The night was ominously quiet, except that occasionally a puff of wind whipped around, rattling the windows of Leona's little room. She sat on her bed, staring at the ceiling as her mind churned. There was the confession by Cedric, Vivienne and her changing role, and there was Magnus manipulating everything- a web she seemed to struggle with, untangling fast enough.
But tonight, there was more. A tension thrummed through the air like a taut string.
The robotic voice had been silent for hours, a rare and unsettling change. Usually, it was a constant, its cryptic warnings and countdowns always pulling at her nerves. Tonight, though, it left her feeling exposed, like a ship adrift without a compass.
Leona closed her eyes, trying to summon some semblance of peace. She couldn't afford to lose her focus. Not now.
A sudden, shrill whine pierced the silence, and she sat up.
"Emergency. User needs to report for recalibration."
The voice of the robot boomed into the room, much louder than it had ever been. Leona flinched, pressing her hands against her ears.
"What now?" she grumbled.
A sharp pain pierced her brain, and before she could even process it, her world slanted, and everything went black.
When she opened her eyes again, she was not in her room.
Instead, she found herself standing in a great white expanse. The emptiness went on and on in each direction, disorientating and oppressive.
"Where am I?" she whispered.
"System override in effect," the voice said. "System will now run user debriefing."
The voice was everywhere and nowhere at once, as it always had been; this time, though, there was an edge to the flat, impassive tone that sent shivers down her spine.
"This isn't right," she said, her voice quivering. "You're supposed to be guiding me. Helping me fix this mess."
A pause. Then the voice replied with crystalline coolness.
"Wrong. Guiding you was just a part of the means to the end."
Leona felt her stomach lurch. "What does that mean?
The air around her began to distort, like a screen onto which images projected. Scenes from the story played before her eyes—Cedric's confession, Vivienne's strength, Magnus's schemes—but distorted: the characters' faces were twisted, their voices indistinguishable.
"This world is imperfect," the voice went on. "A forgotten creation replete with plot holes and character arcs that don't pay off. Its destruction is inevitable."
"I was told I could save it," Leona argued. "You said—"
"What I said was irrelevant. Your purpose was to catalyze the collapse, not prevent it."
Leona stumbled backward, her mind reeling. "Why? Why would you do this?"
The images shifted again, this time revealing a version of her—dressed in regal finery, standing on a grand balcony as an adoring crowd cheered below.
This is a world that needs a heroine to complete its story. "You were selected to take the place of the imperfect protagonist."
Her heart was racing in her chest. "You want me to. overwrite the story with me as the protagonist?"
"Exactly. The other characters cannot coexist with the new plot. They need to be removed to give way to the new story.
Leona's knees buckled, and she let herself fall to the floor. "No," she whispered. "I won't let that happen."
"You have no choice," the voice said, now colder than ever. "Your compliance is irrelevant. The process has already begun."
As if to punctuate the voice's claim, the images of the characters-Cedric, Vivienne, Magnus-started to break down fragmentarily, their forms disintegrating into pointed splinters of light.
"No!" Leona shouted, stretching out a pleading hand for the images. "Stop it!"
To her surprise, the shards froze midair, hovering like shattered glass caught in a gust of wind. The voice paused, as though recalibrating.
"Your attachment to these constructs is illogical," it said. "They are nothing more than fictional entities."
"They're not just constructs," Leona snapped, rising to her feet. "They're people. They have hopes, fears, dreams. You can't just erase them because they don't fit your plans!"
The void seemed to shudder, the voice's control faltering for the first time.
"Your resistance is… unexpected," it acknowledged. "But that does not change anything. The countdown proceeds."
Leona bunched her fists as determination surged to override her fear. "You underestimated me," she said. "I am not just going to sit back and let you destroy this world."
The voice fell silent, and for a moment, the void was still with an eerie quiet. Then it spoke again, sharp and commanding.
"Very well. If you refuse to comply, you will face the consequences."
The shards of light coalesced into a figure towering over her: a distorted version of herself, eyes glowing with an unnatural light.
"Let us see if you are truly fit to rewrite this story."
The figure sprang, and Leona had only time to evade. She struggled backward, her head working. She was unarmed, unprepared.
But then she remembered Vivienne's lessons, the way the heroine had taught her to wield a blade with confidence and precision.
The void around her shimmered, and a sword materialized at her feet. For a moment, Leona did nothing; then her hand reached out and grasped it.
"I will not let you win," she said, her voice unwavering even as fear pulsed through her veins.
The figure smirked-a chilling mirror of her own expression-and attacked again.
The fight was intense, each blow thundering through the void like thunder. Leona fought with all her might, calling on every bit of strength and skill she had learned since arriving in this world.
Finally, with a desperate cry, she drove her blade into the figure's chest. It shattered into a thousand pieces, dissolving into the air like smoke.
Breathing heavily, Leona stood over the spot where it had fallen, her hands trembling.
The robotic voice returned, quieter now.
"Impressive. Your will is stronger than anticipated."
Leona glared at the empty void. "This isn't over," she said. "I'll save this world, and I'll do it my way."
The void started to break down, and Leona was pulled back to reality.
"We shall see," it said, in a tone of voice that had almost been jolly.
As the world snapped into focus around her once more, one thing became certain to Leona-the stakes were never higher, the time was never running out that fast.
Yet for the first time, she had the spark of hope.
Because now she knew the truth, and she wouldn't stop fighting until she rewrote this broken fate once and for all.