The Mischief of Pekkos ( 257 )

The Day of the Wedding

Nobles from across the kingdom gathered at Count Garius's estate in the Armand region for the grand wedding. The estate buzzed with activity as guests arrived at the main gate, with many already settled into the guest houses on the grounds.

A long line of nobles stretched from the gate to the grand hall's entrance, each waiting their turn to enter. Standing beside the red carpet leading into the grand hall was Giddie, the golden Pekko, inspecting every gift brought by the nobles.

Giddie leaned down as a noble presented their gift, carried by their escorts and maids. Each time a gift passed by, Giddie would tilt his head, inspect it closely, and squawk loudly.

"Cuquawk!" Giddie squawked, as if to say, "This is acceptable."

Another gift passed by, and Giddie let out a different squawk. "Cuquawk." This time, it sounded more like, "Meh, this gift is so-so."