Chapter 7: Getting to know the Celestial Claw

Location, Xianzhou Yaoqing.

Currently, I am in a coffee shop enjoying a coffee together with Kafka. By the way, she's the one who's buying.

All I can say is that the meme came true, calling her mommy so many times by accident made her start treating me like her real son....

At first, I always went to sleep next to Firefly and Silver Wolf, but lately Mommy Kafka is dragging me to her room.... By the way, nothing impure to clarify, with the latter it's just sleeping with no ulterior motives.

-By the way, Nadie, don't you think Firefly seems a bit frustrated lately?

-Yes, it's because someone keeps dragging me to her room.

I commented with a sarcastic tone. Kafka obviously knows why, she's just messing with me.

-*Sigh*. Kids these days mature too fast.

-I'm not a kid, I'm a full-fledged adult!

I puffed out my chest proudly to show it.

-Of course~ Nadie is my little adult~ Who is my cute adult~?

-I'm talking for real!

-Fufufu~ How cute.

If there's one thing that bothers me about Kafka, it would be just this.

-But you know Nadie? When you sleep, you tend to hug me and whisper "mommy Kafka stay with me". Look, I even have several recordings~♪♪

-Ahhhhhhh! -Delete that!

-Of course not, I even have several backups. I also implanted a chip in Bladie's kidney, so you'll have to defeat him to destroy that backup.

Please kill me, where's my dignity as an adult left?

-Poor Blade, don't use his body like that. Rather, why did he let you implant a chip with videos of me sleeping?

-It's because he wants you to kill him. Bladie thinks that someday you'll access some Way capable of killing him, that's why he played along with me.

These two are crazy...

-Back to the subject, how do you plan to deal with Firefly? I know you already said goodbye but; I mean, you're going back to Herta Space Station soon, aren't you?

-Yes, I plan to be back in a month at least.

I have long since repaired my cell phone and managed to get back in touch with Herta. This action triggered a desperate response from her, her desire to find me and see me safe. But I explained my situation and told her that I would stay with the Estelaron Hunters for a while.

It took a lot of convincing and, after many explanations and promises, I assured her that I would return after a while. And that time, it's almost time.

-As for Firefly, she'll be fine; what she seeks is not pleasure but attention, she only acts like that because.... Ugh, embarrassing to say.

-Come on~ Explain to your mommy~

-Ugh. She says she loves to see my expressions of ecstasy....

-I see, I'll ask her to take your picture next time, I want to see it too, your ecstatic face. And most likely she will use it as a wallpaper.

-Don't you dare!

I could feel my face boil more than the fire, Kafka just smiled and.... no, seriously, knowing her, she's capable of that.

Firefly, that girl is much more daring than I thought. The very day they found us, Firefly dragged me into her room and didn't let me out for a week....

If you ask me, it was heaven, I accept that.

While for me it was only a year apart, for Firefly it was thousands. This difference served as an excuse for Firefly's desperate-for-love mind to take action, she convinced herself that doing it was okay even though she was "underage".

I mean, I'm not underage so I wasn't going to turn her down, but it seems she doesn't think so.

Anyway, after that event, the excuse became a self brainwashing so she could do more than "sleep" with me.

As for why I explain all that... if with Herta it's the numerical difference, with Firefly it's the difference in strength. Why the hell am I always the one who ends up in the passive role?

No, rather, why are all the women who drag me into their rooms so strong?

Speaking of Firefly, I can't forget about Silver Wolf either. She... I can only say she's the one I feel most comfortable doing it with. Heh, finally someone who doesn't beat me in endurance.

On a serious note, why is it that access to the new Pathways never raises my physical capabilities? If it weren't for that, I could abuse my abilities more without worrying about stamina.

If this were a video game, my skills would be top tier but my mp too ordinary, this prevents me from abusing large scale attacks.

The only way to increase my endurance at the moment is to train. Fortunately, since I've been on Earth for the first time, I don't lack discipline.

-So, the reason you wanted to come to Xianzhou Yaoqing was...?

Kafka asked curiously.

-Lan recently contacted me through a dream, he asked me to contact the Yaoqing Heavenly Claw about something.

-Is that something...?

-I don't know, the message was cut off. When I tried to contact him again, Yaoshi appeared and kidnapped me to his dream.

-Your life really is full of surprises!

-You don't say. For some reason, Yaoshi brought over 1000 sets of clothes. He forced me to try them all on and prevented me from waking up from my dream until I was done. Do you even understand what real hell is for a man?

-Your life really is full of surprises?

The clothes Yaoshi found acceptable, when I woke up, all of those were neatly arranged in my closet....

I'm being treated like a fashion doll...?

-Well, it's about time for me to go.

I got up from my chair while stretching.

-Ohh~Can't you do your mommy a favor and accompany her for a while longer~?

-It'll be for next time.

-Fufu~ It's a promise then. Have a good trip~.

-Same to you, be careful on your way back, don't get caught.

-Remember to call me if anything happens to you, I'll be sure to blow them to pieces.

-I'll keep that in mind...

Without further ado, I headed off to meet one of Lord Archer's Celestial Generals.




Heading to the Yaoqing headquarters, in front of the entrance, I communicate with the guards.

-Excuse me, could I ask you a favor?

-Of course kid, what do you need?

-Hey, that was very rude of you, for the record I'm an adult.

-Wow, really? My apologies, so what do you need.

They're not taking me seriously, are they...? And that my body has grown up to be 17 years old.

-*Sigh*. Anyway, I'd like to meet with General Feixiao, I have something important to communicate to her.


The mention of a simple name completely changed the guards' gaze on me.

-I'm sorry kid, but you shouldn't joke with something so serious.

-I'm not joking.

-*Sigh*. I know General Feixiao is amazing but, to create this kind of excuse to meet her in person is....

-Don't worry, I'm not kidding. Besides, thanks to your contribution, my goal was finally achieved. Killer, you're there, aren't you?


After a long silence, a figure appears from the shadows.

-Who are you and how did you detect me? How did you know of my existence?

The shady-looking man is Moze, one of Feixiao's direct subordinates.

-I'll explain later. First, please take me to meet General Feixiao.

-... Follow me.

Arranging our meeting took some time.

Understandable, Feixiao is a very important figure for the Xianzhou, she must be loaded with work. So I didn't argue or complain when I was kept waiting.

After a few minutes playing with my cell phone.

-Well, you're back.

-... The general is waiting for you.

It seems that the fact that I can easily detect Moze bothers him.

Anyway, entering the office, there is the Celestial General known as the Celestial Claw waiting for me. Besides Feixiao, in this office there is another crowd of important people working on some documents.

-Sorry for the wait, I was training and didn't want to stink so I went to take a quick shower.

So I was just training...

-Then, I heard you wanted to talk to me. Also, you were able to detect Moze's presence. What an interesting guy, might I know what you need to discuss with me?

-I'll get straight to the point, I don't know why Lan asked me to contact you but well, here I am.


My words left everyone in the office frozen.

-Sorry, what did you say?

Feixiao thought he misheard.

-As I said...

Summoning this time my Divine Bow to prove to be an Emanator of the Hunt, I spoke again.

-A few days ago, Lan contacted me through a dream, he asked me to contact you but I don't know the reason. I simply came because it was a friend's request.

Yaoshi, Lan, Aha and Oroboros, it is not the first time they contact me. This past year they communicate with me a lot at random times, sometimes in my dreams and sometimes they just drag me into their mental plane, and so I gradually got to know them better.

Yaoshi is like some kind of mother who loves to buy me new clothes every now and then. Lan treats me like a friend from the bar, the one you share a drink with and he talks to you about all his problems; to no one's surprise, here his problems is Abundance. Aha is just a bore looking to deal with his boredom. And Oroboros, I don't understand her, that Leviathan comes to caress me a few times on the cheek and then leaves like it's nothing.... Sometimes I suspect she wants to eat me.

Back to the important thing.

-So, did anything happen recently to disturb them?

Nobody knew what to answer.
