Perhaps it's best if Lithia holds him for now. He's clearly more comfortable with her."

Liana, you angel! I'll never forget this act of mercy!

Marita pouted, crossing her arms. "Oh, fine. But next time, young Lord Javier, you're all mine!"

Next time? Over my dead body!

Lithia let out a relieved chuckle and gently adjusted her hold on me. "Looks like you're stuck with me for now, young master."

Stuck? Lithia, you're a blessing. I'd stay in your arms forever if I could. Forget the milk—this is where I belong!

As Lithia carried me toward the chair where Liana had set the bottle, I allowed myself to relax. For now, I had survived the clutches of the demon maid. But the threat of her return lingered, keeping me on edge.

This world is beautiful… but it's also dangerous. I must stay vigilant. One slip, and I'll be at the mercy of that kissing monster again.

(End of Chapter 2)