The value of an index (2)

We all agreed that we should explore the surrounding area in greater depth, convinced that the key to our survival lay somewhere, far from the artifice of the clue. With determination, we set off on our expedition, ready to face the dangers that lay in our path.

However, Edano expressed doubts about our decision. He turned to me with a look of uncertainty, wondering if our choice was the right one. His concern was understandable, especially when our own safety and the promise of my food were at stake.

"Is this really a good idea, Bun?" he asked doubtfully. "Wouldn't it be wiser to stay with the others and look for the bomb? After all, your food is at stake."

I didn't take long to ponder his question. I remained convinced that our intuition was guiding us in the right direction.

"I understand your concerns, Edano," I replied confidently. "But I firmly believe that we need to explore this avenue. There's something we need to find out, something that could be a game-changer. Besides, I'm sure the others can manage without me for the time being."

My answer seemed to calm Edano's apprehensions somewhat, although his expression still betrayed a certain hesitation. However, he seemed to accept our joint decision to pursue this quest, even if it meant taking risks and moving away from the main group.

The exit from the cave offered a welcome respite from the hectic events that had taken place there. Outside, the spectacle of twilight painted the sky in warm hues, heralding the imminent approach of night. We knew that time was short and that we had to act quickly.

Observing the surroundings with heightened vigilance, I reminded my companions to keep an eye out for the slightest detail that might seem suspicious. The slightest anomaly could hold the key to our survival, and it was crucial not to let any opportunity slip by.

It was then that Saé asked me a pertinent question, one I had neglected to consider until now. She asked if I'd checked my status window, a resource I'd completely forgotten existed in the tumult of recent events.

When the world changed, those translucent blue windows appeared and we quickly got used to them, as they reminded us of the interfaces found in video games. However, despite their familiarity, we had never taken the time to explore them in depth.

Not only did these windows provide us with details of the puzzles, as Edano had explained, they also offered access to our status window. This contained all the information about us, from our powers to our characteristics, our inventory and much more.

All you had to do to display it was say the words "status window" out loud, or if you were able to concentrate, think them and they would appear.

By saying "status window", I managed to bring up all my information grouped together:


Name: Chokan Bun

Age: 26

Home Dome: Tokyo

Floor 2

- XP: 1294/1783

+ Physical strength: Level 2

+ Agility: Level 7

+ Magic energy: Level 5

+ Toughness: Level 8

Spotlight: ...

Maestria: Combat - Level 5 | Cooking - Level 5

NFT Card: None

Inventory: empty

Coin: 800


+ You can access your health bar

! Some information has been hidden because you haven't discovered it yet].

I was pleased to find that thanks to Saé's cooking tutorial, I'd been able to improve my cooking maestria. However, there was still some information I didn't fully understand, such as the concept of NFT cards.

Next, I clicked on the additional details to display my HP bar:

[- HP: 100/100

Hunger: 29/30

Thirst: 47/50

Fatigue: 16/20

Sensitivity: 5/5

! When one of these characteristics reaches 0, you automatically lose one point of HP!

! This data is only visible because you are in the puzzle -Invulnerable beings-].

This made me realize the importance of taking physical health into consideration.

As I finished checking my information in my status window, Saé remarked on the beauty of the surroundings.

"Look at those trees," she said, pointing to the tall conifers that stood majestically around us. "It's as if nature is reclaiming its rights despite everything that's going on."

I nodded, admiring the landscape. "It's true, it's amazing how resilient nature can be."

Saé nodded, a gentle smile stretching her lips. "Despite his work, my father always tried to show me beautiful places when he could. He always said that nature had a healing power, that even in the darkest moments, it offered us refuge."

I let myself be absorbed by the serenity of the moment, then replied after a moment's reflection, "That's a beautiful thought. We all need something to hold on to, something to remind us that there is hope, even when all seems lost."

She seemed pensive for a moment. "I wonder where he is right now," she murmured, more to herself than to us. "Has he managed to survive this far..."

Her questioning touched me. I knew how much her family meant to her, and I would have liked to give her some reassuring answers. But in this unstable world full of mysteries, even the simplest questions remained unanswered.

Edano, as usual, didn't mince his words and asked Saé if she was closer to her father, as she only referred to him.

I was quick to rebuke Edano, pointing out that this was neither the time nor the place to ask such questions.

"That's right, Edano, this isn't really the time for that," I said in a slightly annoyed tone. "We're already under enough stress with the current situation."

Yet Saé didn't take Edano's remark as an offense. On the contrary, she burst out laughing with refreshing sincerity. Her laughter echoed in the peaceful air, dissipating for a moment the tension that had built up.

After catching her breath, Saé set about explaining her relationship with her parents in more detail. "Actually, I'm just as close to my mother," she began. "She passed on to me her passion for cooking and opened my mind to new flavors. But the more time goes by, the more things change."

I sensed in her words a hint of sadness mixed with nostalgia. Saé continued, gradually revealing the complexities of her family relationships. "She's the first one who left me to my own devices. And maybe it's her fault my father did the same..."

Her story was full of touching vulnerability. I realized that behind his cheerful exterior lay a deep sensitivity.

I seized the opportunity to get to know Edano better by asking him about his own parents. After all, since we had met, he had remained rather discreet about his personal life.

"Edano, what about you?" I threw out, trying to hide my insistence under a casual tone. "Are you thinking about your parents in all this?"

Yet his response was far from what I had anticipated. He simply shrugged his shoulders with a detached air, asserting that he didn't care about their situations.

This abrupt response surprised Saé, whose eyebrows furrowed slightly in incomprehension. For my part, although I didn't share his indifference towards my own parents, I could understand why he preferred not to dwell on the subject in such circumstances. After all, everyone had their own way of coping with adversity, and perhaps Edano was simply choosing to concentrate on the riddle that lay ahead rather than on family concerns.

Lost in thought, I let my gaze wander over the contours of the surrounding countryside. Deep down, I might have wanted to play hardball and pretend I didn't need to know about my mother's situation, but the reality was quite different...

As I tried to cope with these troubled feelings, a detail suddenly captured my attention: a statue, placed there, right in front of me. It was curious. Although I was rather a homebody and not much given to outdoor exploration, this statue seemed to stand out in the natural landscape around us.

I mentioned my remark to Saé and Edano, asking them if they too found the statue somewhat incongruous in this natural setting.

My doubts were confirmed when Saé explained that the statue in question represented Hebe, the goddess symbolizing youth, vitality and youthful vigor.

This revelation piqued our curiosity, and we decided to take a closer look at the statue, eager to learn more about its presence here.

As we approached, the statue seemed strangely well-maintained, as if someone had recently placed it there with care.

Edano, pragmatic as usual, suggested that this detail was probably insignificant and that we'd better turn back. However, an insistent curiosity urged me to find out more about this mysterious statue.

I turned to Saé, hoping she'd have some knowledge to share about Hebe, since she'd recognized her immediately.

Saé took a deep breath, seeming to draw on her memories to find the right words. "Hebe was the Greek goddess of eternal youth and vitality," she began, her tone imbued with a certain solemnity. "She was often depicted as a young woman of radiant beauty, sometimes carrying a cup of ambrosia, the food of the gods, symbolic of her role in immortality and regeneration."

I listened attentively, captivated by his words. "In mythology, Hebe was the daughter of Zeus and Hera, which made her an important figure among the deities of Olympus," she continued. "She was responsible for serving ambrosia to the other gods, keeping them young and vigorous for eternity."

Saé paused, letting her words echo in the air. "It also symbolized the transition from childhood to adulthood, representing the idea that youth is fleeting but precious," she added, her gaze fading into the distance.

As Saé finished her story, the notification window suddenly appeared.

[Congratulations, you've unlocked the next part of the clue ~It's time to defuse the bomb!]