Author notes

Sorry for the lack of update of this book, I am currently trying my best to update the other main books in wattpad before bringing them here. The book is not dropped it just writing new chapters takes some times, inorder to make sure the story fits and interesting.

The main reason of lack of update for the book, is i am updating my other main book in wattpad first before bringing them here. Once all my main book is here update should be going abit more smooth, expect in 1 or 2 week one of my main books to be updated.

One more thing I want to say, i have 2 more main book that will be coming into webnovel, along two new main book that will be also coming. These book will be the main books i will be updating both here and wattpad. To explain it further those two book is azurlane related and the other one is date a live like reincarnated as griseo, its a full out remastered one of my older books i did write.