Interrogation (1)

Caleb had been locked in the Knight Garrison's cells for two days without a single word.

It was his first experience in such confinement, and the lack of contact or light seemed designed to chip away at his psyche, even if only slightly.

The cell was filthy, and finding a comfortable spot to sit or rest proved challenging.

On the bright side, the knights hadn't resorted to physical violence during his detainment, which Caleb considered a small relief.

His hands were bound in special cuffs that restricted the flow of mana, effectively nullifying his ability to cast spells—not that he had any significant mana reserves or spells to begin with.

What caught his attention, however, was the material of the cuffs. The system identified it as Astrium.

[Astrium—a magical metal with a dark silvery sheen. Properties: high tensile strength, density, and mana suppression.]