Warning: This chapter contains some emotionally triggering scenes like violence and child abuse. 18+ only.
(13 years ago)
Antonio grunted as he walked out of his room to the living room where his mum and Anthony were. He sighed frustratedly on seeing his mother; she looked so skinny and pale; her lips were all bruised, and her face, her fingers were long and tiny, looking so worn off, and her messy hair packed in a bun shape. She was dressed in a flower-patterned blouse and a flare-long skirt.
" Mum, you should take some rest; there's nothing we can do; it's not our fault, there's no money; he was the reason why your business failed," Anthony said angrily.
Antonio's stomach grumbled, but he was so angry that he ignored his hungry stomach.
" Mum!" he yelled, startling her.
" Stop shouting", Anthony shouted back at him,