Jesica led the 15 students behind her into the underground facilities within the Academy where they ,along with every other student from all classes and grades, were sent to protect them whilst they were in the Aquinox Realm.
'Today's the day. The second coming of Azriel into the Aquinox Realm.'
The expansive underground facility was filled with thousands of pods that our bodies would be put in to ensure our safety.
After we form our energy heart,mind, body, and soul then our conscious along with our bodies will be sent over to the Aquinox realm, but since we haven't done that our bodies will appear as though were resting in the real world.. and will be completely vulnerable.
Jesica led us to the far side of the underground place before telling us to take a seat and look up front.
Seated on the cold stone floor I looked up and past the thousands of other students from different classes who were also sitting down. After everyone was seated Andrew Crimson, now just known as Andrew, stood up on the elevated platform and began speaking:
"As the Headmaster of this wonderful academy I congratulate the many of you who have survived your first endeavor into the Aquinox Realm and the many others of you who will continue to- I hope -defeat the challenges that face you within the Aquinox Realm as people like you will become the hero's of humanity."
Andrew's short speech filled with brilliancy opened the eyes of many as they realized just how important their survival is. They could also hear Andrew's genuine care and hope for every student despite the serious and loud tone of his voice that everyone felt.
"Now..Your teachers will tell you the rest of what to do as for how you will survive in the Aquinox Realm, well that's up to you; it might sound cruel but it;s the truth, your death is only your fault and your life is only in your hands and you should keep it that way...
...because the second time in the Aquinox Realm is nothing like the first. Every waking and sleeping moment could be your last, so keep your life in your hands no matter what..or no matter who appears."
Every part of Andrew's words bled into the students as they absorbed all the info Andrew gave and the few who were talking before had stopped and now all had serious looks on their faces, not just them every students did because none of us knew what was to come.
"Anyway, I'll stop getting you all worried. I'm sure most of you will survive and make it back in one piece..Teachers take care of the rest." Andrew said.
Jesica put me in the ninth pod before closing and locking the fortified glass door to it.
Right before I was kicked into the Aquinox Realm on last thought formed.
'The second time in the Aquinox Realm is nothing like the first. How would we know. We don't know and we wouldn't know... although I hoped I'd never know.'
[Finally back. What took you so long?]
"I actually have a life to live unlike an artificial intelligence such as yourself. So to answer you question, I was living."
[Quite the harsh words to say to your comrade in arms.]
"Just send me into the Aquinox Realm already."
[Before that you get to choose between four items to attack your opponent. Normally I'd be three but you've fulfilled a special condition so there's and extra option.]
[Option 1: A sword from a former hero. basic but sturdy, slightly sharp and can conduct energy minimally.]
[Option 2: a bow from a former hero. Sturdy strings that are flexible just enough. and a pack of sharp ended arrows.]
[Option 3: Trident from a former hero. It still has 0.000000....1% mystical power. When thrown it returns to the thrower's position it was thrown from. Still has sharp ends.]
[Option 4: Misfortune Manifestation. Misfortune can be shaped into anything, close to anything.]
'Out of all the options, Option 4 seemed to be the special option the system told me about. With that in mind I obviously chose option 4 to see what was so special about it.'
[Option 4-Misfortune Manifestation-has been chosen.]
[Teleporting Azriel to the Aquinox Realm.--Returning user-- Second time---- teleporting in 5..4.3,2,1.]
[Have Fun]
Azriel's eyes were forcefully shut as his body was moved to a specific location in the Aquinox Realm in a matter of seconds.
Opening his eyes Azriel was standing in a flower field with worn out stone walls and broken down metal gates surrounding the exterior of the entire field.
Sadly, for whoever this once beautiful flower garden belonged to, every last flower had grown a dark droopy black and had died out. All except for one that had grown a vibrant red and peaked high above the rest with pristine beauty.
With nothing to do I approached the only living flower and knelt down next to it to get a closer look.
Each and every one of it's petals was a bright red and its stem was a dark green that possess miniature thorns.
Looking at the flower, I decided I'd take it with me. Picking up the flower in such a way that none of the thorns pierced my skin I pocketed it and then continued my journey of the Aquinox Realm.
Pushing open the creaky metal gates that somehow still stood I walked into a dark forest with tall dark trees who's branches were all intertwined causing the moonlight of the Aquinox Realm to be almost completely blocked from below and making the grounds beneath the trees pitch black, except for the small holes where moonlight peered into.
Luckily, there was a path clear of any trees that Azriel was already standing on. The path ,which came from god knows where, ended at the flower garden and went off into the distance.
Unluckily for Azriel the place he was at was somewhere that was completely uncharted. His first time entering the Aquinox Realm he was teleported to Gorge's Forest a well known area as it is ruled over by one of the four strongest beasts, Gorge, the system had explained to one of the past explorers of the Aquinox Realm.
But currently he was located in a region completely undescribed in any book, speech, or public announcement from the government or any Aquinox Realm user.
Meaning he'd have to figure out the complex twist of this region.
[Don't worry you'll be fine. Just wait a little bit.]
'What is waiting going to do.'
An unexpected tremor ran through the ground the next moment as a loud screech could be heard.
Wasting not a moments breath I ran towards the tremor ,and sound, as to find out what the system was cooking up for me.
Reaching the area the sound had come from I saw a small crater in the ground that had made a small clearing where multiple of the massive intertwined trees had come crashing down and were severed into multiple pieces.
Laying in the small crater was a person who laid with their back to the ground and a giant bird-like creature whose body alone was twice the size of the person next to it.
Approaching the crater with the utmost caution I looked down at the person who laid still in the crater only to see that that person wasn't just some random person, it was Anastasia.