Round Over

Yellow woke in the darkness to Green Runner rolling him over and mounting him. He tried to speak but she closed his jaw with her hand and began licking his neck. Despite his injuries still hurting, despite them having mated just a few hours ago, he gave in to her desires. He let his head roll over and found Grey and Patches sleeping nearby. He remembered they had asked to sleep in his nest after they had returned home. He sighed as he and his mate were about to begin their dance.

"Hey there brother.", said Brown from behind them.

Green Runner jolted off him in fear and slammed his head into the ground.

"Oh Brown, you startled me.", said Green Runner after getting her footing.

The world grew fuzzy as Yellow saw little mammals swirl around his head.

"Oh, Yellow are you okay?", asked Green Runner as she lifted his head.

He nodded as his vision cleared and shot a deadly glance to his sister. She laughed at him and waved her hands. 

"Sorry to interrupt, but its almost time to get started and Red asked me to get you four.", she said, still laughing.

"It's that time already?", he asked with a yawn. 

"Hey, you made this schedule after we finished gathering all of the shadows last twilight. Anyway, with that being said, you know just how tight our schedule is if we want to starve the remaining nests, so meet me at Red's nest in a few minutes. By the way, I'm really proud of you, I'm sure our parents would be too.", said Brown before leaving with a wave.

"Okay, just the nightwalkers, a few remaining nests, and the shiny before we control the entire forest and I can relax again.", he thought as his grogginess cleared.

"Let's wake these two and get going.", said Green Runner.

Yellow watched her wake them and pick on Grey and they all shared a laugh before they began walking. He could feel his anxiety building up, the sweeping chill of unease and insecurity gripping him as he went over his plan for the feast in his head. There was another feeling though, as he walked with his friends, something that had been growing inside him for the last few days. Something keeping him calm, an island in his sea of uncertainty, the strength he found in himself was rooted in the desire to keep his friends alive.

. . .

"Well the gangs all here.", said Red, surrounded by dozens of shadows.

"Does everyone know the plan?", asked Yellow.

"Of course, at the forest's edge we'll dig and hide in the buried traps Green Runner specializes in, while the shadows wait in the trees. When the other nests arrive early, we'll slaughter them. The shadows can eat them while we harvest the feast.", explained Red.

"Everyone don't forget to give them a chance to surrender. There will be plenty of food during the feast now that we're all working together.", instructed Yellow.

"We can always breed more numbers, but this is your show Yellow. I will say this however, if anyone breaks a truce we make, the risk-taking ends right there, and we'll kill them all.", said Red.

"I agree.", said Yellow.

"Heh, really? That's rather cold of you.", questioned Brown, eyes wide in surprise.

"I think he finally understands the old saying, bloody is the mouth that feeds.", said Red with a crooked smile.

"So, is everyone ready? Why are only we here?", asked Yellow.

"Oh, I didn't tell you, this is your hunt today, we're all here awaiting your orders.", explained Red.

"Huh?", asked Yellow, his mouth agape.

Brown and Green Runner giggled at him.

"Did they know about this to? These females are vicious.", he thought.

"Just consider it practice.", said Red.

Yellow raised his brow at this, before witnessing Blackhead shoot a surprised glance at Red. Red nodded at him and Blackhead turned to Yellow, looking him up and down, as if sizing him up, before nodding as well. Green Runner put her arm around him while Brown smiled at him and Grey stomped his feet.

"Is there something everyone else here is in on?", he wondered.

"No, I'll ask Greener later, for now it's time to lead.", he thought.

"Alright then, as my first order I'm asking the shadows to wake everyone up and tell them to begin the plan. If anyone has questions tell them to ask Brown. Sister, when the last pack of hunters is on the move, come find us at the feast.", instructed Yellow.

"Let's move out!", he yelled with his new-found strength.

"Excuse me?", asked an unfamiliar voice.

Everyone turned to see six nightwalkers standing at the nest entrance. They all reacted on instinct as they threw their claws into the air.

. . .

Justin leapt up to the platform, dried flakes of blood tumbling off him as he landed. He was covered in it, his pants were torn off at his knees, and his shirt was gone. Morcant was still sitting next to Taysass'es body. He had closed her up and put her baby in her arms. Tacktay was napping next to him.

"Well?", asked Morcant.

"I killed about forty of them, but I'm sure there's more.", stated Justin with a cold, deep voice.

"So, this is your other side eh?", asked Morcant. 

"Mm, I'm surprised you could tell I'm like this. Most people just assume I'm strange and move on.", he stated, his voice was quick and concise, as if speaking was a chore for him.

"My father taught me there's two sides to every man. I guess yours are just a little more, eh…", Morcant's voice trailed off.

"Pronounced.", he stated.

Morcant nodded.

"Sorry I scared you earlier.", he said, looking away and scratching his head.

Morcant shook his head and turned around to face him with his red, swollen eyes.

"Sorry I pulled a knife on you, you were looking at me like you we're going to kill me. I thought I trusted you the way I wanted to, but the way you looked right through me, it terrified me. Suddenly I forgot about everything you had ever said or done.", explained Morcant.

"Morcant, so long as none of you seriously betray me in some way, I will never hurt any of you.", he said, his eyes leaving their squint and softening.

"It's not your fault, I'm just weak, I guess. You're better than me in every way, it's scary, and it makes me jealous.", said Morcant, looking down.

"I understand completely.", said Justin.

"Eh?", asked Morcant, raising his head.

"I told you I just got this nanite shroud when I came here. Look at my build, do I look strong to you? On my world I'm slightly above average height, but I was always weak and passive. I don't think I've ever seriously considered someone bigger than me anything but threatening, much less a friend, no matter how nice they were to me. So even if you never trust me, I promise I'll keep defending you and trying to be your friend.", he said.

"That right there is what I hate about you. You're so compassionate, it makes my other half feel like your looking down on me.", said Morcant.

"I'm not looking down on you Morcant, I'm like this with you not because your weak and need my help, but because I hate myself. My pride, my passion, my drive, I lost it all years ago. So, when someone comes along and is kind to me, I give them all of what's left of me.", explained Justin with a broken half smile.

"You're a real piece of work, making me pity you. I guess I'll have to add fixing you to my list.", said Morcant with a laugh.

"Good luck with that.", laughed Justin.

Morcant chuckled before dropping his posture and turning back to Taysass'es body.

"Are you ready?", he asked.

"Mm, I'll get the sled up here and we'll move her. Want to eat first?", asked Justin.

"Not really, but I guess I should force myself.", said Morcant.

"I'll bring some dried meat and fruit from the storage box at the mountain along with the sled.", said Justin.

"Eh, before you go, I wanted to ask you something.", said Morcant.

"Sure, what's up?", asked Justin.

"What was with you last night? You said something ridiculous and suddenly got super-fast.", asked Morcant.

"Ah, that, I assumed the nanites were holding back and I asked them to stop. Luckily for us they were, and I shot faster like I wanted. Honestly, I don't think I've even begun to scratch the surface of what this shroud is capable of. The body works in a similar way, the brain doesn't let you use full force so you can't hurt yourself, but once you accept that as necessary, you can preform pretty great feats. My people have a chemical called adrenaline that activates in times of great stress, it allows us to ignore pain and tear our bodies apart to accomplish whatever is necessary, we call it an adrenaline rush.", explained Justin.

"Eh? I knew it, all of your people are overpowered assholes like you!", joked Morcant.

"I'm sure your people have something similar, and it's not a guarantee of success.", said Justin.

"Well I've never heard of anything like that, but I have decided that I'm hungry. So, let's hurry this up so we can do the burial and… eh…", Morcant said before staring into space.

"Mm, after the burial, we'll build a boat and sail away.", said Justin before leaping from the treehouse.

. . .

The nightwalkers threw their hands into the air, and Yellow noticed how battered and beaten they were. Several of them were freshly maimed and they were all covered in blood. Everyone put their claws down as they realized the nightwalkers weren't here for a fight. Yellow couldn't find any words as he studied them, having never seen one before. He had only been told that they never contacted the other raptors, hunted at night, and were jet black with glowing eyes. Their appearance was correct, and it wasn't yet twilight, but Yellow was still confused as to what prompted them to make contact.

"We're here to accept your invitation Red.", said the central figure, standing slightly taller than the rest.

"Oh, is that still open, or did the deadline expire? I can't seem to recall.", sang Red in a feminine, sarcastic tone.

"I apologize for our tardiness and beg your mercy. Your messengers also warned us about the shiny as well, but our old Alpha ignored your invitation and wisdom by proceeding to attack the shiny.", the nightwalker explained. 

Red and Brown burst into laughter at hearing this and Blackhead sighed. Yellow was finally able to turn to Green Runner only to find her still ready in a battle stance. Grey and Patches had gathered between them. Once again Yellow wondered if they knew something he didn't.

"Are they just paranoid or is there something else going on here? Haven't the nightwalkers surrendered? Perhaps they don't follow those rules, like how we broke the Alpha fights. Then again", he thought.

"Let me guess, you all thought there was an uncontested meal waiting for you out there by the mountain.", Red managed to slip in between his cackling.

"Yes, that's exactly what he told us.", said the nightwalker, his head low in shame.

"I had my suspicions the moment we arrived and found a long claw hanging dead in the canopy. Our Alpha assured us it must have climbed there on its own in search of food and gotten stuck, but its sheer weight made me question that. The story told by your messenger hung over our heads as we attacked, but we learned the truth to late. Despite our combined forces, we lost over a dozen fighters in seconds, and almost a dozen more within the minute. Our command structure broke down, no one had any idea what was going on, and we've never had to retreat before. I finally made the call after the second attack group was decimated.", he explained.

Red cleared his throat and put his hand on Brown as they stopped laughing.

"Pardon our rudeness, the fact that the situation was so easily avoidable struck us as funny. If you can forgive us, I would be more than happy to bring you all into our grand nest.", said Red.

The nightwalkers nodded and quickly bowed before him, casting a killer grin on Red's face.

"So, finish your story. We're all curios as to whether you lead that thing here.", said Red, tossing his head in Green Runner's direction.

"Oh, no we would never. It definitely left before we regrouped and came here. You see, it chased us throughout the forest for hours. I thought to gather support from the other nests, we had begun working together after hearing of your growing nest, but the shiny slaughtered them.", said the nightwalker.

"I hope for your sake your right about that. So, this is what's left of the nightwalkers in the forest?", asked Red.

"There are a couple of nests left, we can show you their locations or attempt to gather them peacefully, whichever you prefer.", said the nightwalker.

"I would prefer peace, we'll discuss it after the feast, for now why don't all of you get some rest. You can stay here today and nest when your ready. By the way, what's your name? I assume you'll continue to lead this pack.", asked Red.

"Chipper, apparently I made bird sounds as a hatchling.", said the nightwalker.

"Alright, well you've given us quite a surprise Chipper, but a welcome one. If that's all then…", Red said before being interrupted.

"There is one last thing.", shouted Chipper.

"Oh, let's here it.", said Red, grinning.

"I barely know the nightwalkers by my side, but I have chosen to take responsibility for them and to lead them. So, it's for their sake that I ask you, what do you plan to do about the shiny? It's completely immune to our claws and teeth, it killed six nests within hours. We thought we were damaging it, but we only tore whatever it was wearing over its skin.", asked Chipper.

"We have a plan in place, or more specifically, Yellow here does.", said Red, motioning to him.

"If all else fails we plan on retreating to the red river lands.", he continued.

"I see, I can accept that. ", said Chipper, nodding to his comrades.

"Wonderful, then let's continue, shall we?", asked Red, prompting the nightwalkers to run out into the nesting grounds.

. . .

Justin and Morcant released the sleds as they arrived at the graveyard. The night had given way to twilight on their walk and long overlapping shadows emanating from the canopy were stretching and dancing all around them. It was desolate as always, with no flowers, animals, or even footprints dotting the former forest bed, only the short forests mosses and grass stretching between the tree lines. The breeze was back however, gently blowing the red leaves against the gravestones. They had already decided how to spend their time there.

Tacktay went looking for ammo around spawn hill, swimming away in the air with her spear and empty, holstered pistol, while Morcant began digging the grave. Justin wanted to help him, but to save time, was slicing down trees with his hands and loading them on the sleds. Morcant had the only rifle with ammo on his back, but they brought the other two as well in hopes Tacktay might find more ammo. They had wrapped Taysass'es body, along with her baby, in skin cut from the Therizinosaur, but the stench had clearly been getting to Morcant during their walk. Justin tried to work fast in order to relieve him, and so they could leave as soon as possible.

It took some time to cut off the branches and leaves, hours passing before the sleds were full. Justin had just finished cleaning his watch with his saliva when he noticed Morcant walking up to him.

"I think that's deep enough, but I still need to carve a headstone.", he said, panting. 

"Alright, well I'm done with the logs, need some help?", asked Justin.

"No, I just need a break, sorry.", said Morcant, taking a seat.

"It's alright bud. Don't push yourself to hard.", said Justin.

"It's just annoying, I've barely dug a grave, and you've cut down a dozen trees.", said Morcant.

"Well I do have infinite strength and stamina, so its not really a fair comparison.", said Justin, sitting as well.

"It's not really that. I'm mad at myself for not being able to deal with it, but the smell is just unbearable.", explained Morcant.

"Ah, well this place has a high oxygen content, so I guess decomp is faster. I can take over if you'd like. Maybe you can start shaving off this bark, we'll need to after all.", suggested Justin.

"I can't back out of this.", said Morcant, shaking his head.

Tacktay flew down to them and crawled up Justin's backside, onto his head.

"Are we finally taking a break?", she asked.

"I guess so, did you find anything?", laughed Justin.

"No, sorry, the whole place is picked clean.", she responded.

"Why don't you two drink and rest, maybe eat a snack, and we'll finish up here.", he stated with a sigh.

"I guess I could take a minute, we've got plenty of time in the day's here.", said Morcant.

"I'm going to finish the grave, Morcant, you make the headstone and find your sapling. Tacktay, keep an eye on him.", said Justin, getting up.

"Understood.", she said, gliding to the ground.

Justin walked over to the shallow grave and began fiercely digging as the smell penetrated his nostrils. He knew he didn't have to breathe, but the unconscious desire still nagged at him.

"So, can you really build a boat by nightfall?", asked Logic.

"You tell me.", said Emotion.

"Maybe a shitty one, and maybe you could build it up on your travels but is that really any safer than staying here?", asked Logic.

"I don't want to stay here, simple as that. I know we killed a lot of the raptors, but who knows how many more there are, and the Carno's are still around, along with unknown threats.", explained Emotion.

"I guess I shouldn't have expected a super logical answer from you, but perhaps you're right. If the herbivores are migrating along the riverbed, as all the footprints there would indicate, then in-between where they're going and where we are might be the safest. Here there's the drop, and somewhere along the river the herbivores have stopped, with the predators along with them. As for unknown threats like the Titanoboa and the Therizinosaur, I doubt we'll be any safer anywhere. This whole biome must be littered with them.", rambled Logic.

"I'm hoping we'll find the spaceport down the river and be done with this.", said Emotion.

"Well I guess there's no reason that can't be the case, but you shouldn't get your hopes up either. I have a feeling Tute plans on challenging us quite repetitively before we'll be allowed to leave.", said Logic.

"Well we don't have a reason to stay, here do we?", asked Emotion.

"Perhaps we're meant to gather drop victims and build a base camp here as our first test.", said Logic.

"If only the bastard would tell us what he wants, he sure was cryptic when we met", said Emotion.

"Yes, I wonder why we weren't allowed to know the reasons behind all of this. He kept saying everything was classified.", wondered Logic.

Justin had finished the grave after a couple of minutes and slowly lowered the body down, careful not to jostle the baby. Logic mentioned he shouldn't worry about it, but Emotion insisted that she remain upright. He leapt out and began covering it with dirt as Morcant approached him, dragging a rock behind him. He wiggled it into the ground before planting a sapling behind it.

"Anything you want to say?", asked Justin.

"Shouldn't we wait until we're done?", asked Morcant.

"Should we?", asked Justin, stomping down the dirt.

"I've got to write her name, and Tacktay should come down.", explained Morcant.

"Tacktay doesn't care for this kind of thing, but we can wait if you want. Honestly, I just want to get this over with.", said Justin.

"Eh?", asked Morcant.

"I don't know what to say is all.", said Justin with a sigh, scratching his head.

"That's why I wanted to wait, am I supposed to apologize, hope she's resting in peace, tell her we'll find her again like you mentioned before?", asked Morcant, shaking his head.

"I guess she already told us goodbye. Maybe we should just leave it at that.", suggested Justin.

"It's hard for me to accept that their all gone.", said Morcant, turning to him as he finished carving the headstone.

"You can write something as well if you'd like.", he said, holding out his knife.

"I just want to leave, I hate funerals.", said Justin, waving his hand.

"You know we may never see this place again, maybe we should build a fence or something? So, the graves aren't trampled.", suggested Morcant.

Justin grunted and looked away. Morcant sighed with a nod and waved for Tacktay to come down. He glanced back to Justin as he stood up and walked towards the sleds.

"Guess we're done talking huh? Not much left to say after all. We failed, I failed.", thought Emotion.

"Mm, time to move on, we've got a boat to build remember?", asked Logic.

"Right, just one last thing.", thought Emotion.

"Taysass.", he whispered into the wind.

"When I'm done here, could you teach me… how to fly?", he asked the silent grave.

. . .

Yellow sat with his pack along with Red and Brown in the canopy on the edge of the feasting grounds. Twilight was ending soon and with the sun being fully revealed the feast would begin. Everything had been quiet in the feasting grounds, with none of the remaining nests appearing and the horned ones resting along the forests edge. He had expected it to be this way and was preparing for the remaining nests to attack at the last possible moment, probably during the feast. He was running through scenarios in his head when Blackhead climbed up to them.

"Blackhead, report.", said Red.

"Still no sigh of the other nests, but we did find activity in that clearing the shiny made.", said Blackhead.

"Oh?", asked Red.

"They made a line of fresh, upright bark around it, like it's a nest or something.", he continued.

"Were he and his pack still there?", asked Red.

"No, thankfully there were tracks leading out towards the mountain on a depressed strip of dirt. It's as if they were dragging something heavy, and it was quite large.", said Blackhead.

"Interesting. Yellow what do you think?", asked Red.

"Fresh bark and a large depression in the ground, as well as the strange looking nesting grounds I saw after the ordeal with the snake.", thought Yellow.

"Was there any trace of blood or a fight?", he asked.

"Nope, no sights or smells to indicate that.", said Blackhead.

"Was anything there changed?", asked Yellow.

"Sorry it was our first time seeing it, so I haven't a clue. I suppose there was an unusually large pile of tree branches and leaves, but I figured they were for the nest.", said Blackhead.

Yellow sighed and scratched his neck.

"If there wasn't a kill then what were they dragging? Think Yellow, a nest, bark, something heavy…", Yellow's thoughts tried to piece the scene together.

"Wasn't that clearing full of healthy trees just a few days ago?", he asked.

"Mm, I've been through there a lot.", said Green Runner.

"Then the answers obvious, they must be moving trees back to the mountain to build their real nest.", said Yellow.

"Huh, you expect me to believe that thing no larger than Red is moving fully grown trees around? No offence.", said Blackhead.

"None taken, but I think Yellow is probably correct. You haven't seen that things power up close like we have. That long claw, it almost tore it in half in a single blow and took a strike from it without suffering any damage. Our scouts discovered the bodies of a great snake and a fin back pack by the river that we think it killed as well.", explained Red.

"You can't possibly be serious, what if it comes here?", stuttered Blackhead.

"Relax elder, we've got a plan for that.", laughed Red.

"I'm not that old yet, don't lump me in with those leaches.", snarled Blackhead.

"Hm? Did I strike a nerve there? You got a problem with elders Blackhead?", asked Red.

"They just sit around pretending to be wise while they eat our food. I assumed you didn't care for them yourself, considering what we're all doing here.", said Blackhead.

"I asked them for their advice before beginning the grand nest, and still speak to them daily. So far, they're enjoying the results with caution optimism. That reminds me Yellow, I'll have to introduce you to them sometime.", said Red.

"Hm, me? To the elders?", asked Yellow, temporarily dumbfounded.

Red nodded.

"Well I guess times are changing, perhaps they shouldn't only speak to the Alpha.", thought Yellow.

Brown and Green Runner giggled. Yellow glanced at them, and then to Grey, who simply shook his head.

"Am I still missing something?", he thought.

"So Yellow are you going to inform us as to what your plan is?", asked Blackhead, speaking through clenched teeth.

"Ah, sorry of course, but I don't think it will matter now. It's clearly busy building its nest with those trees.", rambled Yellow.

"Yellow, I'm afraid you aren't seeing an obvious option.", said Red whilst clearing his throat.

"Huh?", asked Yellow, tilting his head.

"We know that most of it's pack is dead, did it not occur to you it may want to change that?", asked Red.

"Of course! Why did that slip my mind? It may come here once it sees the feast begin to gather more subordinates. Also, we don't know if it knows when the feast begins, it could appear at any time!", Yellow thought in panic.

He felt Green Runners hand grasp his shaking shoulder and he realized his whole body was shaking.

"Are you okay honey?", she asked.

Yellow attempted to calm down and take back control of his run away breathing.

"Yes, sorry to worry you Greener.", he managed to say.

"Looks like that thing has him scared shitless.", laughed Red.

Brown and several shadows began laughing as well, prompting Red to stop rather quickly.

"And you all should be too.", he said in almost a whisper.

All the raptors in the canopy hushed in an instant as Red continued.

"Yellow's right to be scared, that thing is completely and utterly overpowering. We already told all of you to come get us and sound the retreat if you spotted it, but how about we let you in on the rest of the plan. Yellow, would you mind?", asked Red.

"Um, sure, of course.", he stuttered as the thought of loosing his friends gripped his heart.

. . .

Twilight was nearing an end as they worked the wood with their makeshift saws. They had been taught by Yujark to make rope and Churburret showed Justin how to make sturdy nails with rocks. The birds sang in the canopy as the gentle breeze blew the fresh smell of the river past them. The shadows of the giants they had killed days before still hung over the blood-stained ground, despite them being picked clean by scavengers. Justin had just finished gathering some of the bones after his tests revealed they were stronger than the rocks they had.

"Hey, did you forget which boat we're working on here?", asked Morcant.

"We'll need these when our tools break.", said Justin, dumping the load of bones next to the boat frame.

"Eh? Just how much do you expect this thing to carry?", asked Morcant, tying planks together.

"Well these bones are lighter and stronger than all the rocks I've found, and I don't think hunting down huge predators for them is the safest idea. We won't exactly need to carry water on the boat, leaving just food, tools, and clothes as our supplies.", explained Justin as he helped hold the plank in place.

Morcant tied the bottom while Tacktay flew in to tie the top, and with that the frame was complete. Now they just had to slide planks into it and tie or nail them in. The boat was rather small, less then thirty feet long and less than twenty across, with two rooms and a deck. They planned on sleeping in one room and storing supplies in the other while they paddled or observed from the deck during the day.

"So, after we find this building we win?", asked Morcant while he tied more planks down.

"Essentially yes.", said Justin.

"Doesn't that seem a little too easy to you? I thought that thing wanted to challenge you or something.", Morcant continued.

"Well I'm kind of assuming he'll catch onto what I'm doing if he hasn't already.", said Justin, scratching his head.

"Eh?", said Morcant, tilting his head.

"Basically, I expect him to through everything he has at me before we make it there, probably more huge dinosaurs or alien monsters. He seemed to imply that his civilization couldn't defeat this Eternal Tide, and I figure they lacked a good ground game. He was rather cryptic and implied there was more going on, but without more information to go on…", Justin's voice trailed off.

"So, you don't really know what happens next, and we're going headfirst into even more danger if we're even going in the right direction?", asked Morcant.

 "I wanted to make a safe place for all of you and then leave, but that didn't seem to be working out.", said Justin, looking away in shame.

Morcant sighed.

"Don't worry about us, we'll just hide when the monsters attack, or better yet I'll just kill them all for you while you flounder about trying to unlock more powers from your cloud.", laughed Morcant.

"Hey, I was serios about that, they completely took control of me when I asked them to. I'm sure now that there's more to them than just making me punch super hard.", said Justin.

"Eh, twilights over already, guess it's time for lunch and a…", Morcant's voice suddenly stopped short.

Justin looked over to him to find his hair sticking out again and his mouth agape, looking to the sky. He followed his gaze to see an enormous reflective sphere hovering above them at the cloud level. He was stunned too at first but shook it off and began looking in the reflection for the spaceport, to no avail.

"Eh, is this by chance what we've been looking for?", asked Morcant.

"Nope, just get back to work.", said Justin, grabbing a plank.

"The hell do you mean get back to work? What is that thing? You can't tell me that's normal, why aren't you freaking out right now? Tacktay this is crazy right?", Morcant rambled on.

"Justin's the kind of person to get anxious over a passing leaf while trying to keep us safe. If he doesn't have a problem with whatever that is, then neither do I. Besides, I think the answer is obvious.", said Tacktay, getting back to work on the boat.

"Eh? Obvious? You calling me stupid or something?", Morcant shouted.

"Morcant!", Justin interrupted him.

"It's another drop.", he continued after a pause.

"You mean…", Morcant began.

"Yes, more people are coming.", Justin interrupted him again.

Morcant stared at him with a look of disbelief, shaking as he mouthed words.

"Then what the hell are we waiting for? We've got to go and help them.", he shouted.

"Not a chance, they're dead and if you guys go there, you might be too.", said Justin, squinting at him.

"Are you kidding me? You're just going to let them all die?", asked Morcant. 

"Well it's not like I can keep them safe!", yelled Justin, clenching his teeth.

"But we've got to try, you're the only one who can save them. If you hadn't been there before, we all would have died.", argued Morcant.

"Everyone but you two is dead, I refuse to get to know another group of people just to watch them get torn to shreds. I refuse to watch the two of you die on that hill while we futilely attempt to stop a horde of monsters.", explained Justin.

"I understand that, but as a man I can't just sit by and watch as people are killed, especially after having been saved by you. This is my choice to make, and I'll make it with or without you.", said Morcant.

"No, it isn't, try and run and I'll tie you down with this rope. Even if you hate me, disown me, never speak to me again, I made a promise to keep you safe.", said Justin, looking down on him.

"Fuck you! I am not a coward.", roared Morcant.

Justin exhaled, his now wide eyes beaming at Morcant, before returning to a squint.

"Are you implying I'm…", he attempted to say.

"Everyone called us cowards for fleeing conscription, that pointless war. Well I'm not! I Morcant will not stand by while this happens, even if it ends like you say it will. There is no other path for me, the moment I took these blades I swore to follow the knights code of old. If there is a single person in danger, if I can reach them, then no matter the odds, I must try and save them.", Morcant explained while slamming his fist into his chest, his face clenched, twitching in rage.

Justin looked down with his hand covering his face and began chuckling. This quickly escalated into laughing, and then to hysterical cackling. He held his chest as he snickered and bellowed. Morcant made a tsk as his face twisted and he stormed over to him, raising his hand as if to slap him.

"There's nothing I can do is there?", Justin asked as he suddenly stopped laughing.

"To stop you.", he said.

Morcant shook his head and grunted while lowing his hand. Justin raised his head, revealing his teary face as he looked Morcant in the eyes.

"Every mans got a code, I already knew how you were, that's why I didn't want to tell you what that sphere meant, cause I knew I'd lose you. I'm sure this is selfish, but I don't know if I can take another hit Morcant. My mind, it'll break.", said Justin.

"I'm sorry, truly I am. I want to go on your adventure and reunite with my family, but this isn't a choice for me. There's nothing else I can do besides this. I know you've felt that before too. You want to save everyone with the advancements made here, right? What is your code exactly Justin?", asked Morcant.

"I try to save whoever is closest to me, physically or emotionally. I'd sacrifice whole worlds for the people I love. I've been told my whole life that's not right, but you know what? It's not wrong either! There's nothing wrong with protecting people you love over strangers!", Justin spat through his tears.

"There's nothing wrong with protecting them either.", said Morcant.

Justin made a tsk while grinding his teeth.

"I know this is selfish of me too, but I'm going to ask anyway. Please come with me, please help me.", asked Morcant, stretching out his hand.

A wide smile stretched across Justin's teary face as he threw his hand into his friends.

"Morcant, even if you through yourself into the fires of hell, I'm definitely gunna save you.", he said.

"So, this is your play huh?", asked Tacktay as she crawled up Justin's back and onto his outstretched arm.

"Tacktay, you can stay here and nap, we'll be back soon.", said Justin.

"No, you're not the only one with a code. It's the job of every member of a hive to defend each other, especially a guard like me. It's also our job to follow our… leader. If there's a fight, you can count me in.", explained Tacktay as she passed glances to them.

Justin laughed and nodded.

"Understood.", he said.

"Somethings happening.", said Morcant, looking to the sky once more.

The sphere was emanating a dancing light of arrows, carrying with it a hundred bodies slowly falling towards the ground.

"Guess we're out of time, Morcant, Tacktay, gear up, we're moving out.", said Justin as he released his friends' hand.

. . .

Yellow stared past the bodies gliding to the ground, looking to where he sent Greener. She had set up the trap doors near the shiny's fake nest and was waiting for it or the remaining raptor packs. Other trapdoors were placed around the feast as well, all waiting to catch the other packs off guard. Grey, Patches, Red, Brown, and Blackhead all waited in the canopy with him as the other packs circled the forest's edge. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop himself from shaking.

"I remember my first time commanding the people I loved.", Red said in his ear after sneaking up on him.

Yellow jolted but Red caught him.

"Does it get any easier?", asked Yellow, panting.

"Not really, you just learn to fake it for the sake of those around you.", Red replied.

"I see.", Yellow sighed.

"The calmer you are the better they'll fight, simple as that.", said Red.

"Why am I leading today? I know I help a lot with planning and ideas, but…", Yellow tried to ask.

"You already know Yellow, don't lie to yourself. I'm not getting any younger you know. Your right, you're the ideas guy, the guy thinking about everyone instead of himself. The people have begun to idealize you. If you spent time with them, you'd notice.", explained Red.

"Right.", said Yellow, staring beyond the hill.

"Don't worry, I've still got enough time left to teach you everything I know. Seeing as your smarter than me, I expect you to surpass me fairly soon.", said Red.

"There's one now!", shouted Brown.

The group turned and saw a pack of raptors not in their nest erupting from the ground and rushing the bodies as they reached the ground.

"So, they were hiding in the dirt hm?", thought Yellow.

"Our people will take care of them.", said Red and Blackhead simultaneously.

They made eye contact before Red laughed.

"Your people sure are working hard Blackhead. I assure you you'll all be able to get back on a proper sleeping schedule after today.", said Red.

"We're fighters, if we've got to fight in the day, so be it.", said Blackhead wile nodding.

A pack of shadows and Purple-Tan's pack swarmed the strays and encircled them. It appeared as though they were speaking for a moment, Yellow had told them to offer surrender, but they quickly began fighting. The friendly shadows swarmed below Purple-Tan's pack as they circled the enemy before they all striked at once. Purple-Tan's pack caught the enemy's claws as the shadows tore them open. The fight ended in seconds.

"They're doing great, nice coordination.", said Brown.

"We had them fight together in yesterday's twilight for a reason. Just look at how much more lethal we are when fighting together Blackhead.", said Red.

"I'm more interested in seeing how they'll fare in the Feast.", said Blackhead.

"No worries, Yellow determined what their boom sticks do. It's just a matter of avoiding their aim. Everyone was told what to do, drag out the fight, get in close for the kill, or distract while another disembowels them.", explained Red.

"The prey will land soon.", said Brown.

"Right you are dear. Say Yellow, are you hungry?", asked Red with a killer smile.

Yellow looked away and shook his head.

"I think I'll stay up here to make sure everything goes okay.", he said.

"Suit yourself.", laughed Red.

"Grey, Patches, Blackhead, do protect him alright?", instructed Red as he leapt down from the tree.

"Don't worry brother, everything will be fine.", said Brown with a smile.

Yellow nodded to her before she left as well, leaving just four of them in the tree. Yellow watched the valley around the hill below as his grand nest waited in place for their prey to land, waging their tails in anticipation. He remembered the shiny's cave, the prey screaming through the black box.

"Why must the world be so cruel? Why do I have to kill to keep my friends feed? Should I be thinking of another way?", he wondered.

"Say Yellow, what prompted you to start all of this?", asked Blackhead.

"Yea, I've been curios as well.", said Grey.

Yellow took a deep breath.

"My whole life I've watches needless fighting while I was put down for being weak. It didn't seem to occur to anyone but me that we could all work together and share the food. I'm not saying I don't want to pull my weight but, we should be able to get more food together in theory. So why did they fight? Pride? Mates? I pondered for seasons before I realized the truth. They all didn't want to be put down like me. The strong were scared that if they couldn't control or kill anyone they found, that they would put them down the way they did me. They feared the weak rising up and taking their food. They feared losing everything. They held onto grudges and bad blood because they didn't think their enemies could forgive them. So, I chose to break this cycle. One day Red showed me an act of kindness out of the blue, and I decided to forgive him for all the slights he and the others had done to me. I dedicated myself to being useful even in my weak state, and eventually I gained his trust. That's what we were missing, trust and understanding. If we can all just try, we can live together in peace and prosperity.", explained Yellow.

"Hm, I guess it's no different than how a nest works, just upscaled. And with everyone mating we can all trust each other since we all get what we want out of life instead of competing.", said Blackhead.

"Yellow that's beautiful.", said Grey, sniffling.

"Then why do I have this lingering, uneasy feeling in my chest? If I can do all this, why can't I do more? I don't want to kill, I…", Yellow's thoughts were cut short.

"I hope your trust can stop that thing.", snarled Patches.

In the distance a flock of birds flew from the trees as several collapsed. Their leaves were thrown into the wind along with a cloud of dust. As it grew closer, Yellow knew something was speeding towards them. It was to fast to be a great snake. Their worst fears had been realized. Rushing towards the fake nest was a speeding entity that could topple a forest.

"That's where Greener is!", he thought in panic as adrenaline poured into his veins.

"Patches inform the defenders we're activating the plan and have everyone fall back. Grey, Blackhead, with me!", Yellow commanded as he leapt from the tree.

Grey and Blackhead could be heard landing and running behind him as he dashed towards his lover. The groups of raptors had begun stomping their feet as the bodies were mere feet from the ground. No one could hear or feel the trembling from the forest, nor were they looking.

"Blackhead, Grey, shout to them as we run!", instructed Yellow.

"Yellow are we really doing this? Fighting that monster? We should trust the plan you made!", yelled Grey.

"Greener is there, I have to get her out, then we'll retreat!", shouted Yellow.

There was a silence between them as Blackhead called out to the packs they were passing.

"Okay!", beamed Grey.

"Okay? You two don't have to come with me after we get the others to retreat. In fact, I'd prefer you both get to safety, this is my fight.", said Yellow.

Grey caught up to him and shook his head as they ran.

"Yellow, after my friends died, I was really down, and thought I would be all alone, but you and Green Runner befriended me. Blue Stripes and our old alpha had always treated like crap, but the two of you showed me to my mate and showed me friendship. At first, I couldn't believe it, couldn't trust you, but I look around at all the amazing things you're doing, and the way you treat everyone, and I… I guess what I want to say is that I believe in you! I'll follow you anywhere!", said Grey with a smile that pierced into Yellow's heart.

"Grey, I can't choose you over Greener, and I can't guarantee your safety where we're going, but I'll stay with you no matter what.", said Yellow as they barreled into danger.

. . .

Justin drove his feet into the ground, tearing it open as he slowed his run. The dust cloud he had created caught up to them as he stopped and set down Morcant. He began coughing as Justin threw punches and kicks to disperse the dust. Tacktay threw up on his back and he stopped as the dust dissipated, revealing the graveyard.

"We're a little off but it's close enough. Wait, what's running down my pants?", thought Justin as he turned around.

"Shit sorry.", said Justin.

"I feel like I just got hit by a loose wagon barreling downhill.", wheezed Morcant.

"Are you guys okay?", asked Mathew.

"Ready here.", stated Tacktay, still on his backside.

Morcant beat his chest and spit on the ground whilst still catching his breath, then released the quad blades on his forearms.

"Ready as ever.", he said, still swaying about.

"Alright you guys know the plan, we'll catch people on our way to the hilltop where you guys will make a circle, and I'll go around gathering more. Also, Morcant you should use the rifle first.", said Justin.

"I'll save it for when I need it.", he smirked.

"That doesn't even make since, we'll be in and out of both close and long range for the entire fight.", said Justin, facepalming.

"Whatever just do the thing.", said Morcant, waving one of his bladed arms.

Justin took out a hollow log he had carried with him and placed over his mouth before screaming at the valley as loudly as he could.

"That'll wake the bastard up.", he thought.

A dozen raptors jumped out of their trapdoors at the valley's edge, taking stances towards them, but freezing up. Justin could tell from their hanging jaws that they finally understood, his overwhelming power. He smiled and began walking forward.

"How dare you be alive you bastard!", screamed Morcant as he rushed past him.

"Huh?", he thought.

Justin turned back to the raptors to see only one left, a tall green one, with only one arm.

"Not this again.", he thought, grinding his teeth.

"Morcant wait you idiot!", Justin yelled as he clenched his walkie-talkie.

The raptor snarled at them, taking a step forward, but stopped. It turned, as if hearing something, and then ran into the valley.

"The hell was that? Are they communicating? Perhaps I just can't hear them. Nanites, enhance hearing.", he thought.  

Justin heard low rumblings, like bat calls mixed with a crocodile's hiss.

"Of course, they can communicate just like the Carnos, on the low frequencies we can't hear. We only hear the Carnos due to them being louder and shaking us.", he realized.

"You're not getting away this time.", said Morcant as Justin caught up to him.

"Dammit Morcant you've got to give it a rest, you're going to jeopardize the mission. We're here to help people not to hunt the raptors.", scolded Justin.

Morcant clenched his jaw and looked down as they ran, saliva drooling from his mouth.

"Fine, but tomorrow we're hunting those things down!", he yelled to Justin's face.

"Wait, he's actually listening to me? Sure, he's pissed, but…", he thought.

"You got it! Speaking of Carnos, when we see them it will be time to retreat.", yelled Justin as they reached the end of the forest.

Bodies were beginning to touch the ground in groups as raptors waited below, but they weren't looking at them. They had all either began running away or were running towards the green raptor in front of them. There had to be over two dozen heading their way, with a Yellow raptor leading them.

"We know that one too. The one that ended Yujark with the Titanoboa", thought Justin, squinting.

"Who mentioned Carnos?", asked Morcant.

"Huh?", asked Justin, at a complete loss. 

"Wait, you talk to yourself too? Bro you've got issues.", laughed Morcant.

"Good lord! This would be one of those rifle times Morcant!", yelled Justin, red faced.

"On it!", he said as he began firing.

Justin thought they would all get sprayed down quickly but they began serpentining and turned around as they reached the green one. They continued their evasive tactics as they retreated, with only a few being wounded from Morcnat's fire, and several snatching up unconscious bodies as they ran. Justin could still hear the raptors communicating as they reached the first group of victims, which were Kettan. Morcant stopped firing as he ran out of ammo.

"You don't think?", asked emotion.

"It's still unlikely, dolphins, dogs, most creatures communicate without being intelligent.", thought Logic.

"Justin they're still asleep, what now?", asked Morcant, kneeling over the four Kettans.

"Wake them up, if I'd have known they would spawn like this we could have brought the sled.", instructed Justin as he stood watch.

"Tacktay, go get that group of Ticke' lying over there, and be vigilant.", he said.

"Understood.", she said before taking off.

One of the Kettan's Morcant had woke began yelling and pushing him back. Morcant stepped back and continued speaking to him in their language as the others gathered around him as well. He pointed at Justin as he continued rambling.

"Please, use these so he can understand you, press and turn the button and you can return it to your pocket. We're both here to help, but we're shot on time old man. If you don't want to listen to us, then we'll move on to someone else and leave you here to die.", said Morcant, gripping his walkie-talkie.

The old Kettan reached into his pocket and pulled out his as well.

"Don't make me ask you again you pink devil, where have you taken us? What is that thing?", the Kettan asked. 

Morcant clenched his teeth and Justin stepped towards them.

"Look around you, old man. Do you really think we brought you here? If ya'll want to live, I suggest you come with us. This place is surrounded by hundreds of man-sized predators.", coldly stated Justin.

 The Kettan man looked around the world, and then to the faces of those with him, a female and two children. He sighed.

"This had better not be a trick devil.", he said, eyeing Morcant.

"No tricks, we're trying to help you, asshole.", said Morcant as he helped the man up.

"Morcant, the raptors can communicate at a frequency you can't hear, so be ready for another attack. For now, let's continue the plan, you go up the hill and collect more people and I'll circle around. Look for rifles and ammo on the way.", instructed Justin.

"Eh, they can talk?", he asked.

"Many animals communicate, they're still animals, don't worry about it.", said Justin.

"Alright, see you soon.", said Morcant as he shooed the Kettan family towards the hilltop with his hands.

"Follow this devil children.", the Kettan man said.

"And old man.", said Justin.

Morcant's group stopped and turned around.

"Call him that again and I'll knock your teeth down your throat.", said Justin, squinting, before leaping into a run.

. . .

"I could have handled myself you know.", said Green Runner.

"You had your back to me when I found you.", said Yellow, making eye contact.

She looked away and snarled. Yellow growled at her and she turned back to him, surprised.

"I will not lose you to that thing. Follow my lead, understand?", he asked.

She blushed and nodded.

Yellow's group reached the tree-line and found the rest of the hunting party waiting for them.

"Grey, are you alright?", asked Patches.

"Mm, we didn't have a fight.", he said as he embraced her.

"Not yet.", said Green Runner.

"Yellow the baiters are in place and waiting for your orders.", said Patches.

"All of the hunters have fallen back to this location.", reported Purple-Tan.

"We're all patiently awaiting your orders Yellow.", said Red, smiling.

"And you'll continue to do so.", said Yellow, turning towards the feast.

"Um, brother, they're gathering at the hilltop, isn't that bad?", asked Brown.

Yellow turned to her and mimicked Red's smile.

"Exactly as planned.", he said.

. . .

Justin casually ran up to the fourth group he had met, this time humans. Several minutes had passed, and the raptors could still be seen waiting at the tree-line. The group of three men were in marines' uniforms, but only one was armed.

"Woah hold up there, partner.", said a tall, older man aiming his pistol at him.

"Howdy, the names Justin.", said Justin.

"I'm lieutenant Daniels, mind telling us what's going on here, or what the hell you're wearing?", the man in front asked.

Justin looked down at his shirtless, bloody chest and tattered pants before realizing the man was asking about something else.

"This is a nanite shroud, it makes me invulnerable. We're on an alien dyson sphere called Quidvis, surrounded by a hundred large, hungry raptors. I'll explain the rest later, for now we're making a circle on the hilltop to ward off their coming attack.", he explained.

Daniels looked at the raptors, and then to the circle forming at the hilltop.

"Okay let's say I believe you, why don't we just run? The raptors aren't moving…", Daniels managed to say before a loud rumble shook the ground.

The low rumble began to shake Justin's insides and he realized they were out of time. He turned to the trees and scanned the valley to find four Carnotaurs slowly walking towards the hilltop, being led by raptors which quickly fled back. However, they didn't run far as they joined the rest of the raptors which were swarming behind one of the Carnotaurs. They ran left to right, throwing up a cloud of dirt to mask themselves.

"Sons of bitches.", Justin cursed.

"Jesus Christ!", yelled Daniels.

"Daniels get your men to that hill and sound a retreat, a pink, hairy man will show you where to go. All the aliens up there are potential allies, so don't get trigger happy.", instructed Justin.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do kid.", said Daniels as he and his men fled.

"Hey, I'm a grown ass man!", yelled Justin, comically shaking his fist.

"That's the least of our worries.", thought Logic.

"Yea, I know.", thought Emotion.

"I doubt we can kill everything here without losing people, if not all of them.", thought Logic.

"Still, we have to try.", thought Emotion.

"Alright here's the plan. You told them to retreat with Morcant, he'll lead them to the mountain. Therefore, we should take out the Carno on their side first. The raptors haven't fully encircled us yet and can't see through their smoke, so Morcant should be able to punch through them. We can turn around and stall the enemy while they escape.", explained Logic.

"Alright, lets go!", shouted Justin as he turned around.

He bolted forward but noticed Tacktay flying to the hilltop with a group of Ticke' about a hundred feet to his left. She had passed him earlier and had only been approaching Ticke' for her protection. Behind her a group of raptors had left rank and was pursuing them, with a one armed green one in the front, followed by Yellow and Red ones and several others. They were gaining on them fast.

"Not these again. I refuse to let them take anyone else from me.", thought Emotion.

Justin clenched his teeth and drove forward, sending the ground behind him flying, as he ran towards his friend.

"Tacktay, Tacktay.", he said futilely into his walkie-talkie.

The raptors were only feet away from them now and Justin was growing desperate as he tried to reach them.

"Tacktay, behind you!", he screamed into his walkie-talkie.

Tacktay turned to him and continued turning around as the green raptor caught her with her one arm and slammed her into the ground, tearing into her with her teeth. Justin's mind went blank as the horrible sight consumed him. Her insides shredded like a bowl of spaghetti being turned over and slopped up by a hungry dog. The raptors turned to him and he noticed he was still running at full speed right at them. His eyes opened wide as he scowled and smiled at them.

"You'll all die for that!", he roared, just two dozen feet from them.

"Wait Emotion! You have to make a whole to save Morcant. He can still live, get yourself together.", said Logic.

"They have to die for what they've done!", raged Emotion, clenching Justin's teeth with enough force to break steel.

"I want to kill them too, but we don't have time. The Carnos are racing forward. If you want to save Morcant, you'll have to trust him to hold them off while you take out a Carno.", explained Logic.

"Every time I trust someone they die. Every time I trust myself, I get someone killed.", whined Emotion.

"I see no other option in this hopeless situation. I feel weird being the one saying this, but you've got to abandon your revenge and trust in someone else if you want to save anyone, right now!", said Logic.

Justin's face split as one half clenched and squinted just as he was mere feet from his enemy, and he slammed his feet into the ground, reaching a full stop right in front of them.

. . .

The shiny stepped past Yellow, who had jumped in front of Green Runner, as if they had suddenly become invisible, grabbed the shell of the large bug she had been consuming, and flew forward into a run.

"Brother are you okay?", asked Brown as she shook him.

Yellow was petrified with fear and couldn't move, hearing Green Runner fall to her knees, trembling. Red and the others came to him as well.

"We've got to keep moving.", stated Red.

"But Red, the shiny, it…", Yellow stuttered.

"It doesn't matter, if we don't control the feast, we'll likely starve this winter, that's the beginning and end of this. You can retreat if you want, but we've got keep moving.", explained Red.

"Yellow, I know you're mad, and I'm sorry, but… I must avenge my sister; I've got to repay my debt to her. I promise after that I'll be all yours.", said Green Runner as she stood again.

"Why did I fall in love with this bitch? Why do I have to kill to keep the ones I love alive?", thought Yellow.

"You're already mine.", panted Yellow.

"Yellow, I'm sorry, but.", Green Runner tried to say.

"So, let's go finish this, together.", said Yellow, turning to her and smiling.

Green Runner smiled, blushed, and looked down, avoiding his intense gaze.

"Don't worry you two, we've got your back, right Patches?", asked Grey.

Patches nodded as the pair stepped in between them. Yellow laughed as the sound of the big horned one's footsteps grew close. Brown pushed him forward and the group began running to the hilltop once again.

"You're starting to get it hm?", asked Red as he ran beside him with a killer smile.

. . .

Justin slid up to Morcant and the crowd at the hilltop as they fired at the incoming horde.

"These guys told me to retreat, but there's a Carno in the way!", yelled Morcant.

"I'll kill it and then guard our rear, rally the others and follow me!", shouted Justin.

"What about Tacktay?", asked Morcant, stepping into his shroud.

Justin looked down at her body in shame and shook his head. In the confusion, Morcant must have not even noticed he was carrying her.

"Those bastards.", whispered Morcant as he clenched his teeth.

His head shot up and he bellowed to the crowd through his walkie-talkie.

"Everyone follow us! We're retreating!", he roared.

Morcant gently punched Justin's chest as he ran past him and Justin quickly joined him, surpassing him as he ran towards the charging Carno. It let out its low rumble again, shaking everyone and everything but Justin could still hear Morcant shouting to the crowd and he trusted they would continue. Bullets began whizzing past him as well, piercing into the Carno's tough hide.

"Everyone is counting on me. I can do this, I've got to do this!", thought Emotion.

"We'll jump and crush it's skull in a single blow.", thought Logic.

Justin's warped smile returned as his pupils sparkled like fire and he exploded out of a running squat directly at his prey. He soared through the wind, with white flowers and red leaves as he closed in on his kill. The Carno was making eye contact with him as it laid down mid run and slowed, its legs burying into the ground, it's whole body still sliding forward.

"Huh?", he thought.

He found himself above it, instead of in front of its face where he thought he would be as the Carno abruptly stood up and headbutted him into the air. He managed to turn over and protect Tacktay's body as the head launched him into the air, before its tail swatted him away. He slammed into the dirt like a meteorite before catching a rock and rolling a dozen times. He slammed into a tree and he noticed he was back in the forest.

He could still hear screaming and gunfire as the scattered red leaves swayed around him. He had been sent hundreds of feet away from the fight and knew he probably wouldn't make it back in time. He looked down at Tacktay's dismembered body and collapsed, pulling hair from his head, slamming it into the ground.

"Have you forgotten already, that he's still out there?", asked Logic.

He froze, his teary eyes opened wide.

"That's right, if I can save just one, a single person…", thought Emotion.

 He grinded his teeth before getting up and beginning to walk. Soon it became a jog, then a run, before long he erupted out of the forest like a speeding car chanting to himself.

"Gotta save him, gotta save him, gotta save him…", he repeated as he ran back to the valley of death.

. . .

The Carno walked past Morcant and Daniels men, despite them shooting what was left of their ammo into it. It didn't flinch as it began chomping at the screaming crowd with the other Carnos. Morcant could barely hear over the ringing in his ears but turned back to yell at Daniels to run, only to catch a glimpse of a group of raptors encircling them. It was the green one and its pack, four large ones and two small, blocking their escape. The red and brown ones stayed on Daniels side as the other four faced him.

"So, this is how it ends huh, Jurassic park style?", asked Daniels.

"Momma, Papa, I'm sorry I stole these blades. I'm sorry I disappointed you and didn't join the knights in that useless war, but… This is a worthy fight is it not? Trying to help these strangers ward off these hungry animals. Surely, they have families and love ones that will miss them, surely this is a worthy fight. Maybe it won't bring me honor or glory like you wanted Papa, but I never did want any of that. Thanks to Justin I know what I wanna be now. Perhaps his motivations aren't the best, hating himself and all, but it's a man's actions that count. I know now what will make my life, I'm gunna be a nameless hero who fights for everyone. First, I'll win here, then we'll go on to win Justin's war too. You once told me that these blades have never lost a fight Papa, that for sixteen generations our family past them down. So please, Papa, Momma, Vernis, Bran, Taysass, Tacktay, Yujark, Churbet… lend me your strength!", thought Morcant as he planted his feet into the ground.

"Come get some!", he bellowed.

. . .

Green Runner snarled as the pink prey yelled at them and grey shifted uneasily under Yellow's legs.

"Alright everyone, we can do this, just remember your roles. Me and Greener will hold it down while you two cut it's limbs, but avoid those shiny rocks its carrying, they're sharper than claws.", instructed Yellow.

"I've never seen a rock bearer fight well.", snarled Green Runner.

"This one's different Greener, it knows how to fight with those, I can see it in its eyes. Do not underestimate it or overextend yourself again.", said Yellow.

"Don't worry darling, this time, I'll be protecting you.", she said, smiling.

"Not if I protect you first.", Yellow snapped back at her with his own smile.

"Do Red and Brown really plan to take on the other three?", asked Patches.

"Those two could take on the whole feast.", said Yellow with a sigh.

"Then I guess this one should be easy.", said Patches.

"I told you all not to underestimate it and I mean it, Patches, have you ever fought something this size?", asked Yellow with a snarl.

"Just the shiny and the other day.", she said with her head low.

The pink prey yelled at them again and Green Runner began walking forwards, claws raised.

"Waiting on your call Yellow dearest.", said Red in his sarcastic voice.

Yellow flared his teeth and yelled, "Charge!".

. . .

The hill shook as the Carnos rampaged and the raptors finally charged at Morcant as he kept his back close to Daniels. The green one lead them and attacked first, slashing down at him. He caught its left hand with his left blade and cartwheeled to the right before shooting his right blade at its chest. However, one of the smaller raptors latched onto his arm mid thrust and dragged it down. Morcant followed the flow by barrel rolling forward under the green raptors latest arm swing. He stood up just in time to catch another incoming blow with his left blade.

The other little raptor sliced one of his legs and he fell to one knee. He kept the green one back with his left arm but saw the others closing in. With a roll past the green raptor he shot his arms into the air hoping to impale the leaping yellow raptor. It narrowly caught his blades and continued its leg attack but Morcant jumped and drove his legs into it first, throwing it back. He turned around and threw his right blade at an oncoming little grey raptor, throwing it as well.

He slammed his foot down on the other little raptor and stepped on it, but it began cutting and chewing threw his boot and into his foot. The green raptor snarled from behind him as he cried out in pain and he narrowly rolled out of the way as it tackled the ground. He couldn't hear Daniels men anymore and knew he would be surrounded soon, so he jumped with his free foot onto the fumbling green raptor. Keeping its biting head back with his right arm and grappling its hand with the same he wrapped his free leg around its and pinned them down before it could slice him. The little raptor on his foot began climbing up and he readied his free hand to finish the green raptor once and for all.

"Does this count everyone? If I can at least finish the one that got Bran, maybe that's enough. Afterall, I'm all sliced up, and surrounded. I don't think I can get any further than this, but I don't regret one thing. Well, maybe two, I never got to apologize to you guys, and I'm leaving Justin here. I know this will break him but, I'm not like him, I'm selfish, this revenge, this death, I want this, I'm ready…", he thought as he prepared to cut the beats neck.

"Wait!", someone screamed into his deafened ears.

He stopped and began panting as he looked up towards the voice. In front of him stood the yellow raptor, holding a walkie-talkie. He was at a loss, was it not Daniels that spoke? No, he felt him behind him, bent over and about to remove the raptor from his leg. To his right the red, brown, and grey raptors standing motionless.

"Eh?", he rasped. 

He felt Daniels splatter onto him as a huge mass slammed down onto him before hot teeth pierced threw his chest and back. Blood gushed out his mouth as he was carried upwards inside a huge hot mouth. The teeth wisped out of him as they threw him into the air. His torn insides were splashing inside him as he spiraled upwards. He couldn't breath through the blood building up in his throat. After an eternity passed, he finally stopped for a moment and felt like he had entered the sky, before his descent began.

. . .

"Morcant!", Justin wailed out as the Carno bit him and threw him into the air.

Justin bit his teeth as he squatted mid run and shot like a missile at the beast. Soaring at nearly one hundred miles an hour it didn't seem to expect him this time as he used his legs to collide with its head to slow him down. His left foot dove through its eye and he broke its nasal cavity with the other as he leapt upwards. Catching a blood soaked Morcant with his left arm and carrying Tacktay in his right as he finally landed. For a split second he looked at the raptor pack surrounding him as the Carno collapsed to the ground.

"Guess I should have trusted your instincts and let you kill them earlier. If I can't make the right decisions for you, then what am I even? Without Morcant and a place to go, what choices are there left to make…", logic's voice faded away.

Justin ran to the pathway they had made that morning, thinking of nothing but Morcant, completely ignoring his injuries. His skin shook as his right side went weak and he collapsed at the forests edge. Morcant coughed up heaps of blood while Justin set down Tacktay and tried to hold his wounds closed.

"Momma, papa, I'm sorry.", Morcant coughed.

"Its okay Morcant, everything's gunna be okay.", cried Justin.

 "Justin.", he said, grasping at his face with his bloody hands.

Justin grabbed his hand and gave up on his wounds. Despite the screaming from the valley, and stomping of monsters, a deafening silence came over their world.

"You asked me to tell you about these.", said Morcant, looking at his blades.

"Hundreds of years my family passed these down. Despite my father getting our nobility revoked, we're still respected due to these. They've never lost a fight, even today I was just interrupted by that Carno. This might be the most selfish, childish thing I've ever asked you, which is saying a lot, but I want you to have these. I want you to kill those things with them. I want revenge for him, I don't wanna lose.", Morcant whispered.

"Morcant, I… we… we're supposed to sail and find the spaceport remember?", asked Justin, his wide eyes darting nervously.

"You told me we probably wake up somewhere else remember? So, stay here and win for me, I promise I'll come back for you. So please don't leave me behind, promise me.", said Morcant.

"Morcant.", Justin whined.

"I promise.", he said, choking up.

Justin cried as he held Morcant's shaking body, tightly grasping his hand onto his face.

"I'm sorry, I don't wanna go. Please don't make me go.", Morcant whimpered as his breathing became choppy.

"You don't have to go anywhere buddy. I'm here for you, it's okay.", cried Justin.

"Momma, I'm... I'm…", Morcant gasped for air.

His head dropped along with his hand before rolling over as his body went limp.

"Morcant, Morcant…", Justin desperately repeated as he shook his corpse.

Justin froze as he looked into his dead friend's eyes. His mind shattered.

"Morcant!", he roared, shaking the valley.