You know in life we are always on the lookout for what tomorrow has in store for us because today uncertainty has been seen, I mean am all about what the future has in store for me, for us, my family. Let me come clean with you there is no fight, no war, and no brawl. Nick Dynodes Tsarnouv died, killed by food poison, a sickness rumored by the media, damn Amy that bitch never ceased to amaze me, and to top, the icing on the cake, the son of a bitch also killed the bitch, that is the mom and the sister and stepmom escaped to a place in the world that we are still checking, we went back to school and my parent return back to work. We completed the remaining year we have in high school in peace, we graduated in grand style, and take so many pictures with our family including Alex's own. Alex's dad finally brought his mom and senior brother and the