Workshop of Wonders ( 64 )

After a delightful breakfast with his doting mother, Lady Francesca,Javier arrive in his personal workshop.

At the center of the room ,a massive pile of newly stocked mana stones. Javier rubbed his hands together, his mischievous grin widening as he surveyed the haul.

"Hmmm… perfect. Time to combine these into something special... like, say, bullets for my artillery cannon. Ehehehe…"

Liana, seated gracefully on the couch with a book in hand, glanced up at him. "Young Master? What are you planning to craft today?"

"You'll see soon enough, Liana. Trust me, it's going to be awesome!"

With a shrug and a small smile, Liana returned to her book, occasionally glancing at him. She had grown accustomed to his antics but still found them amusing.

Javier rolled up his sleeves and got to work, activating his magic crafting skills. A faint blue aura enveloped his hands as he began combining the mana stones with precision.