I watched as Leonora cried. I didn't know what else to do to make her calm down. I had tried to get any information out of her but the more I pressed the more she cried. I heard pregnancy hormones were a thing but I didn't know if it was this bad.
All she kept doing was mumbling about her being fat. I didn't think she was fat. Yeah, she added a bit of weight but it wasn't significant. I had never taken Leonora to be body conscious so her cries kind of threw me off. The only person that I knew that could handle this was Bethany.
I got up and walked out of the room and made my way over to Bethany's and I knocked the door. Bethany opened it with a smile adorning her face. She scanned my face and her smile dropped.
"What's the problem?" She immediately asked as she sensed that something was off.