«I'm not sure if I should feel happy or worried about how much you insisted with Brianne this afternoon just so we could patrol alone,» Rebecca says hesitantly.
Her parents usually don't let her go out late at night because of her age. But today, she told them she was staying over at a friend's house. Her father, strict and overly protective, finally gave in.
Because we're inexperienced, Brianne assigned us to the safest and quietest part of the city: the historic district. This time of year, it's breathtaking. Christmas lights are everywhere, trees are covered in colorful ornaments, and bright garlands saying "Merry Christmas" hang between the streetlamps, even though Christmas ended a while ago. A thin layer of snow covers the cobblestone streets, making it feel like a scene from a movie. In short, the perfect setting for a romantic date. And for what I wanted to discuss with her, I couldn't have asked for more. Not for anything indecent, of course. Just... work.