First Hunt.

She slowly opened her eyes, only to discover that she was was holding on to Diego, who was staring down at her. "Are you okay? You were jerking just now." He said, as he sat up. "I am good, just had a dream, that is all." Diane told him. "What was it about? It wasn't a nightmare, was it?" He asked, as he stood up, intending to undress. "Not really, it was, um.." Diane wringed her fingers together, while looking at him from the corner of her eyes. She was wondering if he was already aware or not, afterall, magic can be a very crazy thing. Diego raised an eyebrow. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me about it." He said, as he he took off his shirt, revealing his muscular physique. "There is no need for you to stare like that." Diego stated, when he noticed her gaze. "Ahem. Please kindly accept My apologies." She said, as she looked away, the tip of her ears turning slightly red. "I will, excuse you now." She said, as she slid out of the bed, walking towards the door, but a strong hand pulled her back. "Where do you think you are going?" Diego asked, as he made her to face him. "Diego, let me go." Diane said, as she pushed against His strong and hard chest, her face already turning as red as a beet stew. "Hmm, why should I? I don't have a plausible reason to." He said with a smirk, as he held her at her waist, while she strained against him. "I always got out for a morning walk whenever I wake up." Diane said, as the tone of her voice became seemingly high pitched. "I have never seen you. You only like to laze In bed all day." Diego told her. "As If that is any of your concern!" She said, as she glared at him angrily. "It is of my utmost concern, because you are my wife." Diego said. Diane, knowing fully well that she had nothing to refute that, began to strain hard against him. Diego chuckled, as he looked down at his wife, who was straining hard against him like a cat trying to escape the grasp of its owner. When she looked up at him with that overly red face and bright blue eyes, he couldn't help but smile. She looked kinda.. Cute. "Let.." Diane began, as she pushed hard against him with her small hands, but Digeo suddenly released her, and due to the laws of physics.. or was it chemistry, she ended up landing on her bottom, quite hard. "Ow!" She exclaimed, as she placed her hand to her rump. "Pfft." Diego turned away immediately, trying to stifle a laugh, he didn't mean to, but the way she sat on the floor nursing her sore spot was quite comical. "I don't see what is so funny." Diane said with a huff, as she stood up. "Diane, wait.. I didn't mean to, really." Diego apologized, although there was still a slight smile on his face. "It doesn't matter, I will just wait till you are done." Diane said, as she placed her hand on the doorknob, intending to leave. "This is absolutely ridiculous." Diego muttered as he placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose. "What is?" Diane said, as she blinked innocently. "What you are doing right now. Don't you think that someone from the family will tag this behavior of yours as overly childish?" Digeo inquired. "They won't find out if we don't tell them." Diane said with a wink. "So just Shh, stay quiet okay?" She said, as she placed her index finger to her lips, her blue eyes shimmering. The door eventually slammed shut. "What a crazy woman." Diego stated with a faint slight on his lips, as he slipped his hair back with his fingers.

Diane on the other hand was still resting her back on the other side of the door, a slight blush creeping to her cheeks. Of course, she had not overheard what Diego had said. She placed her hand to her still palpitating heart. Ever since she met that man, she had discovered that he always Made her feel a certain way. "Get yourself together, Diane." She muttered, as she lightly tapped herself on both cheeks. "The sooner I got out of here, the better for me." Diane lightly muttered, as she subconsciously glanced at the Door. "Diane." A voice called out. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Don't you think it is a bit outside to step outside with clothes like those? They are too, um.. revealing." The entity started, an awkward look on her face. Diane subconsciously looked down, and immediately brought her hands up to her chest, her already red face turning several shades redder.

Diane was currently seated on Natasha's bed, a light blue scarf wrapped around her, her eyes fixated on one spot. "Are you ready to tell me what you were doing outside the room?" Natasha asked, as she stood before her, her arms crossed across her chest. Diane could only sigh, Natasha had also asked her this question a couple of times on their way here, but Diane successfully managed to divulge from the subject matter each time. "Well, Diego was changing, so.." She began, while avoiding her gaze. "So, what?" Natasha pressed on. "I was giving him, priavacy." Diane said. "Privacy?" Natasha asked, while arching her brow. Her face was serious for some time, before she suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. "This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life.." She said, as she slowly regained her composure. "You are so silly, Diane." Natasha said, as she sat next to her. "But you do realise that he is your husband, I don't see anything wrong with you seeing him nude." She began. "But the thing Is That I am going to leave in three months!" Diane gripped the shawl around her even more tightly. "Oh." Natasha began. "So that contract is still valid, huh? I was thinking that maybe.. all the time you spent with us might make you change your mind." Natasha said, her countenance a bit down. "I, don't know." Diane began. "But If I ever have to leave, I will send you letters okay?" Diane said, as she beamed at her. "You always like to do as you please." Natasha muttered with a smile. "Alright then. But you better stand by your word." She said. "But have you decided where you are going to go when you leave? That is also very important- afterall, you will be taking two maids and a child with you." Natasha began. "I was thinking of heading to the west." Diane said. "Do you have any relatives there?" Natasha inquired. "I do know someone, he was a friend of my mother's but I don't know if he still resides there. Well, it Is worth to try." She said. "Life is not a gamble, Diane. Hah, you know what, when the validation of the contract expires, just let me know. I will help you sort out your finances." Natasha said. "Really? Thank you!" Diane said, as she embraced Natasha. "But use them with discretion. The west is far More dangerous than the south, I would have advised you to head East, but it seems like you have already made up your mind." Natasha stated. "Don't worry about me. And I will head East in case anything occurs." Diane nodded her head enthusiastically like a child. "And you should take note- the westerners might not necessarily treat you like a noble lady, so don't get your hopes up. I might as well start developing my survival skills now, afterall, it wouldn't be like back at home, when you had servants to attend to you hands and feet." Natasha said. "I guess, I have to get used to it." Diane replied in a low tone. Get used to what, she couldn't even cook for herself! "I am sorry if I over reacted earlier." Natasha stated suddenly. "I was just so surprised earlier- what if anyone else had seen you? Especially some servants, I really don't want anyone gossiping about the lady of the house, and I don't need them to talk to you disrespectfully either." Natasha explained. "I understand." Diane said. "I was so preoccupied with my thoughts, that I failed to realise myself." Diane admitted. "But.. Ahem, don't you think your night wears are.. a little too exposed?" Natasha said, as she looked away awkwardly. "I told Dorothy the exact same thing, but It seems like we have gotten so accustomed to each other, that she disregards more than half of what I say." Diane said irritatedly. "Maybe it is because she has this belief that Diego and I can be a thing, or something like that." Diane concluded. "So it was like that." Natasha said, as a slow smirk came to her face. "How meaningful of her." She added. "Which reminds me, did you know that Diego is going hunting today?" She inquired. Diane innocently blinked.

 After quite some time, Diane was sitted in front of the mirror, as Dorothy packed her hair into a pony tail. She was simply putting on an elegant white shirt, a black ribbon tied across its collars, and a black trouser. This was mostly the kind of outfit she wore for her horse rides and training sessions as well. "I don't quite understand the point of you going with him, my lady." Dorothy began, as soon as She was done with her hair dressing. "It is not like you can even shoot an arrow in a straight line, so why are you going with my lord?" She asked, as Diane stood to her feet. "I don't quite get your meddling in my Affairs, Dorothy." Diane began, as she gave the older woman a straight gaze. "I am going because I want to, it is also a good opportunity to leave the manor as well." Diane said, as she sat on the bed, in order to put on her boots. "Besides, it is honestly not my fault That I didn't have a talent at archery, and you know it. Father did deem such occupations as befitting for a noble lady, although he is aware that It also possess an importance of its own." Diane concluded, rising to her feet. "I am leaving now, Dorothy." She says, as she opened the door. "Yes, my lady, do have a good time." Dorothy courtsied, as both women part ways.

 Diane walked down the hallways, her sword swinging from her waist. Well this was the only weapon that she was proficient at(sort of) so why not hold it as a countermeasure? She soon arrived at Diego's office, however, just as she was about to knock: "I told you that I can't do it! I am tired, for goodness sake!" Diane's fist froze instantly at the front of the door. Wait, wasn't that Theodore's voice? After recollecting her thoughts. "Diego." She knocked. "Hey, Is everything alright in there!" She inquired. There was a brief moment of silence. "You can come in, Diane." A deep and low voice replied. Diane opened the door, only to see Theodore standing up at Diego's seat, looking like a living dead, all sorts and manners of various documents piled up at the desk, to the point that one would wonder if they will even see his face had he sat down. Diego was seated on the chair, his legs elegantly crossed, his eyes closed and his head leaned back, dressed In a fashion that was similar to Diane. "Good day, my lady." Egiel, the only normal one currently in the room, bowed as he greeted. "Good morning, Egiel." Diane returned the courtesy, promptly Diego to open his eyes. "Diane, please tell your husband to spare me." Theodore said, while he was still standing. "I have already completely the tasks assigned to me, I had been in the office for three days, and yet this shameless.. Ahem, I mean Diego is still pushing such work to me again! I have really done the best that I could for goodness sake!" Theodore immediately sat back down again, after over exerting himsef. Diane felt sorry for him as she sat close to Diego. He actually seemed to be exhausted. "Diego." She said, while turning to her husband. "Why do you keep shifting your work to others? Stop bothering poor Theodore." Diego ignored her. "Don't you enjoy how much uncle has been according praise to you lately?" Diego said to the young man who was seated on the chair. "I don't want praise, Diego. If I continue at this rate, I might actually crash!" Theodore stated. "I will think about it when I come back." Diego said, as he rose to his feet. "Ensure he does this job properly, Egiel." Diego told him. "No problem. My lord, my lady, do have a good day." He said, as the door gradually closed.

 "Why are you in that outfit?" Diego spoke to her for the first time ever, as they walked, through the hallways. "I am going hunting with you, how else am I supposed to have dressed up?" Diane asked him. "I am not surprised that Natasha told you." He stated, as they exited the manor. "But it is a bit too dangerous for you, I am afraid that you will have to turn back." He added, as they approached the open field. "I don't see danger In that place if you are going to be there." Diane said, as she looked at him. "So can I go, please?" She added, a pleading look on her face. A young servant walked up to them. "My lord." The servant said, as he bowed. "Get my horse out, If you please." Diego went straight to the point. " and please get your lady's own ad well." He added.

 "It has been a while, hasn't it, Sapphire." Diane muttered as she stroke the ears of the horse that she was riding, which neighed softly in response. "I also missed you too, Orion, oh!" She exclaimed suddenly, as she nearly fell of her horse. "I don't know who gave you the motivation that you could reach us from that distance." Diego observed. "It is not too late to go back home, now." He added. They had already been on horse back for some timenow, but irregardless of the distance, he knew that suddenly turning around at this point will be too much of a late decision. "Will you accompany me If I wanted to?" Diane asked him, her eyes pleading, of which Diego nodded. "That is great and I really appreciate this, but heading back will not be easy for you though. Home is quite a long distance away, afterall." She added, with a smile plastered across her feautures, knowing fully well that she was currently in charge of the situation. When Diego saw that the vegetation in the path which they followed had gotten green and more dense, he could only sigh. At this point, there was nothing else to do apart from keeping her safe.


 Natasha was still busy tidying up her room, when a knock came on the door. "My lady." A maid called out. "What Is the problem?" Natasha inquired. "Lord Thaniel is currently seated at the living room, my lady. He says he wants to see you." The maid said. Natasha felt a particular pang in her chest. "Alright. Please inform him that I will join him shortly." She replied.

She descended from the stairs, her thoughts completely and utterly messed up. Normally, she would have sent Theodore down to receive him, but Theodore was currently pre-occupied at the office, and there was no need to bother her parents over such trivial affairs. She eventually laid her eyes on her esteemed guest, who was busy elegantly sipping his tea. "Good morning, Lady Natasha." Thaniel greeted with a smirk, as soon as She sat down. "It has been an awfully long time since I last laid eyes on you." He said. "Same here." Nataha also stated, as she tried to avoid looking into those hazel eyes of his. "I am actually here for Diego, but the servants informed me that he was currently unavailable- where did he go?" Thaniel asked. "You missed him a while ago." Natasha said, as she continued to avert her eyes. "He stepped out to sort his game a bit, he should be back before dusk." Natasha explained. "And Lady Diane?" This time, Natasha was compelled to look up. "Why are you seeking for her?" She asked, as she scowled a little, while analyzing his feautures. "She stepped out with her husband." Natasha finally said. "They are bonding quite alright, I see." Thaniel observed, with a slight smile on his face. "Anyway, I guess I will be on my way now. This information was pertaining to Diane, that is why I even bothered coming here. It's not like I didn't have better things to do, afterall." He said as he stood up. "Wait a moment, pertaining to Diane?" Natasha looked up at the man, who towered above her. "Nothing too serious, I hope?" She inquired. "You haven't changed at all. You still bother yourself so much." Thaniel laughed, as his eyes flashed coldly. "It isn't serious, so no need to panic. I would have handed it over to you, but who knows how Diego will react. He did emphasize that I should strictly keep it confidential." He added. "So you are going to him now?" Natasha asked, of which Thaniel nodded. "Should I prepare a horse for you or something? The distance is quite great.." "No need to bother yourself about me. I can always teleport there anyways." Thaniel added. "Like this." He said, as he clicked his fingers, fading away into nothingness in an instant. "Do take care of yourself, Lady Natasha". His voice was the last thing to fade off completely. As soon as he left, something in Natasha began to feel hollow. She sighed. She knew that she should not have entertained him.