Chapter 10: Goblin Dungeon

Kain began to walk through the cave entrance when a random flash of light and a strong pulling sensation suddenly grabbed him. He was instantly transported to a vast, open cave that was even more impressive than it had appeared from the outside. The sensation of being almost thrown but still firmly planted on your feet was an incredible, unexpected experience for Kain.

Welcome to the Goblin Dungeon Recommended level 5.

I'm going to add that stat point I got from today's daily quest.system add 1 stat point into strength.

Stats updated

Name: Kain Race: Human Age:14 

Level 1: 20/100






Agility :3

Dexterity :3

Intelligence :5

Carisma :1



Regeneration 2%, Running: level 4, pain tolerance: level 2, sleight of hand level 3Skill points: 1

Then, an incredible sensation begins to course through Kain's body, and the hammer in his hand feels just slightly lighter!.

That felt ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! I can't wait to get more stats!

Kain surveys the area with a keen eye, noting the sparse crowd. It's clear that not many people come here.

Kain starts walking and after about two minutes, he spots the first goblin. It's about four feet tall, green, and wearing only a loincloth. This one is wielding a wooden club. Kain doesn't see any others around, so he decides this is his best chance and charges at the goblin.

The goblin notices Kain at once and prepares himself. 

Kain is about to reach the goblin when it swings its club wide. Kain stops and jumps back, narrowly avoiding the club.Kain swings his hammer, which has less range than the club, at the Goblins head. The goblin wasnt smart, thinking its attack earlier would have hit and didn't adjust in time. Kain wasn't skilled and missed the goblin's head, hitting its shoulder instead..

The goblin makes a squealing sound and starts swinging the club wildly, not aiming at anything in particular. Meanwhile, Kain backed up after the squeal, keeping a safe distance from the panicked goblin. This continued for a couple of minutes until the goblin was gasping for air. Kain was ready and swung again at the goblin, aiming for the head with a powerful over-the-shoulder swing. The goblin wasn't in good shape, so it ended up hitting the goblin right in the top of the head.

This caught the goblin off guard. Now, it's all discombobulated. Kain keeps swinging at its head. After the fourth swing,

Congrats on killing A level 2 Goblin



I did it! I got 15 experiences after all that. Kain complained while trying to catch his breath.

After resting for 30 minutes, he decides to continue looking for another goblin. He didn't take anything from the first one, and he's not going to let that stop him. The wood club was useless, and the core wouldn't be of any use either. Besides, he didn't have a knife to dig it out anyway.

After about five minutes of walking, he spots a goblin that looks identical to the other one, but this one is holding a rusty sword with chips running through it.

Kain thinks I should give it a shot. 

Kain strides purposefully towards the goblin, who is startled to notice him only when he is 20 feet away. This time the goblin charges at Kain, and Kain is momentarily taken aback. Then he decides to try what the other goblin almost did to him. As the goblin reaches him, Kain swings the hammer overhead in a powerful arc, The goblin wasn't fast. It tried to block the swing, but ended up getting hit in the knuckles and dropping the sword. Kain swung again, this time in a horizontal fashion, hitting the goblin right in the jaw. It dropped right away. Kain swung the hammer into the goblin's head a couple more times until he got another notification.

Congrats on killing A level 3 Goblin

Reward: 25 exp


Kain then thinks I don't understand how experience points work. Could someone explain how the system works in terms of experience points?

We calculate experience by adding five points for each level and another five for every level above the host level. We subtract five points for every level over.Experience is calculated by 5 per each leave and 5 extra for every level above the host it is , And minus 5 for every level over.

I understand that a level 3 usually gives 15 exp, but I'm two levels below that, so an extra 10 makes sense.

Kain then picks up the rusty sword and attempts to stab the goblin's chest to remove the core. He's got this! It takes him 10 minutes to remove a marble from the goblin's chest, and he's already feeling the triumph. He decides that this is enough for the day. He's already quite tired after everything, but on a bright note, he didn't even get hurt!

Kain strides back to Vulcan's workshop, his steps purposeful despite the fading light. He pauses on his way to clean himself, having gotten blood on him in battle with the goblins and in his attempt to retrieve the core. 

After cleaning himself, he headed the rest of the way to Vulcan's workshop. When he arrived, he opened the door and saw that Vulcan was at the front desk..

Oh hey kid, that was fast! And you even got some loot! That's amazing. I'm sure that will work to melt down and make a dagger or knife.

Oh my goodness, that would be absolutely amazing for removing the cores! Also, do you have a backpack or something for me to carry more things?

I don't have the money for a bag of holding or a storage ring. I'm not strong enough to earn enough money for them yet. I do have a cloth sack that can be used to carry the cores, but you're on your own for the other stuff.

Vulcan enters the forge and returns with a small cloth sack that can hold at least 50 cores. He also hands Kain some bread.

Thank you again 

You will pay me back for all this. I am not running a charity, and I expect to be compensated for my time and effort.

Yes, of course.

Get some sleep. I'll show you how to work the forge tomorrow. Rest now.

Thank you again. They head off in different directions. Kain goes to the closet and falls asleep almost immediately.