Marckza's breath intensifies along the movement of her wiggling waist, rubbing her plentiful ass cheeks against my hardened shaft.
I resume the groping on her ample breasts, changing the focus to harass her stiff nipples, rubbing in circular motions the perimeter of her areolas with my indexes, while my opposite thumbs occasionally pinch her hard knobs.
A muffled moan is heard, and without letting her arms go down, Marckza tilts her head to the right, her short chocolate hair follows the motion, brushing my forehead and revealing her unprotected neck.
The temptation is too much to ignore the obvious offer, licking with my tongue the fair skin of Marckza, and seeing how her body shivers, then shudders with the ungentle light bite that is followed by a peck on her neck; She gasps loudly as I bite her once again, inflicting more pressure with my teeth, and hearing a lewd moan from the woman sitting over my lap when I pull and twist her nipples.