Energy Awakens

"The end of the month is nearing. You all know what that means." Jesica yelled in a clear tone.

"You all will soon be sent back to the Aquinox Realm whether you want to or not. So I believe you should be getting prepared for that."

'Oh,right.Once you've made your energy heart you will be forced to enter the Aquinox Realm once every month until you've developed your energy brain and after that you'll be forced to enter the Aquinox Realm once every year until you develop your energy body.'

" Anyway, we will be continuing from where we left off yesterday. The training today will only be a little bit harder than before, it should be of no problem." Jesica stated as she led everyone through the halls.

We had returned to the grassy flat field we practiced on the day before and then we were immediately told exactly what we were doing.

"Meditation for about two hours."Jesica turned around and looked at the fifteen students who all followed what she just said without a thought.

'Two hours isn't that long.' I thought.

Seated on soft patches of grass multiple students kept their eyes closed and their minds concentrated as they meditated and circulated their energy within themselves.

The continuous circulation of energy would only help their bodies in the future unless done incorrectly.

Similarly to how I was circulating my energy in the Aquinox Realm, I was moving the energy from the world to my body and constantly moving it throughout my body and mainly to my heart.

The repetitive action of circulation was boring but it was taxing and laborious to do mentally which made some people focus and push through the mentally hardship.

After around two hours - that felt like 300 days - Jesica finally said we could rest and everyone simultaneously stopped meditating and rested their minds.

"Now with the first part done lets move on to the second part." Jesica cheerfully said to our unenergetic faces which slightly grew dark at her remark.

"It won't even be that bad so come on and don't give me that look." Jesica said.

"Anyway. The next thing we'll be doing is making your Shadow Demon circulate energy throughout it's body. This is important because it can help your Shadow Demon grow and evolve at a slightly faster pace." Jesica explained to the 15 of us.

"Although in order to do this you have to command your Shadow Demon and in order to do that you'll probably need to concentrate a lot and it might be mentally straining as well."Jesica teased us all before forcing us to continue the train despite have absolutely no time to rest.

 Everyone watched Jesica's example of what to do and then followed suit with circulating energy within your Shadow Demon.

The main reason for circulating energy within your Shadow Demon is so that it will be able to use the energy discharge or create an energy barrier like Anastasia did. If your Shadow Demon, an already formidable foe, can now use energy and so can you... you can imagine how much power that is.

Power we'd need if we're to be sent back into the Aquinox Realm in only a few weeks.

Anyway, Jesica said that once we believed we had circulated enough energy in our Shadow Demon we would have to show here by making our Shadow Demon create a energy barrier and discharge a ball of energy, simultaneously.

Quietly sitting with my eyes closed and my Shadow Demon sitting in used my still straining mind and felt the energy inside my Shadow Demon before I started to move the energy all throughout my Shadow Demon's body and awaken it's energy.

The circulation was tediously slow and felt like I was attempting to reawaken my own energy heart back in the Aquinox Realm the only difference being that now I was awakening the energy for my Shadow Demon.

It had felt like I had been moving the energy around for hours and by now my mind felt like it was melting and spinning all at once but despite that I continued to strain my mind and steel my will as I started to circulate the energy even faster.

After around an hour of mind tearing energy circulation I felt the energy pulsate and then a minute later it bloomed before it erupted and my Shadow Demon finally could feel the flow of energy himself and could use it.

"Phew.. I'm finally done." Wiping the sweat off my forehead I used my knee as support and stood up before I headed towards Jesica to show I passed.

In my free time whilst I was walking towards Jesica who wasn't that far away I looked and noticed that of the 15 students in the class only ten of them were still circulating energy within their Shadow Demon's.

Looking closer I looked for a specific set of students and not to my surprise they were not to be found which could only mean one thing. They must have awakened their Shadow Demon's energy before I did.

The group I'm referring to is obviously Jillton, Krill, Anastasia, Floyd, and Clair but they had all already finished.. well not all of them. Clair was the only one still here and she had surprisingly awakened her Shadow Demon's energy right after I did.

The 9 remaining students focused on their circulation whilst Clair and I approached Jesica at the same time and earned the passing approval from her.

"Head back to the classroom. Professor Andrew should be there." Jesica nonchalantly waved us off.

Walking back towards the academy me and Clair swiftly made it back to the Elite classroom where Jesica had told us to go.

As expected Jillton, Krill, Floyd, and Anastasia were already seated in the empty and completely silent classroom that ,headmaster, Andrew was teaching in.

We entered quietly and sat in the exact same seats we had the day before and then Andrew began to talk.

"Now since all six of you have finally arrived I shall begin with today's lesson." Andrew paused and then said:

"Physical Training." 

'Physical training. the same day Jesica stretched out minds is the same day he decided he'd do physical training, of course.'

"Don't worry...It won't even be that hard.." Andrew weaselly said.


'The academic building or just the academy is around 2 miles long if you were to run around it so why in hell are we running 2 laps around it and that's as'

Professor Andrew told us to run around the building twice and to top it off he would run with us to make sure there would be no slackers.

I was definitely in the back with the professor on my tail and telling by his glowing red eyes and energy balled up in his fist I don't believe I'm going to slow down and find out what could happen.

We had already gone past the half way point for the first lap so I can go for longer.

'You know, I normally wouldn't be able to run for this long nor this fast, but ever since I awakened my energy heart my body feels more athletic and capable so it's no wonder why I've been able to hold on for this long.

'Wait now that I think about it what if I use my energy to make myself faster like I did in the classroom when I used my energy to launch myself flying and I hit my head.'

Concentrating on my flowing energy whilst still running forward I centralized a lot of it in my feet and launched forward at an incredible speed which allowed me to zoom straight pass Clair, Jillton, Krill, Anastasia and then taking one more step I bolted passed Floyd.

After a few more steps I passed by the academy entrance once again and went straight by to finish my last lap.

The speed at which I moved was insane and I felt the wind wisp past me with each step I took until a huge gust of wind moving even faster than me blew by and the cause Floyd, then another gust of wind pasted me and this time it was Anastasia who followed right behind Floyd.

Seeing them fly right by me I tried to put even more energy into my feet as I moved even faster than before, but I couldn't keep up with them and soon enough they finished their last lap around the academy before I could.

'Hey. I was the third to finish, didn't really matter though.'

"50 push-ups, 50 squats and then pick up the sword." Andrew dully spoke.

Everyone then did as Andrew instructed and picked up the sword.

"Next part of the physical training: Swordsmanship practice."

"Pair up in groups, one against one.You'll make the groups"

Before I knew it the groups had already been formed: Floyd/Krill, Anastasia/Clair, Me/Jillton.

What luck did the gods give me for my partner to be Jillton of all people.

"You'll will be doing a light spar against each other, simple right."