Garius led the Heavy Knights, Giddie thundering forward as they crashed into the burning enemy lines. The meteors had already decimated the enemy's formations, leaving chaos and flames in their wake.
"Ice Prison!!"
Garius raise his palm, his mana surging through the battlefield.
Giant ice spikes erupted from the scorched earth, piercing through the enemies still scrambling to recover. The sudden shift in temperature created clouds of steam that mingled with fire and frost in a deadly contrast.
"GAAAAHHH!!!" The enemy soldiers screamed as shards of ice impaled them, freezing their bodies instantly. Those who dodged were cut down by the charging Heavy Knights, their lances piercing armor and flesh alike.
Giddie trampled over the frozen corpses, his golden feathers glinting in the chaos.
One enemy captain, barely escaping the onslaught, stumbled back in terror.
"T-This isn't a battle!! It's a massacre!!"