The Orphanage

The wooden floor creaked under my weight as I walked through the halls, the lighting was dim and shadows were moving as if they had a life of their own. "So this is where you grew up?" Twig asked me as he was looking around with a perturbed expression, "yup this is it, it looked just as broken down when I left, I hated this place, especially that mad man Father Hugo, he's the priest who acted as the director, there was a rumor that he bathed in baby blood in order to stay young and he's secretly hundreds of years old, I'm not sure if it's true but it wouldn't surprise me given how weird he is"

After a while of walking I heard some kind of cry, it felt full of pain and anger. I looked ahead into the darkness where the cry came from and prepare for what's ahead, holding my rifle tight. Three Fallen Cherubs waddle through the darkness and set their sights on me, my voice catches in my throat as I think of the pain these kids must have gone through, I send two hands each to snap their necks and give them a quick death as I look away, apologizing internally to them for not comeing sooner. Their deaths were quick, painless, it was the least I could do for them, I walk closer and look down at the corpses, a tear slowly traces down my cheek and splash on the ground. I always knew that this was real life, and that truly horrible things are happening in this world, but it's only now that I truly realized the casualties of this world, innocents, complete bystanders. "Sam look out!" I hear from Twig, All of a sudden something lands on my back and pushes me to the ground driving the oxygen from my lungs.

I scrambles to my feet and look behind myself, making eye contact with another cherub, this though had wings and was flapping them rapidly in order to stay in the air. I could feel a tear in my back slowly dripping blood, the wound was grevious enough but I felt that if I were to take another hit the wound would open even further, almost surely spelling my death. My eyes widened and my breath quickened as I felt the cold grasp of death reaching out, getting closer with each drop of warm blood that left my body. I quickly use some arms to put pressure on the wound as I send the rest to quickly dispatch the flying cherub, my breath turned to shallow gasps as I fell to the ground, leaning my side against a corner to avoid being hit again I watch as the cherub is killed, this time I didn't feel as much sympathy, no matter who these creatures used to be, right now they wanted me dead.

Twig was still in shock at the situation, the entire thing took place in the frame of only a few minutes, and once he finally comprehended what was happening he jumped over to the bag I had been carrying with me, dragging it over he took out the blue vial and nudged it into my hands. Grunting a thank you to Twig I pop of the quark and down the contents, feeling the blood start to clot on my back I stand up and grab Twig "thank you again Twig, I wasn't able to move lest I tear open the wound further, I would have died if not for you.

Twig just jumped back into my shoulder and mumbled "it was nothing buddy, I just wish I warned you earlier, I was too busy in my own thoughts thinking about the cherubs", "it's fine Twig I was also thinking about them, but they are no longer children anymore, and our lives are on the line whenever we are near one, so we must do what's necessary" I explain to Twig the conclusion I had come too "I hate to agree but your right buddy" Twig lets out a dejected sigh. I pet his head a few times and then head forward once more, this time more aware of my surroundings, maybe too aware, every creak in the wood set me off, my eyes darted to each shadow in the corner, but luckily my paranoia payed off as I cought a few cherubs that tried to sneak attack us, eventually we cleared the bottom floor and went upstairs.

Passing by a room I noticed a few candles lit, walking in carefully I look around spotting a black board with the game Hangman on it, seeing what looked like a ouija board on the table in front of it I remember which room I'm in. 'The ghost of a kid that died here will play hangman with me, if I lose than I can use the board to contact him more and find his body, as well as a shed door in the courtyard will open, leading to a Rher sigil. Walking up to the blackboard say a bunch of random letters, losing the game almost immediately. "Whats up with you pal, you gon crazy in the head or something?" Twig asks me, I don't answer instead I choose to let him see for himself what's going on, slowly a piece of chalk levitated off the ground and marks the letters on the board, surprisingly two I got right but the rest were wrong, creating the hangman as it spelled you lost on the board.

Picking up the Spirit board as it's known in the game I ask aloud "is there anyone in the room with us", slowly the board spells out the words yes and let's play hide and seek, "sure let's play" I respond as I walk out of the door, heading down to the attic where I know the kids body is. "Ghosts are real!!" Twig shouts out after a moment of silence while we were walking I give him a blank look, "seriously your a sent isn't pinecone with twig legs and your surprised ghosts exist?" I ask incredulously, "hey I'm perfectly normal, I thought ghosts were just children's stories" Twig defends himself, "their more than that, but you better get used to having your mind blown because we're gonna be seeing a lot crazier things than just ghosts in this city" I tell him.

The basement was full of cherub, luckily a few of them were locked in rooms and hearing them I chose to just stay away, eventually I find the room the kids body was in and start wailing on the door, the keys I had wouldn't unlock it so I just swung at it with everything I had, eventually the door broke apart, revealing a damp prison like cell with a kids skeleton cuffed to the wall, looking at the skeleton sympathy once again flashes across my face before I quickly hide it and walk over to the body, "what happened" Twig voiced out the question I already knew the answer too, I took out the Spirit board as it spelled out was bad, got punished I grimace a bit as Twig goes silent, petting him a bit I talk out life "we found you now" and the board starts spelling something out yes and for your reward look in my pockets, checking his pockets I find a hidden patch with a ring in it, the Ring of Wraiths, and accessory that would heal me over time similar to Betels stone.

Putting the ring on I felt the healing process for the wound on my back speed up, I look at Twig staring sadly at the skeleton, thinking the same thing as him I put Twig on my shoulders and carefully so as not to damage the bones, pick up the skeleton and head back to the first floor. Leaving the orphonage I carefully hide behind some bushes and put the skeleton down, then I began to long and arduous process of digging a grave with only my hands, hours went by as evening turned to night, eventually I finished digging though and once I was I picked up the body and lay him in the dirt, pushing the dirt back onto him I fill the whole with dirt. Looking at the grave Twig tells me "your a good person Sam, I mighty god person", "thanks bud, I just hope he gets a good afterlife, whatever it is".

I stand up and walk back inside the orphanage, not caring that I had just let hours go by in order to help a kid and gain only a single accessory for it, climbing the stairs to the second floor again I walk around the place for a bit before heading over to the place I had been dreading. Father Hugo stood in the middle of the room in a trancelike state as he held up his arms in worship, I didn't not want to get within a few feet of this guy as he had a spell called scorched earth, it drastically lowered the fire resistance of everyone in battle, and although it does so for him too he is able to tank enough hits as he hits the player withthe incredibally strong magic attacks. So I just leveled my rifle at him and shot him four times, then once with the Lugr, and another time with the Trenchgun, the Priest just stood there taking each bullet without flinching once. He opened his arms even wider as if trying to embrace the bullets as they hit him.

I grit my teeth as I sent twelve arms at him, keeping two by my side just in case he pulled anything, a small frown formed on Hugo's face as he saw the arms coming at him he pointed both his palms towards the arms and cast Pyromancy Trick, a fire spell that burned its target, luckily the spell can only target one thing and the only casualty was a pair of burned arms that I could still use, the only thing that would break my control would be ripping apart the arm or completely destroying it, there is also the possibility of cutting of the string that's attached to them but there are no enemies in the game that are capable of that.

The frown on Hugo's face becomes more pronounced as he takes off his clothes, "the fucks he doing?!" Shouted Twig, "he's about to use a spell called scorched earth" I grimly answer him as the room is overrun by flames, luckily I mode it out in time with Twig, the all the hands that were attacking him were charred but they were still moving as they continued their attacks. Hugo cast two more Pyromancy Tricks, this time instead of just getting burned the arms crumbled to ash. Realizing I had to kill him quickly I decide to use Mischief of Rats, feeling nothing besides and even worse headache I look around, after a second I start to hear the sounds of multiple nails hitting against wood as a small tidal wave of rats floods into the room.

They scratch and claw at Hugo as he casts Pyromancy Trick after Pyromancy Trick at them, every once and a while casting Combustion, a multi target version of Pyromancy Trick, killing swaths rats in a sing blow, but they kept coming, and eventually the rats overwhelmed him. The rats fled soon after, leaving a torn and battered Hugo laying on the ground, chunks of flesh bitten off him and an eye missing, the man was somehow still alive but he just lay there shocked. Taking advantage of that I hold his body down with my hands and run over to his body, quickly slashing at his head with my axe, decapitating him in an instant.

Hugo's head rolled to my feet, his face looking up at me with the same smug smile he always had, kicking it away I observe the charred and burnt room, what used to be two bookshelves now looked like mounds of ash and a still crackling chest was behind the desk. Finding nothing in the room I head out of the room, walking by the Sylvian and Gro-goroth sigils next to the door. Heading down stairs I walk into the courtyard in the middle of the orphonage, a priest was hanging in the gallows that were in the middle of the courtyard, nearby was the shed I was looking for it, opening the door I walk in front of the Rher sigil, "We got this buddy, if you could take out Hugo you can take anything in that other dimension" Twig cheers me on as I step onto the sigil, and into Rhers dimension.