Chapter 2: Adapting in Society

"Bold italic": Talk in mind

Bold: Coms

Italic: Thoughts, Flashbacks

"Italic": "thoughts during flashback"


A/n: I forgot to mention the season is winter but in the early dates. So there is no snow yet but soon there will be. One more thing, the cannon is only the baseline most of the plot will be mine. Some arc will be longer than the canon. 

3rd Person Pov

Miku continues to lead Griseo, who is carrying Astrae on her back who was asleep at the time, while she looks over Astrae on her back, a glimpse of worry as she walks back to her "house" in the streets. Griseo, still confused about her new surroundings, while she looked around curiously while she sighed softly, had no option other than following Miku. While walking down the streets with Miku, she saw many other civilians' gazes fall on Griseo and Astrae. This makes Griseo very uncomfortable while trying to focus on Miku instead since she has never been the main attention of people that looked at their way.

Griseo: This is way too uncomfortable... I've never been stared at by so many people before...

Miku: *notices Griseo being uncomfortable* Are you okay?

Griseo: H-huh? Y-yeah I am fine... I am just uncomfortable with all the stares from them.

Miku: I see, we'll walk faster then.

Miku then started to walk faster with Griseo following her behind, they kept walking down the streets. Miku looks back and notices, her heart sinking from the scene that the AST is still chasing Griseo and Astrae by flying through the streets in the sky still hot on their trail, she immediately instinctively pulls Griseo into another alleyway watching every movement they commit. Griseo looked at her with confusion and blinked owlishly by Miku's sudden action. Suddenly the AST squad zipped past them by the alleyway while checking every area they found while flying through the sky with relentless pursuit.

Griseo: Damn it... Why Were they still following me this entire time?!

Miku: It seems like it, come on we can't waste anymore time standing here and dilly dallying.

Miku then grabs Griseo's hand before starting to run down the alleyway while dragging Griseo with her. While being dragged by Miku she panted heavily trying to get away, Griseo repositions Astrae who is still deep asleep in her arms. They run down in the alleyway until they come out on the other side of the alleyway. But as soon as they come out of the alleyway the news reporters with their crew are already there. The reporters quickly pointed their mics at Griseo with Astrae in her arms, and instinctively Miku pulled Griseo behind her while glaring at the news reporters, ignoring her glares they pushed their mics towards Griseo and Astrae.

Reporter#1: Excuse me, may we interview the young lady on the back ? There is so much to discuss about the neutral spirit behind you. 

Miku: I am sorry but we are in a rush. 

Reporter#2: Please, we won't be long. It will be terrific for us to interview such a hot topic for this occasion.

Griseo: *uncomfortable* Sorry no, I am in a rush.

Reporter#1: Oh come on, this won't be long. We just want to ask you some questions, that's all. 

Miku: She doesn't want to, stop forcing her to do interviews so leave her alone !

Reporter#2: Come on, the media wants your answers on this matter on why are you here.

Reporter#1 : Could you please introduce yourself and share the story behind your kind mysterious disappearance 25 years ago as well on how you, who is a neutral spirit, has reappeared upon the world ?

The reporters kept bugging and trying to persuade Griseo to do an interview and answer their questions. Miku tries her best to convince the reporter and make them go away, her best annoyed by her situation while holding Griseo close to her and covering her from the media. Griseo tries her best to cover the sleeping Astrae in her arms while also annoyed by her situation while glaring at the reporters for disturbing Astrae sleep. Suddenly the AST squads that are still searching for Griseo and Astrae fly above them zipping through the air creating a slipstream that causes a strong gust of wind to pass them. Using this distraction Miku grabbed Griseo's hand and started running again, to the direction that the AST passes by. Using her other free hand she grabs her phone and makes a phone call.

Miku: Hey, can you pick me up? I'm being chased by reporters right now and they are difficult to get away from.

Driver: Of course young mistress, where would you like to be picked up?

Miku: One block away, from my position.

Driver: Very well, young mistress. I'll be there in 1 minute.

Miku then hangs up the phone, and while she does that the reporters notice from the distance out of their sight, Miku and Griseo on the other hand run away from their previous position. They look in the direction where Miku and Griseo rushed towards them trying to get a piece of media on after them with the rest of the crew.


Griseo: *Still running behind Miku while carrying Astrae while glaring at them* AH! They are coming after us, Miku-san.

Miku: Just follow me, I know where we are going.

Griseo: Where?!

Miku: We are just going to make a right turn from this block after crossing the streets. My driver will be waiting for us there. 

Griseo nodded and immediately continued running and following Miku down the streets on the sidewalk of the road. They reached the end of the current block and quickly crossed the streets to the right before the traffic lights turned red and made a sharp right turn immediately. Both Miku and Griseo nervously looked at their surroundings if there were more reporters nearby. As soon as the traffic lights changed color to green the vehicles quickly moved forward blocking the reporters who were chasing Griseo and Miku in the dust. Soon enough a car parked by the side of the road with a man in a suit standing next to it is seen. Miku approaches the man with Griseo following her behind while trying to catch her breath. 

Miku: Hey, thanks for getting her on short notice. Those reporters appear from nowhere. 

Driver: No problem young mistress, may I ask who is the girl following you?

Miku: There is no time to explain, we only manage to escape them for now because we manage to cross the road before the traffic light turns green. They could be catching up anytime now.

Driver: Could you please elaborate? I can't let an unknown guest of a young mistress enter without a proper explanation.

Miku: *sigh* Long story short she is a neutral spirit the one that appeared on the media a couple of hours ago and I helped her escape from AST, she needs my help NOW DRIVE

Driver: *open the car door* Very well young mistress, you may explain to me on the road *look at Griseo and Astrae in her arms* Please, you may enter the car.

Griseo: *Bow abit* Thank you, sir

Griseo then gets into the car and sits on the passenger seat nervously looking at the window while caressing Astrae on the back while she is on her lap sleeping peacefully still before the driver closes the car door, he then enters the driver seat before starting driving away, right before the reporters manage to catch up. As promised Miku then starts explaining to the driver about Griseo and Astrae while she sighed in relief seeing the reporters go farther away from their view. Griseo makes sure that Astrae is still peacefully asleep before joining the chat.

Griseo: Finally we can have a proper chat, I am still out of breath from all the running.

Miku: Alright, let's start over. I'm Miku Izayoi, an Idol in training. May I ask your name?

Griseo: My name's Griseo Altrea, you can call me Griseo, this one who is sleeping in my arms is Astrae Altrea, you can call her Astrae. She's my younger sister.

Miku: You two look very similar, are you two twins?

Griseo: Yes, both of us are twin sisters.

Miku: May I ask where you two come from and live?

Griseo: Uhm, I don't know. Both my younger sisters and I just woke up near Stargazer's Lake., and currently both of us are homeless.

Miku: I see, both of you can live with me.

Griseo: Huh? Are you sure about it?

Miku: Yes, I am sure. Besides I have a lot of unused bedrooms that could be turned into your bedroom.

Griseo: Then I accept your offer, I am grateful for the help you've been giving us.

Miku: Ah, it's nothing... Instead, it's an honor to have not one but two neutral spirits living with me.

Griseo: Then thank you once again Miku-san.

Miku: No problem Griseo-san.

Griseo while Astrae softly sleeps still on Griseo's chest, as they continue to chat with Miku the entire way to Miku's house which is surprisingly pretty far. While chatting Astrae wakes up from her nap, with a confused look in her eyes she wonders where she is currently. She tugs her older sister's clothes trying to get her attention, while Astrae looks at Griseo Miku notices it and is in awe of how cute Astrae is.

Astrae: *tugging on Griseo's clothes* Onee-chan, where are we? Who is she?

Griseo: Ah, Astrae this is Miku the one who helped us escape those flying girls.

Astrae: Really? Thank you for helping us, Miku-san!

Miku: Awwwww, you don't need to thank me, I just want to help you two.

Miku then proceeds to head pat and pinch Astrae's check, she can't get enough of Astrae's cuteness while Astrae lets her pamper her. She looks at Griseo for permission to pamper Astrae which Griseo responds with a nod as permission is given and smiles softly at the interaction. Miku then takes Astrae from Griseo's arms before putting her on her lap. Astrae looks at her with a confused look on her face.

Miku: Awwwwweee you are so cuuuttteee~

Miku then starts to pinch her cheek and pamper her, Astrae tries to get out of Miku's grasp while also pouting from Miku's action. She looks at Griseo for help but Griseo just nods and chuckles softly gazing at her to say it's fine just enjoy it. Astrae understands it and she tries to get used to Miku pampering her. 

Griseo: *chuckles* It's okay Astrae, she is not going to hurt you. She just wants to pamper you, because you're just too cute for her.

Astrae: *pouting with a red face* Onee-chan, s-stop it! You're being mean! It's embarrassing...

Miku: So cute~

Griseo: You know the more you pout and complain the more that Miku is going to tease you.

Astrae: Stop it! It's too embarrassing onee-chan!

Griseo: *chuckles* Anyways Miku-san how much longer till we reach your "house"?

Driver: We are almost there in around 10 more minutes. The butlers there will be preparing both of your rooms.

Griseo: Understood.

Miku: You will see my house pretty soon if you are wondering if it's on the outskirts of the city. That's why it's a bit far.

Soon, walls begin to appear on the left side of the road, and massive buildings can be seen behind them. The car approaches the front gate, where the driver shows his ID to the security guard. The guard peeks into the car and sees all of us, and Miku waves and nods, signaling to the guard that Griseo and Astrae are her guests. The security gives a thumbs up to the security guard in the post before the gate in front of the car opens up. After the gate opens, the car enters the mansion's perimeter, and the gate closes behind it.

The car drives up to the grand mansion and pauses at the entrance. Griseo and Astrae are amazed; it's their first time seeing such a large mansion. The butler steps out to open the car door, allowing both of them to exit, with Miku following closely behind. 

Butler: Welcome back young mistress, I see you have brought some guests with you.

Miku: Thank you Benedict and please prepare 2 bedrooms for these two girls. Also tell the others that we will be having 2 people living with us

Butler Benedict: Understood, but may ask who are these two girls?

Miku: Oh, these two girls are neutral spirits that just blew up in the media a couple of hours ago. 

Bulter Benedict: I see, then I welcome you to Young Mistress mansion. I hope you two have a nice time living with us. 

Griseo: We will.

Astrae: M-Miku onee-chan... y-you never told me you lived in such a huge mansion! 

Astrae looks around with glee and Miku can see the sparkles in her eyes while she still sticks with Griseo like glue, Miku chuckled softly at the sight.

Griseo: Same, I never thought you lived in a mansion.

Miku: Hehe, I wanted to surprise you two. Come in! I'll show you two around.

Miku then leads Griseo and Astrae into her mansion, and Benedict closes the door behind them. The maids quickly greet Miku, Griseo, and Astrae as they enter the mansion.

Miku: Welcome to my mansion, where you also will be living from now~

Griseo Pov

As Miku gives us a welcome into her mansion, Astrae is already looking at everything in awe like a curious child in a candy store. Miku then tells the maid to prepare 2 bedrooms for both Astrae and me. The maids quickly nod and leave to prepare the room, however, before they leave I stop them.

Griseo: Wait, I have a request.

Miku: Is there something wrong?

Griseo: Could perhaps Astrae and I also have a room spacious enough for an art studio?

Miku: Ah I see, both of you like to draw. Sure, maids also go prepare a room that has enough space for an art studio.

Maid#3: Understood mistress. 

The maids leave to do their join as tasked, Miku then starts giving a tour of her mansion to Astrae and I. I look around in awe as they enter the living room, she notices the family painting on top of the fireplace.

Griseo: Miku-san, sorry to ask but do you live here alone with all the butlers and maids?

Miku: *expression becomes a bit somber* Sadly yes, around 2 years ago my parents died in an accident. 

Griseo: I am sorry to hear that Miku. I hope both Astrae's and my presence can accompany you through your loneliness.

Astrae: Yeah! Miku onee-chan doesn't need to be lonely anymore.

Miku: *a tear falls out from her eyes and smiled softly at the both of them* Thank you, both of you. That means a lot to me... Wait did you call me onee-chan Astrae?

Astrae: U-uhm... I-I can't call you that? It's just... you feel like an older sister to me...

Miku: No no, you can call me onee-chan. It just caught me off guard, I don't mind having a little sister like you~

Miku smiled warmly before wrapping Astrae in a gentle hug, effortlessly lifting her as if she were an adorable little sister. Astrae let out a soft squeak of surprise, her cheeks turning rosy, while I stood nearby, chuckling softly at the heartwarming scene.


Miku: Awwweee, such a cute little sister~

Griseo: Just enjoy it, little sis, Miku loves you a lot.


Maid#1: Young mistress, the rooms you requested are now ready.

Time skip to Dinner

Still Griseo's pov

After being led to our bedroom and spending some time checking the stuff in it, it's almost time for dinner. The maid Astrae and I go to the dining table where dinner is served, when we arrive we see that Miku is already there along with several maids and five butlers who are also dining with us. I take my seat next to Miku while Astrae takes her seat next to one of the maids whose name is Evelyn

Everyone: Itadakimasu.

All of us then begin eating after we said that Evelyn helps Astrae to get her food since she is not big enough to reach some of the food. I watch Evelyn help Astrae eat her food calmly, she looks adorable. I then decide to ask Miku for tomorrow's activity plan.

Griseo: Miku, what are you going to do tomorrow?

Miku: We'll go shopping for your and Astrae's clothes, decorations for your room, school supplies, etc. Oh one more thing, one of my friends is coming here tomorrow to go and join us to shop for Christmas supplies.

Griseo: *tilt head* What's Christmas?

Astrae: Yeah, what is it Miku onee-chan?

The moment Astrae and I spoke, everyone in the dining room paused their meals, letting their spoons and forks gently rest on the table. Miku glances at me, taken aback and speechless. Then, she softly grips my shoulder and meets my gaze with a serious expression.

Maid#2: Don't tell me...

Evelyn: You don't know...

Miku: What's Christmas at all...

Griseo: Uhm.... No?

Everyone except Astrae: *Speechless*

Miku: To explain it in a simple term, Christmas is a holiday where people decorate their houses and Christmas trees with ornaments, along with giving the people close to you gifts.

Griseo: Oh...

Miku: I'll make sure you have the best Christmas you ever experienced for your first Christmas.

All of us then continue eating and finish up dinner, while all of us decide to chat. I managed to learn several things about neutral spirit from them. I do wonder why the neutral spirits disappeared suddenly from this city. After dinner, Miku, Astrae, and I go to our room to take a bath before going to bed for the night. But before I go to sleep I look out the window and see the starry night. I watch the starry night sky losing the sense of time to the point of falling asleep near the window.

Miku Pov

I walk down the hallway after getting myself and Astrae some midnight snacks. Astrae woke me up earlier wanting some midnight snacks because she was hungry and I had to accompany her. I managed to put Astrae back into bed, after giving her the midnight snacks she asked me for earlier and now I am heading back to my room.

Miku: *yawns tiredly* I can't believe Astrae woke me up for midnight snacks. I wonder how Griseo is doing.

I walk toward Griseo's room which is next to my room before opening the door very slowly trying not to wake her up. I take a peek into the room and see Griseo asleep near the window, I assume she lost the sense of time while watching the night starry skies. I smile before I enter the room quietly approaching Griseo. I pick her up slowly before putting her on the bed and covering her with a blanket. I then turn around to leave the room, but Griseo grabs my hand in her sleep not letting go.

Griseo: *sleep talking* Please... Don't go...

I could only smile, aware that I couldn't go anywhere. I got in bed with her before drifting back to sleep. Instinctively, I felt Griseo snuggle against me, seeking warmth.

Time skip Next Morning. 

Griseo Pov

As the sun rises and the light comes through my window into my room, I open my eyes slowly while covering it from the blinding sunlight. I then turn around and see Miku's chest right in front of my face. I blush red like a tomato at the sight before quickly closing my eyes and turning back around facing away. 

Griseo: *flustered* What is Miku doing in my bedroom?! I can't believe my first night here and this has already happened.

I try my best to get out of bed without waking Miku up, but apparently, my efforts are terrible because she wakes up immediately. I pretend to be asleep but she already knows that I am already awake. 

Miku: Good morning Griseo-chan~

She gently turns me to face her, and when I reopen my eyes, I'm met with her warm smile. Her gaze makes me blush, my cheeks burning under her attention. She sits up on the bed with an effortless grace, then lifts me onto her lap, holding me close.

Griseo: Miku w-what are you doing?

Miku: Awww, I am just admiring you in the morning~

Griseo: *blush* Miku... Can we not do this in the morning?

Miku: Why~? Watching you react is fun~

Griseo: I am not enjoying this Miku...

Miku: But your body language clearly shows that you are enjoying it.

Miku continues to tease me until one of the maids arrives at my room. The maid then opens up the door and peeks in. She sees Miku before fully entering the room.

Maid#5: Ah, there you are young mistress, young Ms. I was searching for you in your room confused as to why you are not there.

Miku: Oh, I decided to check on Griseo late at night and accidentally fall asleep here.

Griseo: Wait what? You are the one who put me on the bed, Miku?

Miku: Yep, I saw you fall asleep near the window last night while watching the starry night.

Griseo: Oh, thanks I guess...

Maid#5: Anyways, I am just here to tell you young mistress that breakfast is almost ready. Astrae is already in the dining room with one of the maids.

Miku: Understood, I'll be there after I finish taking a bath.

Griseo: Same.

Maid#5: Understood, I'll take my leave now.

The maid then leaves the room, and Miku also soon follows after. Before she left the room she looked at me one last time.

Miku: See you at breakfast, don't keep me waiting Griseo~

With that Miku left the room, I am still sitting on my bed trying to process everything that just happened till now. I never thought that Miku could be so flirty in the morning.

Griseo: *shakes head* I should go ahead and shower.

I get off the bed before checking the wardrobe for any clothes. I open the wardrobe to see there are no clothes at all.

Griseo: Right... I don't have any clothes yet.

I then head to the bathroom and enter it. I am about to enter the shower but then I remember I still have my clothes on. I try taking off the clothes but I am not able to take them off at all.

Griseo: If I remember the clothes that Astrae and I are wearing are our astral dresses...

I then start trying different things to figure out how this astral dress worked. From all the attempts I managed to find several things that were pretty interesting. I chuckled to myself as things are about to get very interesting.

Astrae Pov

I am at the dining room eating my breakfast made by the maids with Miku onee-chan. Ms. Evelyn, one of the maids, helped me wake me up and helped me take a bath earlier. I managed to find an interesting thing during the bath. Apparently, I am able to unsummon the current outfit or astral dress for a short period before it appears once again.

Astrae: Miku onee-chan, what's taking Griseo onee-chan so long?

Miku: I guess she could be struggling to take a bath since she needs to figure out how her astral dress works.

Astrae: Ohhh...

Soon I hear footsteps getting closer to the dining room, and when I look up from my breakfast, I see her—Griseo onee-chan! But... something's a little different today. Her clothes aren't her usual Astral dress, but I can still spot a few of the shiny ornaments from it. They're kind of like little reminders of the dress, even though the rest of her outfit is different. 

Miku onee-chan suddenly spat out her water, her eyes widening in surprise at what she had just seen. She looked so startled like she almost choked on it too! It was almost like she couldn't believe what was happening. Her face turned a little pale, and she quickly wiped her mouth.

Miku: G-Griseo, how did you get those clothes?

Griseo sits down at the dining table next to Astrae before explaining.

Griseo: So I managed to figure out how the astral dress works, that also applies to you little sister.

Astrae: Okay onee-chan I am listening.

Griseo: The astral can be unsummon for a short period of time before it reappear itself. By any means it can't be taken off or unsummon for a longer period.

Miku: Does that mean you can't wear any other clothes other than your astral dress?

Griseo: Not exactly, I found out you can change the appearance of the astral dress into other clothes. But some part of the ornament like the one on my head will stay there.

Miku: I see, so we don't need to buy clothes later then?

Griseo: Yes, Astrae and I don't need new clothes since we can change our appearance.

Astrae: Wow, that's interesting to know about onee-chan.

We all continued enjoying our breakfast, the peaceful sound of clinking utensils filling the air. As we were eating, one of the maids suddenly entered the room. Her eyes scanned the room before she approached, before calling Miku onee-chan.

Maid#2: Young mistress, your friend has just arrived and is currently outside. 

Miku: Oh? Please bring her into the living room, I'll be there shortly with Griseo and Astrae.

Maid#2: Understood.

The maid quickly leaves to tell the guest, I start wondering who is the guest. I tug on Miku onee-chan's clothes to get her attention. She looks at me confused and asks why I tug on her clothes.

Miku: Is something wrong Astrae?

Astrae: Who is your friend Miku onee-chan?

Miku: Her name is Origami, she is one of my friends. I met her one day while shopping in the mall. 

Astrae: I see, I can't wait to meet your friend Miku onee-chan.

3rd person Pov

After finishing breakfast, Astrae, Miku, and Griseo made their way to the living room, where Miku's friend, Origami Tobiichi, was waiting. As the sound of footsteps drew closer, Origami turned her gaze toward the door, her expression softening into a smile the moment she saw Miku. The warmth in her eyes was unmistakable, clearly pleased by her arrival.

Miku: Sorry that I keep you waiting Origami-san~

Origami: No worries Miku, I just arrived a couple minutes ago.

Origami's gaze then falls onto Griseo and Astrae, her eyes widened as she recognizes Astrae and Griseo's face from the media yesterday. She also remembered something briefly about the information at her findings of the two new spirits, and yet right now they are right in front of her in the flesh.


Origami can be seen in a meeting room with Ryouko Kusakabe, one of the AST commanders. She has been called earlier in the day for a meeting about the findings of the two new spirits that just appeared yesterday. Origami's squad and some other members from the other squad also attend the meeting due to its importance.

Ryouko: All of you have been gathered here because our research team has found some findings from the data that the squad sent to capture them.

The screen then shows a picture of Griseo and Astrae along with a video of them running away from the AST. Ryouko also then shows some other reasearch findings on the side of the video. 

Ryouko: As you see, from the research these two new spirits are different from the others. They show no sign of aggression or hostility, even the civilians have been chasing them around. The readings of their reiryoku energy is also always stable.

AST member#2: So, what does that mean commander? 

Ryouko: With all of the data from the research, we have concluded that they are Neutral spirits.

Everyone in the room: WHAT?!

Origami: But that's impossible, the neutral spirits disappeared 5 years after the birth of the first spirit.

Ryouko: Indeed, their sudden appearance has caused a large amount of attention to them. This may also cause the other spirit activity to rise.

AST member#3: So, what's the plan commander?

Ryouko: The higher up is putting them under monitoring at any cost. We will be watching and monitoring them, right now your mission is to find them. If you catch any sightings of them report immediately. Watch from the shadows, do not approach them with hostility.

Origami: In other words, you want all of us to monitor them and protect them?

Ryouko: Yes, we can't afford to harm these two new neutral spirits. Considering their kind did help us recover from the Eurasian Sky Disaster. Beside it's also will be easier to detect other spirits activity, they could be going for the neutral spirits.

Ryouko: You may try to make contact with them in peace, try to clear out any misunderstanding, especially the squad member that was sent to capture them yesterday. 

Everyone in the room: Understood. 

Ryouko: Good, meeting dismissed.

End of flashback

Origami: The neutral spirits... What are they doing here with Miku?

Miku: Is there something wrong, Origami-san?

Origami: I want to ask a question, Miku, why the neutral spirits from yesterday in your house?

Miku: I was the one that helped them escape the AST.

Origami: I see, can we chat a bit before we go shopping? I especially want to have a talk, especially with them.

Miku: Sure, I'll go prepare my stuff as well as a list of things to buy. 

With that Miku left to go prepare her stuff, Origami then invites both Griseo and Astrae to have a sit on the couch. Origami takes a deep breath before looking at them, she mentally prepares herself to say something she has in her mind. 

Griseo: You must be Origami, Miku have been talking about you since breakfast.

Origami: Yes, my name's Origami. I'm a friend of Miku's.

Astrae: Ooo ms Origami, Miku onee-chan has been telling us that you are really smart.

Origami: Really? I'll have to thank her for her compliment then. Also, did you call Miku onee-chan?

Astrae: Well, I see her as a big sister figure besides Griseo onee-chan.

Origami: I see.

Origami: So both of them are related, I need to find more intel. I guess I also can tell them AST intentions.

Origami: May I know your name?

Griseo: Oops sorry for forgetting to introduce myself. I'm Griseo Altrea, you can call me Griseo. This is my little sister, Astrae Altrea. You can call her Astrae. Both of them are twins so we look very similar.

Origami: Nice to meet you Griseo, and Astrae. I want to talk with you about something.

Griseo: Go ahead Origami-san.

Origami: First of all I want to apologize on the behalf of the AST, for chasing and trying to capture you two yesterday.

After saying that Griseo and Astrae get off the couch and get into their stance, Griseo pulls out her seemingless innocent "pen" while Astrae pulls out her "normal" paintbrush. Origami quickly thinks of something to calm both of them down.

Origami: WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, I know that we tried capturing you two yesterday because we didn't know both of you are neutral spirits.

Griseo: So what? Are you trying to lower our guards and capture us now?

Origami: No, please let me explain. The AST will be monitoring both of you for your safety, our researchers just found out that you two are neutral spirits early today.

Griseo: What does it mean to us then?

Origami: The higher ups decided to do this considering what your kind did to help us rebuild everything after the Eurasian Sky Disaster. You could consider it as protection from the AST, and as a welcome gift. 

Griseo: I see... But why protect both of us?

Astrae: Yeah, I am also curious.

Origami: Your arrival might have increased the activity of the other spirits and they might be coming for you. In exchange for our protection, we want to learn more about neutral spirit entirely.

Griseo gently places her "pen" into its holder, her actions deliberate and calm. She then follows with Astrae, carefully setting aside her "normal" paintbrush. With a soft sigh of relief, she turns back toward the couch, her steps light and measured. Sitting down, she nestles herself comfortably into the plush cushions, her small frame exuding a sense of contentment.

Across the room, Origami finally releases the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. The earlier tension that had filled the air like an unspoken storm begins to dissipate, leaving behind a serene quiet.

Griseo: I see, apologies accepted. Everything has been clearer after you explained it. 

Origami: I am glad we could reach an understanding. 

Griseo: I have a good feeling this will be a good start to our friendship.

Origami then pulls out her phone before texting her commander Ryouko, she explains that the two neutral spirits have been found. She also explains that they also come to understand what the AST is trying to do as well, accepting their offer of protection in exchange of helping them finish their research on neutral spirit. Soon enough Miku comes back with her stuff, as she arrived she sees Griseo and Astrae getting along with each other. She smiles at the sight of it before approaching them. 

Miku: I see you all getting along, anyways it's time for us to go now.

Origami: Yeah, it's pretty enjoyable talking to both of them. 

Griseo: Oh it's time to go? Time goes by pretty fast huh?

Miku: Yeah, anyway I already told one of the butler's to handle your and Astrae's school supplies. We can just focus now on getting Christmas stuff and stuff for your bedroom and Art studio.

Astrae: Thank you, Miku onee-chan.

Miku: No problem, let's go now. 

Long story short, everyone heads to the mall to pick up Christmas decorations, art supplies, and some things for Griseo's and Astrae's bedroom. Griseo planned to redecorate her room into Astronomy theme, while Astrae have her own theme planned for her bedroom. After that they decide to split up, with Evelyn, one of the maids, staying with Astrae to keep her safe. The reason for splitting up is that they're all looking for gifts for the gift exchange tomorrow. Miku knowing Griseo's favorite thing to do, know what she is going to get. While buying her gifts Griseo has a nice prank to go with her gift for Origami. Once they've found everything, they all head back home, stopping by Origami's house to drop her off along the way.

Griseo: "See you tomorrow, Origami-san."

Astrae: "Bye, Origami-san! We'll meet again tomorrow."

Origami: "Yeah, I'll see you both tomorrow."

After that, they head back home, each of them looking forward to the next day. Back home Griseo, Astrae and Miku went into their own respective rooms with their stuff that they bought. They also start wrapping up the gift for the gift exchange tomorrow, while slowly after they finish all of the gifts they begin to sleep in their respective beds in their bedrooms.


A/N: Sorry chapter is not edited yet because editor is on vacation, I'll republish this chapter after its edited 

A/N editor : AND I AM HERE to edit it….. YIPPE 

Words: 6016