It was a wonderful summer morning, as usual, and The household of Adriel was bustling with activity. The servants and the maids were desperately trying their utmost best to make the humble looking manson as presentable, and comfortable for their expected guests. "What are you standing out here for, Querrin?" A man with brown hair came stepped out. "You can always wait for them inside, there is no need to be standing out here underneath the blazing sun." The woman turned to him, her dark eyes meeting with his. "I can't just help but to be so excited, it Is the first time that Beatrice is visiting home since she got married." She explained, a broad smile on her face. "Is everything ready?" She inquired. "Yes, it just needs a little bit of arrangement here, a bit of cleaning there, every other thing should be set." Her husband replied. "Are you sure we shouldn't wait for them inside? You will get hypertension at this rate." Her husband teased. "I am not that old, you know." Beatrice's mother said, as she looked out again. The main gates which led towards the mano were opened, so she could see further down the road. Soon enough, the sound of carraige wheels came into their hearing. She gave her husband a look, that seemed to say 'I told you so.' A triumphant smile on their face. The carraige came to a halt in front of the manor, and Dennis highlighted first, before extending his hand to Beatrice, who was still seated. She glanced at his outstretched palm, before looking up at him. "Don't make a scene." Dennis whispered to her. "Your parents are right behind us, why don't you put that into consideration? Do it for their sake." He added. Beatrice reluctantly accepted his hand, before stepping down as gently as she possibly could. After that, they both walked up to her parents, who were standing around idly with big smiles on their faces. "Mother, father." Beatrice called out to them, letting go of Dennis's hand. She immediately fell into her father's embrace at first. "How have you been father? How is the business down at the north?" She inquired. Her father released her, before kissing her on the forehead. "Business is blooming as always." He told her, while smiling happily at her. "It's been a while." He said, as he patted her head. "Indeed, it has." Beatrice replied, as she gazed at the man that she hadn't seen for months now. Although he seemed a little stressed, but those brown eyes remained vibrant, and he still stood as straight as he was years ago. "Oh, yes, leave me out of the picture." Her mother's voice came in. Beatrice smiled, before embracing her mother as well, while her father and Dennis shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. "I hope you have been eating well." Her mother said, as they separated. "Indeed I have." Beatrice replied. "Why do I even bother asking? It is quite obvious that Dennis has been taking extra care of you, especially since you both are expecting a little one." Beatrice smiled, but she didn't say anything. After the amazing scenario that occurred at the Lewis Manor a few weeks prior, Dennis told-ordered her to inform her mother about her conception. And she complied, what was the essence of concealing it from her very own mother? It was better if she informed her family herself, than for someone else to end up doing it on her behalf. "I hope the both of you can pardon me." Mrs Adriel said, as she glanced at Dennis. "I got so preoccupied in exchanging pleasantries that I forgot to invite our esteemed guests in."
The four of them stepped into the living room. Although it was not as grandiose as the manor which Dennis resided in, it remained magnificent, regardless. Beatrice was absorbed in looking around, as she seated herself next to Dennis, it had been such a while since she called upon this place that the entirety of it almost seemed foreign to her. She had already gotten used to large and exquisite beds, intricately crafted silver Ware, magnificent staircases tiled with marble, and the several rows and rows of rooms that characterised the corridors that she always felt lost and dizzy whenever she walked in them alone, back at the Lewis household. She had long missed her simple and small bedroom, especially designed just for her, and she also felt a slight bit of nostalgia towards the simple yet savorable cuisines that didn't have long names which were rather difficult to pronounce. She also missed moving as freely as she pleased, rather than to be constantly confined to the manor. If only it were possible, she would insist on staying here just for the night. But the thought of it alone, was simply absurd to her.
"Where is aunt and Uncle?" Beatrice asked as she looked around. "Oh, that." Her father adjusted on his seat, as he cleared his throat. "I couldn't just leave the north without having someone to direct the helm of affairs over there, so your uncle decided to nominate himself." Her father explained. "And your aunt, well she decided to go with him." "And Eras? Did he perhaps leave with them?" Beatrice immediately asked after the well-being of her older cousin. "He is working at the office." Her mother took the initiative to reply her. "I did send one of the maids to call him down, he should be here soon." She added. "Alright then." Beatrice nodded with eyes full of understanding. "It has been long since I met them though, a pity that I wasn't opportuned to meet them this time as well." She simply stated. "There is no need to fuss about that now, I will simply inform them that you sent your regards." Her Father said. "Anyway Dennis, how has your family business been going?" Her father inquired, as he turned towards his son in law. "No crisis, I hope?" Dennis smiled at the baron that was seated in front of him. "Thank you so much for your concern, father." Dennis said. "The business has greatly improved as of late. At least the rate of return I expect at the end of this summer ought to be, at least forty percent." He informed him. The baron's eyes nearly bulged. 'I am not at all surprised at his expression at the moment.' Dennis thought, although the smile was still on his face. 'Afterall, this is where the clear differences in status Is established- even if this family toils hard for a single year, they will still be unable to challenge the progress I make in a single month.' "That is quite a lot, I see that you are quite the business man." The baron praised. "I am not at all astonished, George did say that Dennis was well versed in such affairs from a tender age." Beatrice's mother informed him. "Maybe that is what we should have implemented on Erastiel from a young age, Hiran." The Baroness whispered to her husband, as she leaned In on him. "Children are structured in different ways, Querrin. Just because Dennis had the mental capacity doesn't necessarily mean that Eras would as well." The baron whispered in return. The Baroness returned to her initial position, obviously not satisfied with the response her husband gave, but there was nothing else she could say to convince him. "Beatrice, I had been staring at those ear-rings of yours for quite some time. I don't recall gifting any such thing to you?" Her mother inquired. Beatrice stared at the man that made her to put it on. Though Katrina swooned over at her dazzling and elegant she looked when she wore them, Beatrice felt absolutely no sentiment nor gratitude no matter how much Katrina continued to praise it. Because she knew quite well, that It was given to her not out of the free will of the heart. "Did, Dennis perhaps gift them to you?" Her mother inquired, when she saw how Beatrice stared at her husband. "No, mother, you are mistaken." She corrected. "Father is actually the one that gave me it to me." She said, as she lightly touched the one on her right ear. They may be beautiful, but it came with a price- they were heavy, and they made her ears itch.
"Oh, how wonderful! Getting you married into their family was no mistake. Especially if your in-laws continue to spoil you like this. " Her father said, laughing heartily. Beatrice could only give a shallow smile in manner of response. "Perharps if the Marchioness was still alive, she would have pampered you with all diligence. Then we would be certain that we shall have no need to worry." He added. Like a flash, the image of the woman in the portrait immediately came into Beatrice's mind. Which made her to ponder upon the question, what kind of a woman was the marchioness really when she was still alive?
"I am sure she would. I am quite certain that she had heart of gold just like her son." The Baroness quipped in, with a slight smile. "You flatter me too much, mother." Dennis uttered, with a smile on his face. "Perharps, that would have indeed been the case." He added, as he glanced at the woman deate on hid right. While they were still in the middle of their conversation, a maid came towards the Baroness with a worried look On her face, before stopping down to whisper something into her ear. The face of the Baroness, which was placid before instantly contorted into a frown. "I will take care of it." Beatrice saw her mother mouth to the maid. The maid once again bowed before leaving. After that occurrence, the Baroness broke into a smile as if nothing ever transpired. "I still find it hard to believe that I am to become a grandfather soon." The baron said, as his smile widened further, giving his eyes a slitted appearance. "I am sure that the Marquis must be feeling thrilled and expectant, as well." The Baroness throttled on. "I hope the child inherits the good looks of you both." She added. "Especially you, Dennis. I am quite sure that is why my daughter stares at you so oftenly, she must find you irresistible." She added. Dennis laughed at that, causing Beatrice to marvel at what a good actor he was. His laughter was quite natural, not even leaking any aura of pretense. "I would rather hope not." He commented, causing the two adults to laugh in response. "Oh, that is right, I had already designed a crib for the baby. But unfortunately, the both of you arrived first." Her mother said. "Mother, don't you think it is too early for that now?" Beatrice inquired, puzzled beyond boundaries. "I didn't ask for your opinion- all I know is that I am doing something for my unborn grandchild." She said, as she crossed her legs. "But" "No buts." Her mother said sternly, her black eyes flashing. "A carraige will drop it off at your residence when it is ready." She stated. "Thank you, mother." Beatrice could only help but mutter, knowing fully well that the look on her face left no room for argument. "By the way, ought I to return the necklace which you gave to me the previous day?" She interrogated, turning to her Son-in-law. "You know, in case Beatrice ends up having a daughter." She made obvious the reason for her statement. "There is no need to worry about that, mother." Dennis said. "If Beatrice so ends up having a daughter, I can always provide her with something even Better. Just save it for Erastiel's future daughter, he is to get wedded eventually afterall." He added. "By the way, I thought he was coming? I haven't seen him, as of late." Dennis inquired. The Baroness had no other option but to rise up on her feet. "Please pardon me, I will be right back." She said, as she quickly headed towards the staircase.
"So father, how is the business in the old mine faring?" Beatrice asked. The Baron nearly choked when he heard that. He casually glanced over at Dennis, who just gazed at him calmly. "Y-yes, everything is going on perfectly fine. There is no need for you to worry." The baron replied, after a brief moment of hesitation. "I am glad to hear that." Beatrice stated, as she relaxed In her chair. "Anyway, father, you really went all out with your reception. It really makes me feel like I am back at my own manor." Dennis said. "I am glad that you are alright with this arrangement, it is the least we could do afterall." The baron felt gratified, thus he smiled at that statement. "Anyway, I ought to have An important assignment to engage in by noon, so I am afraid that we will have to leave on time." He explained. Beatrice gazed at him. "But you didn't inform Me about any such task." Dennis looked down at her. "I did. Maybe you got a little absent-minded." Beatrice looked away, although she knew what she said was the truth, there was nothing she could do. It would be rather tragic for her to quarrel with him in the abode of her parents, although her parents tried their best not to seem like it, she still knew that the both of them were going through a lot. "I was really looking forward to seeing Eras, though." She said, as she deliberately decided to look downcasted. "That is rather strange-I thought your mother went up to send for him, I wonder what the reason for the delay is."Dennis commented, as he glanced towards the staircase. "Dennis, please." Beatrice called out in a lovely voice, as she gazed at him with much longing in her eyes. Dennis's blue eyes came into contact with her brown ones, he was obviously perplexed as to why she behaved in such an unusual manner. "Do as you deem fit." Dennis said, as he proceeded to break eye contact with her. "Thank you!" She exclaimed, as she embraced him from the side, causing Dennis's eyes to momentarily widen. The baron laughed, as Beatrice scurried up to the staircase. "Watching the both of you makes it seem like I have gone back to the days of my youth. It really thrills me to see the amount of love the both of you have for each other." He said, before calling after Beatrice. "Be careful as you ascend those stairs, It will Grieve us if you fell." "I will!" Beatrice exclaimed, as she got to the top of the stairs. "And try make the affair swift, you won't want to be wasting poor Dennis's time!" He added. But the damsel had long strayed out of sight. "It thrills me exceedingly to know that getting you both married to each other was not a bad choice." The baron said, as he turned to Dennis. "She Is such a good lass, she deserves all the happiness in the world." Dennis Just looked on as the baron continued to Eulogise his daughter. "By the way, father. These decorations appear to be quite lavish and elaborate, are you sure they didn't cost a huge sum?" Dennis inquired, with a serious look On his face. "I sincerely don't mind- I am more than willing to run into a debt if it means that I will be able to ensure that both my son-in-law and daughter feel at ease." He said. Dennis sighed. "Well, you are the father of my wife, it will be quite discourteous if I do nothing about it." Dennis said, ignoring the Baron's eyes which were shimmering in anticipation. "Just give me a written sum of how much debt you incurred in the process of doing all of this, and I will handle the rest." He said frankly. "Ah, thank you so much!" The baron said, as he once again broke into a broad grin, to the extent that Dennis began to wonder at why his Lower Jaw wasn't aching at the moment. "There is no need to thank me." Dennis simply said, while hoping he could leave this place as quickly as possible. "To think that I would attain a son due to Beatrice." The baron muttered to himself, as a complicated look briefly flashed past his eyes as he gazed at Dennis. "By the way." He added, with a hushed tone. "How is the old mine faring exactly? I only said yes in order to not stimulate Beatrice's suspicions." He admitted. "Well, the revenue which it generates is just a measly thirty percent, and let just accord that to the fact that it is old, as the name implies." Dennis began. "Moreover, It is also quite small. Not very Spacious. This factor alone makes almost nearly impossible to extract resources from it. Not like there Is much resources to extract to speak of- you did mention that it was already owned by someone before you purchased it off their hands?" Dennis interrogated, slightly raising a brow. "That is indeed the case." The baron replied, as he adjusted himself into a more comfortable position. "I am even amazed at how you were able to develop its resources, I am quite uncertain if it would have been possible for Me to do that myself, given the state to which it has deteriorated." The baron told him, feeling a bit of pride at attaining such a talented son-in-law. "I see." Dennis uttered, as he nodded. "Nonetheless, I will stick to our initial agreement, you will still attain a minimum discount of fifty percent from its overall revenue." Dennis said. "Are you certain about that? You still have to develop your region at the south as well, I would really hate if it if you get summoned to the throne for dereliction of duty." The Baron stated, a worried look on his face. Dennis laughed. "There shall be no such thing." He assured his father-in-law. "The funds will eventually come, I am currently investing a lot at the moment." He informed . "By the way, is your business blooming as you acclaimed it was?" Dennis interrogated.He had taken note of how the baron fidgeted when speaking about his occupation. The Smile that had been on the face of the Baron for so long, Finally faded away. "Not precisely." He admitted. "It seems like the more I invest into it, the more I keep raking up debt." He added, his tone grave. "It's a business that deals on textile is it not? Such companies usually bloom especially in the north, so what exactly is the issue?" Dennis inquired. "I have heard rumors that the people of the north can be quite selfish with their money, but I don't believe it has deteriorated to the extent that they will walk the street naked." Dennis pondered out loud. "Well, I just initially began to indulge in this trade. And I am not the only one that operates a textile firm, they are also several firms as well, and the competition is quite intense." The baron explained. "Especially since they are others which have been long established; their foundation has the tendency to be more solid, so people often invest in these more often. And as of recent, I have not been able to afford the supply of raw materials, whose price continually rises on a periodic basis. So far, the business has been experiencing a state of great depression." The baron concluded, nearly out of breath. "As for the supply of raw materials, let me be the one to handle that." Dennis informed him, after analyzing all his father-in-law had said. "I think I know of a way to reduce the level of competitiveness." He added, with a smirk. The baron was vividly impressed, his impression of Dennis taking a complete three hundred and sixty degree turn. "I must say, you are quite talented; you seem to have a solution for everything." Dennis In return, did not betray his pride. "I hear that quite often from my father's political friends." He added, a smug smile on his face.
Beatrice soon got to where the maids directed her- her uncle's office. Just as any other heir to a noble family, he would eventually be requested to accept the mantle of responsibility.
"Why not?" A woman stood in the office, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. "I already told you aunt, as long as that man is under this roof, I am not willing to head downstairs for whatsoever reason." An exhausted looking young man replied her. "How could you be so discourteous, do you realized for how long they had to ride on?" The Baroness muttered angrily, wishing that she could give him a severe punishment. "I already told you, I.." He was interrupted by the creaking of the door, and Beatrice walked in. Both Cousin and mother stared at the intruder, unable to utter a word. "So you won't even go down to see me?" Beatrice said, as she looked at her cousin with much disappointment in her eyes. 'Beatrice." Erastiel began softly. "You shouldn't be standing in your current state, please take a seat." He told her. "I would rather stand, thank you very much for the offer." Beatrice obstinately declined, as she strode up to him. Her anger dispersed in an instant when she saw the state he was in. He had lost weight slightly, and there were dark circles under his eyes. He seemed to have been bending gradually underneath the immense weight and responsibilities which were constant being thrown at him, if care wasn't taken, he might break in two. "I wonder if you have been eating or sleeping at all these days." Beatrice told him. "I have, when I Have been opportuned to." Erastiel told her slyly, as he looked away from her eye contact. How could he possibly tell her that the family was currently swimming in a pool of debt? "By the way, accept my congratulations, you are going to become a mother soon." He said, as he faked a smile. "Are you not going to head downstairs now? Both Dennis and Beatrice have anticipated your arrival for so long." Her mother quipped in suddenly. "And you sit down, this moment." She said, as she turned to Beatrice sternly. "I am alright, mother." She began. "I insist." Beatrice could only sigh, before reluctantly taking her seat. "I know that there is a bit of bad blood between you and Dennis, but please don't transfer that aggression to me." Beatrice told him. "It was never my intention to do such a thing." Erastiel replied, in a solemn tone. "Everyone In this household keeps talking about how good he is. I wish they could see him for the person he truly was." Erastiel said, with much irritation on his voice. "What are you trying to insinuate, young man?" Her mother said, as she glared at her cousin. "What I am trying to say, is that he is a crook and a traitor" Erastiel admitted, as he slammed his hands on his desk. "Goodness knows how many people he has deceived just in order to get what he wants." He added. "I am still standing here you know, and you can't possibly expect me to do nothing while you bad mouth my son-in-law." Her mother told him with infuriated eyes, before she walked out of the room. Beatrice sighed,turning to her cousin. "Don't think too much about it, he already had her wrapped around his finger a long time ago." She told him. "Forget about me; what about you, how have you been?" He inquired. Beatrice shrugged. "The same as always, you on the other hand, it is quite clear you have been overburdening yourself." Eras smiled genuinely for the first time since she had arrived. "What can I do? Everyone has great expectations of me, I don't want to disappoint them." Erastiel stated. "And I don't want to lose my cousin to sleep deprivation." She told him. "You don't have insomnia, do you?" She inquired. "No, I don't." He responded flatly. "I just have so much to do at the same time, it's all so overwhelming." He complained. "Well, do the best which you can, no one says you should kill yourself for the sake of the family!" Beatrice berated him. "You never dealt well with pressure anyway." "Do you know what is going through my mind as you are seated before me right now?" Eras inquired. "What?" "That the child in your womb shouldn't inherit that spicy temperament of yours." He said. "Says the guy that doesn't want to come down to see my husband, because he knows quite alright that he will lose his cool." Beatrice critiqued. The both of them stared at each other for some time, before bursting into laughter. This made Beatrice feel nostalgic towards her childhood, she just had to cherish such moments. "Lady Beatrice." A maid called out from behind the door. "Is there any problem?" She inquired. "Your husband awaits you down stairs, he says you should hurry it up." "One moment please." Beatrice said In way of reply. "You are leaving already? I wished to speak with you some more." Erastiel said, with much regret in his voice. "You would have been able to, if only you came downstairs." Beatrice told him off. "He claims to have an appointment my noon, so we have no other choice but to leave." She informed him. "It even surprises me how he remembered about the visit of today, he could have pretended that he wasn't aware, afterall." She said. "Anyway, I will advise you to beware of that man." Eras told her, as he furrowed his brows. "He is as handsome as he is dangerous." He added. "As If you are not charming yourself." Beatrice said with a smile. "When It comes to looks, I believe I pale in comparison." Eras commented. Beatrice smirked at her cousin. She leant closer and whisperedto him: "Now it sounds like you are according him praise." "I am not!" Erastiel refuted immediately. "I will be fine, there is no need for you to bother about me." Beatrice said, as she stood up. "If anything happens in the course of this Marriage, I will know that I am the one who brought it upon myself. Even if you give me a chance to leave him, I doubt I would."