Chapter 5: Punklorde

-Wow, I'm still alive.

And again, wandering in space alone....

Who would have thought, if I ever die, Gota de Vida will activate itself and revive me.

In other words, as long as a part of my body exists, I am somehow immortal.

-Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! What a shame!

If I had known this beforehand, I would never have been so dramatic with my parting words!

Besides, since when was Gota de Vida able to revive the dead? I've tried it before and it only serves to heal the wounds of the dead; once fallen, they will never return. Perhaps this is a unique effect for the user?

-At least I still have my engagement ring with me?

My cell phone is broken, it doesn't work, I have no way to contact Herta either....

-So, what am I supposed to do now...?

(Hahahahahaha! Funny, so funny! Aha is happy! You killed the Emanator of Propagation, inspired your fiancée to destroy a planet and now she's an interstellar level terrorist because of a touching promise! Hahahahaha! You're great Nadie!)

-I'm going to kill you, you bastard.

I shot thousands of arrows with Divine Bow intending to kill Aha. Of course, the result was as useless as praying to god.

(Ahh~ What a nice massage, I should hire you as my masseuse~)

I never hated anyone so much in my life.

In the end, I couldn't change anything. Even though I was able to cure Firefly's entropy loss syndrome, she still joined the Estelaron Hunters to find me. Elio somehow convinced her.

Although this is not really a bad thing, since it follows the original plot, when you fall in love with someone... you just want to look out for their safety.

Anyway, at least I know that Firefly is strong and so are the other members of the Estelaron Hunters. They will help each other.

The problem now is...

-What do you want now? If you're in front of me, does that mean I came back to the present?

(Exactly~ As a reward for entertaining me so much, I'll give you my power~ It means you now have three Aeons blessing you! It will be fun to see how this will unfold~)

And again, a strange energy entered my body.

(While you're at it, why don't we play again~?)

-In your dreams!

Out of nowhere, space distorted and an abominable presence appeared.

(Jo~ Wow, I never thought that you of all Aeons would be interested in this guy so quickly, Oroboros~)

This is bad, my body won't stop shaking.

What is this presence? I've never felt so suffocated in my life. It's hard for me to breathe.

No, don't come closer. Stay away, stay away!

(Keep your distance Oroboros, can't you see you're traumatizing the poor boy? Don't break my toy so fast).

Without even responding, one of Oroboros' snakes hits Aha's mask and the latter flies away at high speed.

(Ouch! You're no fun! Aha doesn't like you!)

Oroboros approaches me, brings his effeminate face close to me and caresses me with his touch on my cheek.

I dare not move. That thing will devour me, if I do something wrong it will really kill me with no chance to revive.

After caressing me for a while, a strange smile forms on the Leviathan's face and then it walks away without first introducing an energy into my being.

-It... gone?

(Hm... that was strange. I've never seen her act like that. Anyway, looks like you're now a 4 Way Emanator at the same time. Congratulations Nadie~ I can't wait to see who will be the next one to give you their powers!)

-Please stop joking around.

If becoming an Emanator of another Aeon means experiencing this thrill again, I'd rather not be given more power if possible. This experience took away any desire to access new Paths.

-I am tired. Please leave me alone or, rather, send me to the nearest planet. I just want to do nothing for a long time....

(Ho... You really seem depressed. Alright, I've entertained myself enough with you for now. As a second reward, I'll send you to the closest planet to our position. Have a good trip~)

In the blink of an eye, the scenery in front of my eyes changes and I fall head first against the ground.

-Auch. That hurts.

At least this saved me a lot of travel time.

I look like I'm in the alley of some city.

My goal will be to find someone capable of repairing my cell phone since I don't remember Herta's number....

After gathering some information, I immediately understood where I am.

This is Punklorde, the land of gamers and hackers.

The problem now will be to find someone to repair my cell phone without hacking me, I need someone trustworthy which... in this land I see it impossible.

-*Sigh*. I'd better go and look for lodging.

This will be another long trip.




I'm screwed, I'm absolutely screwed.

My cell phone is broken which also means... I can't access my credits. I'm poor...

I have no choice but to look for a job. And then I saw it, a flyer that says looking for employees for a fast food restaurant.

-The flyer looks a little old, I hope it's still valid.

Luckily, it was.

-Welcome, one person?

The owner asked me.

-I'm looking for a job.

I answered.

-Well, welcome.

That's how easily I found a job.

-By the way, I have no place to sleep. Do you have a basement I can borrow? Anything will do.

-Sure, but you'll have to share a room. -I don't even know if she'll let you in.


-Why don't you go meet her yourself?

Following the landlady's advice, I headed to the basement after asking for directions and there I met her, the genius hacker Silver Wolf.

-And who are you? This is my room. How did you get in?

-Hello, the landlady let me in and from now on I'll be your roommate, I'll also work in the restaurant. My name is Nadie, nice to meet you.

-Go away.

-And so, we became good friends.

-No, we didn't. Narrating it out loud won't change anything.

-Tsk. Almost.




Now we became good friends.

In less than a day, I gained Silver Wolf's trust and we played video games for the rest of the day.

The landlady lectured me for accidentally skipping work. It was annoying how Silver Wolf laughed at me for that.

The days passed peacefully.

Unlike my days with Firefly, at Punklorde there are no armies of bugs attacking you at every turn. My days start working at the restaurant as a waiter and end up playing video games with Silver Wolf.

After a week, I also started helping out in the kitchen. This way, I learned how to cook certain dishes.

When the evening comes, I lock myself in the basement with Silver Wolf to play video games until the wee hours of the morning.

-Hey, stop that, Silvie! You'll kill me!

-It's your fault for being so slow, Nadie!

Silver Wolf is too good at video games, she always wrecks me mercilessly.

By the way, since calling her Silver Wolf felt too long to say, I started calling her Silvie to simplify it. She didn't dislike it so the nickname stuck.

-*Sigh*. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep.

-So fast? I'm just starting.

-Unlike you, I have to work early tomorrow, now I help in the kitchen and that brings more responsibilities.

-How boring you are... Fine, I'll sleep with you. In return, tell me more stories.

-All right.

As you may have guessed, I told Silver Wolf about my space travels and meeting with the Aeons. She is always fascinated by those stories and also longs to one day be able to explore the universe herself.

In no time, just like a bedtime story, Silver Wolf fell fast asleep under my soft voice.

Since there is only one bed, of course we must sleep together. Thanks to the fact that we both have tiny bodies, we fit in here without any problems.

I must admit, Silver Wolf and I hit it off very well.




In this last month, all the high score records of all the games in the basement turned to Silver Wolf. Already wanting a different air, she out of the blue proposed an idea to me....

-Nadie, I want to go to the next level and I want you to join me, are you coming?

Surprised by this sudden proposal, I of course accepted.

That day, we said goodbye to the owner and left Rainbow City. Thus, the game called Basement was over.

We traveled westward through arid lands, passing through some difficulties and in the end we arrived at Mount Junk.

As in Punklorde everyone works as a team, the two of us as a duo suffered from a great numerical disadvantage. Especially me not using the Ether Edition. Still, Silver Wolf was not discouraged and even self-proclaimed us the "invincible duo".

However, just because I can't make use of the Ether Edition doesn't mean I can't compete to some degree against gamers.

Fireworks Festival, that's the name of the ability I awakened thanks to Aha's blessing. With this power, I can create illusions that affect reality to a certain degree although it comes with certain restrictions, the illusions I can create are limited only to crazy and impossible things.

Contrary to other powers, Fireworks Festival becomes easier to use the larger the scale of the illusion and the crazier the theme. Undoubtedly, a power fit for the name Aha, the Aeon of Exultation.

We get our first job, this one carries a risk as unmatched as its reward, but we still accept the challenge.

After 8 hours of the system, the two of us alone walked out of the Debris Seekers' base, through the main gate.

The middleman was silent, looking at us and the sky, and then turned to throw a chest full of gold bars on the ground.

Thus, the game called Scrap Mount ended without a hitch.




Standing on top of the tallest building in Rainbow City, we looked out over the landscape and the fast food restaurant where we used to work.

-So many memories.

-It wasn't that long ago either.

Silver Wolf commented wryly.

-Yes, but... we went through so much.

-Well, I can't deny that.

In a short time, the two of us working as a duo made a name for ourselves all over the place.

People from all sorts of organizations gathered in the square with a single goal: to capture the two of us, Silver Wolf and me, no matter what sacrifice they had to make.

Seeing this situation made Silver Wolf yawn.

-What a bore.

She commented with somewhat sleepy eyes.

-What, being with me?

I asked surprised by this sudden comment.

-No idiot, I mean those losers over there. Who called you boring?

-I see, don't scare me like that. I thought you were going to throw me out.

-That'll never happen. Anyway, let's go, I want to take a nap.

-What do I have to do with your nap? -You're my pillow.

-You're my pillow. Let's go.

-What about my opinion?

-There is no such thing.

Sometimes I think girls are too unreasonable.

That day, the game called Rainbow City ended .
