The art of word manipulation (2)

The ability to manipulate others through the skilful use of words is an intriguing and sometimes disturbing feature of human nature. Some individuals seem to have mastered the art of verbal manipulation, using this skill as a powerful tool to achieve their goals. This ability often relies on a keen understanding of language, emotions and human psychology.

Kaishō, standing beside me, wore a confident smile. He knew that his skills in criminal psychology gave him an undeniable advantage in this new world. His eyes pierced mine, searching for the slightest crack in my resolve. However, I understood that, against him, verbal riposte alone would not be enough.

His speech was a complex dance of suggestion and nuance, a symphony of words designed to influence my thoughts. Each phrase was meticulously crafted to elicit emotional responses, creating a fertile ground for manipulation. My answers, though carefully prepared, seemed to glide over the surface of his arguments, unable to cling to any tangible truth.

But I had already planned everything... To counter Kaishō's verbal expertise, we had to move the battle to more solid ground. Words alone were no match for his psychological mastery. It was time to implement a strategy of action.

Kaishō Suzuki, displaying sarcastic confidence, declared that he would solve the riddle of truth in an unorthodox manner. A mocking smile floated on his lips as he strode towards me with an air of determination.

"Easy as pie," he declared with a wink. "I'm going to touch your nose and ask you a question. If you lie, your nose will grow longer, Pinocchio style."

He approached me, ready to put his strange method to the test.

Kaishō Suzuki prepared to ask me the famous question, convinced of the veracity of his unorthodox method. However, I already knew that his story of the lengthening nose was a hoax. Having seen the film, I was well aware of the power he was boasting about.

Kaishō's spotlight, called 'Negative Vision', allowed him to alter his victim's visual perception. To activate this power, he first had to touch his target. Once this was done, all he had to do was ask a question. If the person lied, their vision changed to black and white. However, the subtlety lay in the fact that the power was not based on the current question, but rather on the previous one.

Ready to play along, I waited for Kaishō to prepare to touch my nose before beginning his interrogation.

"So, are you going to share your food with these poor Bun people?"

Faced with Kaishō's seemingly innocuous question, I chose not to enter into his game. In a calm voice, I informed him that his question was meaningless and that I wasn't wasting my time answering it. An apparent calm that clearly displeased the hungry people in the cave, who were beginning to lose patience.

Threats were coming from all sides, fuelling general discontent with my lack of cooperation. My indifferent attitude to their provocations only served to further inflame the anger of those who were convinced that I held precious food reserves.

"Who does he think he is, playing mysterious?"

The crowd's irritated murmurs grew louder, revealing a crescendo of impatience. 

"Stop showing off and give us something to eat!"

The crowd's angry words expressed their growing frustration, each word denouncing my perceived selfish attitude. However, I remained unperturbed, refusing to bow to the pressure of this multitude in search of answers.

Ishikawa expressed his concern, pointing out the potential dangers of keeping food secret in this uncertain context. However, my response remained an enigmatic smile, refusing to share the contents of my reserves.

Ignoring Ishikawa's insistent request, I turned to Kaishō with a hint of irony in my voice. "So, Kaishō, will my nose get longer if I lie?"

Kaishō seemed momentarily taken aback, perhaps trying to figure out how I was getting around his game.

Edano pressed Saé for an explanation of my intentions, but she found herself unable to answer his request clearly. Saé then tried to come up with a theory to explain my behavior.

"Perhaps... Maybe he's trying to buy time..."

The concerned looks on the faces of those in the cave seemed to lend some credence to this supposition.

As tension mounted in the cave, the impatient gazes of the hungry people turned to me, waiting for an answer to Kaishō Suzuki's request. However, Saé, ever the observer, had guessed my game. I was indeed trying to gain time, mentally preparing for the events to come.

Just then, Ryo Kanjo spoke up, his voice rising above the din. In a confident tone, he declared. "Even if he is in possession of food, it's not thanks to luck, but to the fruit of his labor. You humans are always looking to rely on others without making the slightest effort. How repulsive you are..."

Ryo's words seemed to have divided the cave, creating a debate between those who believed that cooperation was the key to survival and others who were convinced that everyone had to fend for themselves. Kaishō Suzuki, always ready to manipulate situations to his advantage, pleaded for the importance of working together in these extreme circumstances.

"Times have changed. If we're in this situation it's because of our lack of cooperation in the past. But we could change that fault to get out of this macabre game!"

"And you, Ishikawa, what do you think?" a man asked.

"On the one hand, I understand why Bun doesn't want to share his food... But Mr.Suzuki is right. If we're in this situation, it's because we're too selfish."

The cave had become a mix of discordant voices, each expressing their vision of the best way out. Meanwhile, I continued to play the role of mystery, keeping the real reasons for my behavior to myself. The tension was still rising, like the calm before the storm, and I was preparing to face the events that would soon unfold.

Everyone had sunk into a heated debate, each seeking to defend his or her position in this crisis situation. Voices were rising, tension was mounting, when suddenly, a notification flashed across our virtual windows, capturing the attention of the entire cave. The appearance of this potential clue silenced the animated discussions, creating a moment of calm when all eyes focused on the new information displayed before us.

[Hint: ~It's time to defuse the bomb!

Explanation: A bomb has been hidden in a small area. You have 1 hour to find it.

Constraint: If the bomb is not found, it will explode. Be careful, the explosion will spread over all the terrain. Even if you don't die from the explosion, it will be powerful enough to cause you to lose HP wherever you are].

"Perfect, I've been waiting for that!"