Thick Scent

We laid on our stomachs on the electric blanket, peeling and eating tangerines, staring out the window.

The cold wind rattled the windows, just as the weather forecast had warned it would.

On days like this, it’s best to stay inside, peel tangerines while patting on the warm butt of a lovely cat.

But since I couldn’t keep a pet for various reasons, I settled for peeling and throwing plump tangerines into my mouth.

“Shouldn’t we stick it out for a month at least? What if that Alpha walks by today while we are not outside?”

Hearing that made my heart waver. I was also worried about my heat cycle approaching. Maybe I should search until right before my heat cycle begins.


“It’s cold.”

“That’s the problem.”

Sinwoo pondered as he tossed a tangerine into his mouth. Despite the serious atmosphere, the TV was full of laughing and chatting celebrities. I watched the unamusing TV shows with a vacant expression, still throwing tangerines into my mouth.