Chapter 3: The Aha Test

I've decided, I'm going to escape from Herta Space Station!

I'm tired of being squeezed almost every day!

It's not like I'm against nighttime activity, but I refuse to be the passive one! The numerical difference is unfair! Herta can control multiple dolls to deal with me simultaneously, instead's just me.

I was about to run away but... I felt bad imagining everyone (by everyone I just mean Herta, Asta, Alan and Peppy) worrying about me disappearing just like that. So I left them a note.

And yes, now I was gone.

Boarding my own ship, the ship I bought with my own savings working as a secretary and doctor, I escaped.

I always wanted to try to travel the universe by myself but Herta never let me, this will be a great opportunity.

5 minutes later...

-Hell, I keep getting messages.

Especially Herta, not even 5 minutes and I already have +999 messages.

If I disappear from her sight for more than 5 minutes, she always acts like that. Herta is too overprotective....

-Whatever, I'll block her.

And I proceeded to pick up the pace, it wouldn't be good if I got caught so soon. Since, knowing Herta (not the one from the game but the one I spent these years with), she will never leave me alone until she has some degree of surveillance monitoring me.




-[Nadie, surrender, he's surrounded.] -[Nadie, surrender, he's surrounded.]


Who would have thought they'd blow up Herta Space Station just to get me. They got me in less than 30 minutes.

-How did they find me so fast?

I asked through my ship's communicator which is in call with Space Station Herta.

-I put several trackers on your private ship just in case and the same with your cell phone.

-Herta, don't you know what "private" means?

-Of course I do, it's something that doesn't exist between us.

-That was too selfish of you.

-[Whatever you say.]

Damn it. I don't have a way out anymore?


-That voice?

(Interesting! So interesting!)

Out of nowhere, giant masks appeared floating in outer space, displaying their imposing presence in front of all of us.

-[No way, Aha?! What's that guy doing here?!]

Oh no, of all the possible Aeons it had to be Aha, the Aeon of Exultation. This guy only knows how to bring trouble, I want nothing to do with him.

(Aha thinks it's funny! To think that Abundance and Hunting would make their Emanator the same person! I can see it, HooH won't keep quiet and Aha wants in on it too!)

-Why do I feel déjà vu?

(But giving you my power alone sounds boring, so I'll give you a test!)

-No thanks, leave me alone.

(Don't you want to? Hm... That's boring. Well, it's settled, I'll give you the test anyway!)

-Then don't ask in the first place?

Suddenly, a big turbulence hits my ship.

-What's going on?!

This took me by surprise but, come to think of it, even if the ship explodes, I can heal with Life Drop and I can also breathe in space for some strange reason. There's no point in freaking out.

(Nadie is your name, right? Make sure you make it back alive. If you manage to show me something fun on the other side, I'll be sure to reward you well. Have a good trip and don't break~)

By the time the turbulence stopped, I looked outside again only to find that there's nobody around.

-Am I alone?

Worried about what might have happened to Herta Space Station, I immediately tried to contact them.

Nothing... they don't answer. My messages don't even reach Herta.

-What do I do now?

I hesitated for a moment but... wait a second, wasn't this my goal? I'm free now. Besides, Herta is also an Emanator, she'll be fine for sure. I mean, she's still abysmally stronger than me.

Even if I have the blessing of two Eons at the same time, experience makes a difference and Herta outgrows me by grows in that. And this body of mine, even though it was blessed by two Aeons at the same time, my physical capabilities didn't increase too much; my specialty focuses on my abilities after all.

-Since this is an Aha test, I just have to complete it and everything will be back to normal, right? Well, I'll use this as a paid vacation.

It's always good to be positive.


[Emergency! Several engine failures have been found!]

-Umu. A good start.

So, my ship began to fall in the direction of the nearest planet.

-Let's see, how am I supposed to land?

[Emergency! Emergency!]

The ship gradually began to turn into a ball of fire, this reaction is because I am entering the ozone layer.

-Damn, the seat belt broke down.

[Emergency! Emergency!]

The turbulence is getting worse and worse.

[Emergency! Emergency!]

-For God's sake, shut up! I get it! I'm not deaf, don't keep repeating the same thing!

Apparently, the ship's AI understood me and so I had a slightly quieter landing.


-Ugh. This is even worse than the time I got kicked in the nuts at age 5.

The impact hurt like hell. I had to use Drop of Life to deal with some fractures, all because the seat belt broke.

-I'm suing IPC for this. How could they sell me such a defective ship? Even the seat belt doesn't work. I'll complain to Topaz personally, maybe that's the only way they'll compensate me more than just the insurance.

With some difficulty, I somehow managed to get out of the destroyed ship.

To my surprise, I was surrounded by....

-A survivor?

A deep, mechanical voice spoke to me. Then many more came.

-Call the medical team, there's a survivor!

Oh my god, that armor.... Are they all Molten Knights? There are hundreds of them.

No way, as far as I understand it, the Molten Knights are almost extinct. And Firefly is the only confirmed survivor so far. In the timeline I'm on, it's only supposed to be a few years before canon. That there are so many alive...

-Don't tell me, Aha sent me back in time?

After "rescuing" me, the other Molten Knights entered the ship to confirm if there are more survivors. In the meantime, I was transferred.

Taking this opportunity, I asked several questions to confirm my current situation, gathered information and then also cooperated with their interrogations to quench their doubts. Thus, I somehow managed to gain their trust; as for the lack of wounds, I simply said that I have access to the Way of Abundance.

In conclusion, the planet we are currently on... heck, I already forgot the name. Anyway, the point is, it's not Glamoth. Apparently, the empire has already fallen.

These Molten Knights are on this planet to take on the Swarm who continue to spread throughout the universe. Even after the fall of the empire, its soldiers are still fighting... Luckily, I landed in safe territory otherwise I could have been eaten alive.

In other words...

-I can't believe it, Aha sent me to one of the worst eras of the game.

The Plague. That means Tayzzyronth is free.

Also, it means that Nannok has not yet ascended.

From what I was told, there are hardly any survivors left on this planet and this is the last city standing, the rest of the nations were devoured by the Swarm.

The city reminds me a little of Belobog. Unfortunately, due to the terrible situation of the planet, you can hardly see smiles in the streets.

The population is minimal, the economy is a disaster and the food shortage is overwhelming. Luckily, thanks to my savings, I have plenty of credit so I won't have to worry about food. Even if I don't feel hungry, that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't want to enjoy the taste of food.

Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to walk around for a while until.... I met the love of my life.

I was fascinated. The figure in front of me instinctively prompted my body to kneel in front of her, grab the young woman's hand and declare to me.

-Will you marry me?

-Huh? -Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!

Oops. I acted on instinct. But I justify myself, it's my waifu Firefly.

I don't remember being someone so bold, but I guess experience changes people. For the first time, I'll say thank you to Herta for this.

But, let's be honest. If you met your waifu in real life, how the fuck do they want me to keep quiet? Especially Firefly, this tenderness and pure maiden is just divine.

Unlike on Earth where almost all girls have OnlyFans and virtually prostitute themselves believing they are still "virgins" just by having sex as a form of "work". Yeah sure woman, I was born yesterday and I believe in Santa Claus.

Firefly is love, Firefly is life.

The surprise not only hit Firefly, the confusion also spread throughout the audience. And so, they started clapping and cheering for us.

Wow, Firefly's face began to burn and smoke beyond belief - isn't she a cutie?

Embarrassed at being the center of attention, Firefly tugged on my arm and dragged me off to who knows where. After losing the audience, she looked at me with an annoyed face, but it only conveyed tenderness.

-Please don't make those kinds of jokes in public!

-Sorry, it came out of instinct.

-For God's sake, even jokes have their limits! Besides, you're just a kid. Instead of doing these kinds of things, you should meet more girls your age and c-marry when they're older.

-But I was being serious.

-W-what did you say?

-My statement is serious. I fell in love at first sight.

I mean, when I met Firefly for the first time in the game, I really fell in love at first sight. He immediately became my waifu and the main of my team.


Seeing my look so serious caused an inexplicable nervousness about Firefly.

Damn, seriously, if it wasn't for Herta, I would never have had the courage to declare myself like that in public. I really appreciate it Herta.

-I am a Molten Knight.

Firefly declared with a serious tone out of nowhere.


-... You, don't you know what that means?

Of course I do, you have one of those Kamen Rider-like suits. Could you lend it to me in the future? I'd like to be able to fly through the skies too.

-Kamen what? -No, wait, are you kidding me?



I think I know what Firefly cares about.

The Molten Knights are homunculi created by the Republic of Glamoth, born as warriors to die as soldiers, they were born using Propagation as the basis of their technology.

After the great success brought about by the arrival of the Molten Knights, mankind was finally able to stand up to the Swarm. But, over time, the Molten Knights began to grow in both numbers and power, to the point that they also began to be feared.

By Firefly's words, so that the bad reputation of the Molten Knights is already taken for granted.

-So, is it a no?

I asked sadly.

-What-what thing?

-My statement.

-For now, we must get to know each other better first!

-I see, that's fine.

This way, Firefly and I got to know each other.
