Marine Godess

Yay! I am so happy!" Natasha jumped around like a delighted child, as soon as Diego left. "I don't get the big deal..'' Theodore began. "It is a pretty big deal! Me and my sister-in-law, belong to the same element!" Natasha said, nearly skipping around with joy. "Let your sister be. It is only once in a while that I get to see her this excited." Maria today her son. "True." Theodore mumbled. "So water is also one of your elements?" Diane asked "Isn't it obvious enough ready?" Natasha replied, as she made a water whip. She clicked her fingers and turned to Diane. "Amazing, isn't it? Water is also of the most versatile elements." Natasha announced with pride. "I am glad to have you as my teacher. I am just happy Diego didn't make someone else my mentor." Diane said. "That is the best thing! He found me competent enough..." "Sheesh, Sis, you are making it sound as if Diego is a god or something.." Theodore began, only to get slapped on the head by his sister. "What did I do?" Theodore whined. "Shut up." Natasha snapped at him. "Mom, are you seeing this?" Theodore asked. Maria hastily turned her head away. "I didn't see anything." Maria said, making Natasha giggle. "But I don't understand." Diane began. "Who is the woman that I am supposed to see?" She asked Natasha. "That person Is the the mother of water." Natasha said bluntly, as if that would be a good enough explanation. "Sasha, I don't think your student would comprehend exactly what you meant." Maria said. "It's a long story." Theodore began, as he laid lazily on the sofa, his one of his leg hanging on the headrest. "Once there was this lady.." "Whose student is she,?" Natasha asked, shooting a glare at her brother. "I thought you weren't going to.." Theodore began. "Can you both stop fighting for one second?" Maria said a big frustrated. "Or I will tell Diego to change Diane's tutor. Diego.." Maria called. "I will tell the story now, mother ." Natasha hurriedly said.

 "It was up to a thousand years ago, if not more. There live this group of humans called Evergios. This were the humans that pushed through their potential and awakened an ability they never thought they possessed. What you call magic. The Evergios were the first to awaken such an ability. Earth water, fire, earth, space, time, the blood elements, the lightening element, the healing elements, the plant elements, as well as other random attributes such as telekinesis and flight, even others too numerous to mention. Among them, there is always a first person to awaken such element, and such a person is called the primordial ancestor, which could be a primordial god or goddess. For water, as an element, the first person is rumored to be Alexandra Norevella, or just call her Andra or whatever. She is said to have had very dark blue hair, which was quite odd because all of her family members gave dark hair. Well, her hair was black, when she was a baby, but after six months, her hair slowly changed color. Her family nearly fell apart when that occurred. Her father even accused her mother of having an affair. To cut the long story short, she was scorned, abused, awakened her water powers and bla bla bla... Fell in love with someone from the light element, had four kids, one of her children died in the hands of an enemy, she felt anger pain, frustration disappointment, lost control of her powers, caused a typhoon and a tsunami, which ended up killing lots of innocents, the guild of magic decided to restrain her powers, and... well, that is all we all know about her." Natasha concluded. "Sister, you told that story in a very lackluster way.." Theodore could not help but to twitch his brow, which he only did, when he was disappointed. "I know you hate the primordial goddess, but did you really have to.." "There is nothing really interesting about her story. The tales of the other Evergios are more epic. Besides, whenever she appears in my dreams, she nags and torments me non stop." Natasha said. "Wait, she appears in your dreams?" Diane couldn't help but ask. "Well, she is the matriarch of the water element, and her main goal is to guide the water elemental users to a path of enlightenment, in order to do this, she has to appear to her 'Descendants' through dream or vision." Natasha explained. "Apart from that, everyone gets a vision of an Evergio, during the period of their first awakening. That is why we called your awakening Incomplete, since you awakened but didn't get a vision." Maria further expantiated. "Some with incomplete awakenings end up weak, while others become exponentially strong, so your Case is rare, but special." Shs added. "Are you absolutely sure that you didn't see her, Diane?" Theodore asked again. "I really didn't." Diane said as she shook her head. "I see." Theodre said. His face looked serious, but he didn't speak any further. "Besides, it will be easy to recognize her. She has nearly the perfect shade of Diego's hair.' Natasha said. "Hey, do you remember when you used to say that she might be Diego's third mother?" Theodore asked his sister. "I was only eight back then. It didn't help that they looked alike." Natasha said, blushing. "But, why is she called a goddess? Didn't she die?" Diane asked. "She did, eventually." Natsaha replied. "Nearly all the Evergios are gods or goddesses. Their souls are so powerful that they transcend the Mortal realm. In order to restore balance, they are placed in the same categories as other deities of ancient times." Theodore explained. Diane was a little surprised. She hadn't seen Theodore discuss something so seriously before. "And if you have any troubles sleeping, don't hesitate to let Sasha know." He continued. "The Evergios, can be... a very funny bunch. They will continue to um, should I say 'remind' you about some assignment you have to do? The best thing is that whatever assignment you are tasked with, actually turns out to be to the benefit of everyone. Of course, you will benefit the most." He said, putting on a weird look. "Natasha here, can testify." He said. "I can tell her myself, you know." Natasha said. "You see, there was once a time when Andra showed me a vision. How, in accurate details, and what led to the destruction of Tervata." "Tervata? Isn't that one of the eight great dynasties more than a thousand years ago?" Diane asked. "I see you are good at history." Natasha nodded proudly. Well, of course, since her father forced her and her brothers to be knowledgeable not only about the history and affairs of the kingdom but.: 'Other great places that once existed." "Pratically speaking, she showed me how her hometown was destroyed. But it is too long to go into details now. I was so much affected by that great destruction that I accidentally conjured up a storm, and fell into a coma, for two weeks." Natasha said awkwardly. "I was so much worried about her when she fainted all of a sudden." Maria said. "That 'storm' nearly wiped us all out. Control your emotions better please." Theodore said. "I was eight back then for goodness sake." Natasha said. "Says the one that crashes vases whenever she is mad.. Urgh!" Natasha gave her brother a punch to the stomach. "Are you done?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." Theodore replied sarcastically. Diane yawned. "Anyway, it is getting rather late now. Why don't you go up and rest?" Maria said Concerningly. Diane nodded and got up, carefully ascending the stairs