Chapter 12: Attack of the Antimatter Legion

Walking through the corridors of Herta Space Station, Silver Wolf is holding my left arm while Kafka is holding my right arm.

As you can see, we are strolling comfortably without worrying about strange looks from the scientists.

-And that's the medical booth over there. I help a lot in that sector.

-As expected of my son, what a responsible boy.

-Hehehe~ You think so? Hm... Now that I think about it, isn't it dangerous for you two to walk around the Space Station?

A little late but yes, I noticed.

-A little late in realizing it, aren't you?

Silver Wolf commented with a wry smile.

-Don't worry, I've hacked the security cameras and our appearance in the eyes of everyone but you, Nadie.


Ether Edition incredibly useful, its great versatility is a cheat in and of itself.

-Just out of curiosity Silvie, how does everyone see you two?

-Kafka and me? Well, you Nadie flirting with two old ladies on each arm.

-Wait! What?! You've got to be kidding me!

-No, I'm serious.

Silver Wolf commented while sticking out his tongue. At that moment, Silver Wolf and Kafka's appearances changed to two completely unknown old ladies.

Frightened, I let go of their embrace and jumped back on instinct.

-What have you done! Now everyone will think I have some strange taste in old ladies!

-Bad luck!

Laughed Silver Wolf as he returned to his original appearance but only to my point of view.

-Don't worry Nadie, even if you have some strange taste in old ladies, mommy will still love you.

-No, I don't like old ladies and I never will! Please stop creating more misunderstandings!

Oh my God, at this point my reputation is going to...! Wait a minute, did I ever have a good reputation...? Playboy, troublemaker, narcissist, lazy, and so much more....

-Hell, how did you guys fall in love with someone like me?

-Who knows? Sometimes I wonder the same thing.

Silver Wolf was disinterested in the subject and Kafka said nothing either.

The tour continued and the hour flew by from our point of view. At some point, we decided to go back to my room. We spent some more time playing video games and....

-It's almost time.

Followed by the words of Silver Wolf....


-System time: 23:44:59, vibrations from the explosion cause a major malfunction in the main command system.

-Did you do it?

Kafka asked Silver Wolf as he stroked my head that was lying on her lap pillow.

-No, the Antimatter Legion did it. I never stopped playing with Nadie, even now. They invaded the entire Space Station two hours ago from the system.

-*Whistle~*. So we have to fight the Legion?

-I don't know. Elio didn't say anything about it, so it's not important.

-I understand. Then, from now on I'll be in charge of this operation.

-Received. Will you let me have some fun this time? The last few operations were pretty boring.

-I'm sorry, I'm afraid there's not much I can do for you. This time our task is simply to put the target in place. Nadie, are you coming with us?

I turned off the online video game console and Silver Wolf did the same, I turned my head without leaving Kafka's lap pillow and replied.

-Count me in.

Coming out of my room, enemies of the Antimatter Legion were waiting for us.

-Well, let the tutorial begin!

-Tutorial? Isn't it a little late for that?

-You'd never understand me Silvie, it's up to me and my universe.

Before I could do anything, Kafka stepped forward and finished off all the enemies in less than the blink of an eye.

-Damn, that was fast. Kafka, how did you get into x2 speed earlier than allowed?

-¿x2? Nadie dear, you're saying too many strange things.

-As I said, it's up to me and my universe.

We continued on our way while eliminating every enemy that came our way.

-When did the Antimatter Legion become so weak?

Kafka's question is understandable, dealing with these guys was as easy as doing nothing.

-I was only able to lure these soldiers. Did you really want the whole Legion to come?

-This group won't be able to hold off the Astral Express crew.

-Relax. A Doomsday Beast also came.

Silver Wolf's comment reminded me of the game's first boss, the Doomsday Beast. If I faced him now, I could defeat him in a few seconds in exchange for draining all my energy.

-By the way Nadie, when you join the Astral Express, you remember what Elio asked you, right?

-Yes, not to intervene unless absolutely necessary. Only then will the members of the Astral Express be able to strengthen themselves properly. Don't worry, I've got it under control.

As we moved forward, I suddenly stopped.

-What's wrong, Nadie? We'll leave you behind if you stay put.

-Give me a second.

Scanning the entire Space Station using the Hunter's Eye, I visualized the enemies about to attack the scientists and loaded an arrow with Divine Bow, and fired. The energy arrows split into hundreds and started zigzagging between the corridors, hitting each of my targets without exception.

-*Whistle~* Your aim improved a lot.

-It's actually thanks to one of my talents.

Analytical, the talent acquired thanks to accessing the Path of Erudition, I can now perform complex calculations in a matter of seconds by concentrating hard enough. Basically, I can get smart whenever I want in exchange for putting a little stress on my brain.

Even if I'm in favor of sticking with the original plot, I can't just ignore scientists in danger. Especially a certain scientist with an afro, his daughter....

-Okay, let's move on.

In this way, we arrived without inconvenience to the room that connects the room where the Estelaron is kept.

-Is the Stelaron here? I don't see it anywhere.

-That's because we haven't reached the right place yet, Kafka. Look, it's this way.

I lead the two of us to the screens at the back of the room and we pass through without any resistance, proving to be holograms; thus arriving in front of the Stelaron.

-What a simple trick.

I can only say that I agree with Kafka, it is too simple a trick but....

-The simplest method is the hardest to detect, isn't that our motto?

Just what Silver Wolf said. Sometimes overcomplicating things just brings unnecessary problems, and sometimes a lot of unforeseen results.

-How interesting, no wonder he's a member of the Circle of Geniuses. An Estelaron in non-physical form.... It's certainly something extraordinary.

-This Space Station is full of extraordinary objects. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them could make that happen.

Silver Wolf commented while hacking into the security system protecting the Stellaron.

-So Nadie, which do you prefer, boy or girl?

Kafka's sudden question made me raise an eyebrow with interest.

-Shouldn't that be your decision?

-Yes, that's why I consult with my dear son.

-Well, make it a girl, then I'll have more patience with the raccoon.


Although I like the Trailblazer, I can already imagine the trouble he'll cause. At least if it's Stelle, I won't hit her so hard if she pisses me off.

Without any difficulty, Kafka takes the Stelle with one hand and enters the name.

-That's fine.

Silver Wolf materializes Stelle's physical body and Kafka approaches her.

-How much does she remember?

-She will remember you.

As I listened to the two of them talk, a thought came to my mind. I never knew the Trailblazer before canon, I wonder what his first self must have been like?

Expectantly, I wanted to see the mythical birth of the Trailblazer, Kafka shoving the Stelaron through Stelle's chest, but that didn't happen.... Instead, Kafka pulled something strange out of her pocket and shoved it into the Stelaron.

Why do I have a bad feeling...?

When Kafka was finally about to insert the Stelaron into the Trailblazer's body, I immediately stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

-Stop right there, Kafka.

-What's wrong, honey?

-What was that you put on the Estelaron?

-I don't know what you're talking about.

-Oh, I know what I'm talking about. Give me that Stelaron now!

-Listen to me. Don't move.

-Hey! That's cheating! Silvie, what was that thing Kafka put in the Stelaron?!

-A chip.

-A chip?

I asked, doubting Silver Wolf's answer, to which she confirmed.

-A chip with a terabyte full of porn videos with you as the main character.

-Kafka! Don't you dare put that thing inside Stelle! Are you crazy?!

-Maybe? Who knows? Well, for you I'll admit I am a little.

-A little?! You call that a little?! Silver Wolf, stop her! I can't move my body!

Damn it, the Spirit Enchanting ability is too unfair!

-You want me to stop Kafka? Are you crazy? Do you know the fuss she made when she found out you call mommy to Jade too? She almost launched a terrorist attack on Pier Point. If it wasn't for all of us stopping her together, she would have killed us too. No, wait, Blade did die several times...

She's traumatized! Damn it, Kafka, what the fuck happened to you while I was gone?!

-It's time to get up.

-Nooooooooooooooooooo!!! Don't you dare!

My resistance was useless, Kafka successfully inserted the Estelaron together with the chip inside Stelle's body. I fell to my knees with tears welling up in my eyes.

-My dignity... it's over....

-You had?

Silver Wolf just looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
