Why do I always wake up at the best part?.. He was going to kiss me! I wondered as I glanced over at my alarm clock. Letting out a frustrated groan, I noticed the glaring 4 a.m. displayed on the clock. Sleep seemed to evade me as my mind raced with thoughts. Tossing and turning in bed, I struggled to find a comfortable position. Frustrated, I threw off the blankets in annoyance and sat up, only to be met with a sharp pain that shot through my head, causing me to fall back onto my pillow.
After the pain had subsided to a more bearable level, I made my way to the bathroom. My long brunette hair was a tangled mess from sleep, so I quickly brushed it and styled it into a side braid. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I stared into my bright blue eyes, trying to calm myself. I attempted to clear my mind of any thoughts, but the silence of the house only allowed my mind to drift back to the nightmare that had plagued my sleep.
I had to get out of here. I needed to go for a walk to clear my thoughts.
After brushing my teeth, I quickly got dressed and made sure to grab my cell phone and earbuds. The hallway was shrouded in darkness as I navigated my way through the house, careful not to disturb my parents who were still fast asleep. My father's loud snores echoed through the house, a comforting reminder that they were safe and sound.
I tiptoed towards the front door, not wanting to wake my parents. They had already endured so much with my recurring nightmares, and I didn't want to burden them with something they couldn't control or fix.
The same terrifying dream had haunted me since I was just four years old, growing more frequent and intense as the years passed. My parents, always worried about my night terrors, had taken me to countless doctors in search of a solution, but nothing seemed to help. I was repeatedly assured that it was just a phase I would eventually outgrow.
As a result, I stopped sharing my nightmares with others and keeping them to myself. Occasionally, the fear would be so overwhelming that I would wake up screaming in terror, a stark reminder of the ongoing battle I faced every night.
As I stepped outside, the frigid winter breeze pierced through me like icy daggers. It was the heart of January, prompting me to layer up with multiple coats and my trusty scarf. Walking alone in the serene early morning, each step I took was met with a loud crunch as the snow beneath me protested.
The neighborhood was transformed into a winter wonderland, with a thick blanket of snow covering everything in sight. Front lawns were adorned with charming snowmen crafted by the neighborhood children. The air still carried a hint of the festive energy from Christmas, lingering like a sweet memory.
As I strolled through the quiet streets, it was evident that everyone was still nestled snugly in their warm beds, lost in peaceful dreams. The moon and stars were obscured by heavy clouds looming overhead, casting a shadow over the landscape. The only source of light came from the streetlamps that stood sentinel along the sidewalk, guiding my way through the tranquil winter morning.
As I strolled along, the city skyline gradually came into view, prompting me to reach for my phone and tune into some music.
I am aware that it is not wise to be oblivious to one's surroundings in the city. However, given the scarcity of people out and about at this early hour, I saw no harm in indulging myself. Another reason I sought solace in music was to drown out the noise of the world around me. People's thoughts can be overwhelmingly intrusive. Not only did I have to contend with recurring nightmares that haunted my sleep, but I also bore the burden of being able to hear the thoughts of those around me.
Sara always insisted that I was blessed to possess such a gift, but let me assure you, it felt more like a curse. While many might view this ability as advantageous in some way, for me, it was pure torment.
The most effective method I discovered for combating intrusive thoughts was by listening to music at a high volume. While it didn't completely silence everyone's internal monologue, it did help to reduce it to a mere background noise.
I strolled to the park and settled onto a bench to watch the sunrise. As time passed, the park became more bustling with people rushing to grab breakfast and coffee before heading to work. I observed them without any particular thoughts, attempting to push aside the strange feeling that had come over me. After the sun had fully risen, I decided to wander aimlessly until I either grew tired or felt ready to return home.
Watching others head off to work always stirred up a twinge of envy within me. Despite my best efforts over the years, I struggled to maintain steady employment due to my unique ability of telepathy. I couldn't simply drown out the world with earbuds while on the job. The thoughts of others could be overwhelming, often leaving me feeling uneasy. I encountered bosses with unsavory intentions and coworkers with equally distasteful thoughts. The workplace was rife with jealousy, betrayal, and insincerity, reminiscent of high school drama.
It was around 8 a.m. when I made the decision to leave the park, still lost in my music. The city streets were bustling with people going about their daily routines. As I navigated through the crowded sidewalks and streets, I instinctively tuned out the thoughts of those around me. That is until I stumbled upon a building that had previously gone unnoticed.
For the past six years, I have traversed these streets without ever laying eyes on this particular building. Its eerie resemblance to the structure from Sara's imprisonment in my dream last night immediately caught my attention. Constructed of sturdy bricks and boasting oversized front windows, it stood in stark contrast to its neighboring buildings. Despite the slight chill that ran down my spine, what truly captivated me was the inexplicable energy emanating from within its walls. It was as if the building was beckoning me towards it. Could it be that I was subconsciously drawn to this mysterious structure, rather than simply wandering aimlessly through the city streets?
As I ascended the front stairs, my attention was captivated by the imposing front door. Unbeknownst to me, a treacherous layer of ice covered the top steps, causing me to slip as I reached the third step. Just as I was about to brace myself for impact, a pair of hands swiftly grabbed my sides from behind, causing my earbuds to fall out.
"You really should be more careful," a familiar voice said calmly.
I turned my head quickly to see who it was. "Easton?" I began in surprise. "Oh my gosh, how are you? What are you doing back? Last I heard, you moved away - without telling me, I might add!" I teased with fake annoyance.
Easton smiled the same mischievous smile that I had grown accustomed to. "I'm sorry about that. It was a last-minute plan. If I had waited any longer, then I would have never left this place."
Smiling, I hugged him. "I forgive you," I replied jokingly. "You must tell me all about where you went and what you've been up to."
Easton's eyes dropped for a moment.
Is he upset about something?
I have known Easton since our freshman year of high school. He arrived in town as the new kid and immediately caught everyone's attention. Surprisingly, many people found him intimidating, a sentiment that I never quite understood. The guys were particularly threatened by his physical strength and envious of his good looks. With his muscular build, high cheekbones, blonde hair, and piercing green eyes, Easton became the object of desire for many girls. His gaze had a way of making you feel guilty for no apparent reason, almost as if he could see right through you. While the rest of the school felt uneasy around him, I found myself drawn to his mysterious aura.
Easton was a mysterious enigma, unlike anyone I had ever encountered. His thoughts were a locked door, impenetrable to my abilities. Initially, this unnerved me, as I was accustomed to effortlessly hearing the innermost musings of those around me. He shadowed my every move, observing me with an intensity that was both disconcerting and intriguing. Perhaps he, too, sensed something unusual about our connection.
Despite my best efforts, I could not glean a single thought from his mind. This lack of access frustrated me, but after a few weeks of contemplation, I made the bold decision to befriend him. If I couldn't unravel the mystery of his fixation on me through telepathy, I would do so through traditional means.
Ultimately, I never uncovered the rationale behind his peculiar, almost stalker-like behavior. However, in forging a friendship with Easton, I discovered a kindred spirit and gained a confidant whose thoughts remained shielded from my prying mind.
However, I never grew close enough to Easton to share my nightmares or telepathy with him. That was a secret only one person knew.
"It's really not important, Ember," he stated. "But what have you been up to since we last saw each other?"
Easton was not particularly talkative. He never spoke about himself, or much of anything for that matter.
While it would have been nice to learn more about what he had been doing over the past three years, I decided to respond to his question sarcastically. "Nothing much. You know, just living the dream. I've been job hunting and quitting multiple jobs."
He smiled and remarked, "You really aren't a people person." Easton looked past me and asked, "Do you work here?"
I turned to look at the building behind me once more. That same strange feeling radiated from within. "No, I just thought this place seemed different from all the other buildings, so I was just going to look inside," I explained.
"How does it seem different? This place has always been here. It looks a bit rougher since it has been abandoned for years, but there really isn't anything special about it," Easton replied.
"I don't know how to explain it," I stated, biting my lip.
Easton then grabbed my hand and said, "Come on, I'll show you there is nothing special about it."
We approached the building, and a strange sensation gripped my chest, causing my heart to race. Despite not feeling scared or anxious, my heart seemed to be pounding out of control.
As Easton glanced through the window, I joined him, peering into the dark and dusty interior. The room was devoid of life, filled only with overturned furniture that hinted at a past ransacking.
Just as I was considering leaving, a fleeting shadow caught my eye, sending a shiver down my spine. A wave of unease washed over me as my mind drifted back to Lucien.
“What was that?” I murmured to myself.