Tinkering with Trouble ( 270 )

Javier grinned as he picked up a small headpiece from his desk and tossed it to Liana. She caught it easily, examining the thin, rune-engraved device.

"And you know what's even better?" Javier continued, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I installed a sound rune on it! So not only can it see from the sky, but it can also hear!"

Liana raised an eyebrow. "It can… hear?"

"Yup!" Javier smirked. "Just put on this headpiece with the glasses, channel a bit of mana into it, and—voilà! You'll hear everything the drone picks up from the air!"

Liana looked skeptical but followed his instructions. She placed the headpiece over her ear and adjusted the glasses on her face. With a small pulse of mana, the runes activated, and suddenly—


She blinked.

"…Young Master, I can hear something!"

"Hehe~" Javier grinned. "It's picking up the sound of Buddy and Peanuts playing outside!"