Battle of the Classes ( 186 )

The announcer's voice echoed through the stadium, amplified by magic, stirring the already energetic crowd into a frenzy.

"Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for!" the announcer boomed. "Who will qualify for the next round!? Are you alllll readyyyyyyyy!?"

A deafening roar erupted from the commoner section, where spectators waved flags and cheered with unrestrained enthusiasm. Nobles in their reserved areas clapped politely, their excitement more subdued but just as expectant.

"Let's give them a warm round of applause as we announce the first match!" The announcer raised a hand, pausing for dramatic effect as the crowd leaned in with anticipation.

"JAVIER DE ARMAND..." The announcer's voice rang out, prompting murmurs and whispers from the audience. Many remembered his previous victory—and the ridiculous way he achieved it.