At some point during their fall, Emric had rolled down the slope, coming to rest at the edge of the slope. Jayden pushed himself off the ground, ignoring the lingering soreness in his body, and scrambled over to him.
Dropping to his knees, Jayden pulled Emric closer, his hands shaking as he pressed two fingers under Emric’s nose. Nothing. No breath. Desperation clawed at him as he lowered his head to Emric’s chest, listening intently. The faintest heartbeat met his ears, weak and fading.
“Come on, Emric!” Jayden shouted, his voice breaking. He slapped Emric’s face lightly, trying to rouse him. “Wake up! Stay with us!”
Swan was beside him in an instant, her hands gripping Emric’s shoulders. “Emric!” she called, shaking him gently but urgently. “Wake up! Please, wake up!”