Chapter 17: I have good allies

My war against Nanook had officially begun.

To make my biggest allies aware of this, I sent explanatory text messages to all of them.

Estelaron Hunters group chat:

[Elio: Thanks for the heads up, Nadie.

And it's ok, this war was on schedule, you can count on our support. The rules that Nanook decided are among the most reasonable even among the thousands of futures I foresaw.

Had you not intervened, Stelle would have been killed by Nanook on the spot. So good job.]

[Nadie: Damn black cat! If you knew this was going to happen, why didn't you warn me before? I could have prepared better!]

[Elio: I thought you knew more about destiny than this.]

[Nadie: I know fate but not mine! My method of knowing the future is very different from yours! What I know won't increase any more than that! So let me know next time!]

[Elio: Sorry, I'll update you next time.]

[Silver Wolf: GG.]

[Kafka: Good job sweetie~

Mommy will reward you with whatever you want. WHATEVER YOU WANT]

[Firefly: Thanks for your effort, Nadie!

If you ever need my help, don't hesitate to call me.

I'll destroy any planets you need!]]


[Nadie: Thanks Firefly, thanks girls, and you Blade at least say something].

I closed the group chat and went to the private chat I have with Herta:

[Herta: So now you unlocked a 6th Path?

Okay, I'll let you go with the Astral Express, but make sure you visit me regularly. And before you go let me give you a full body scan one last time.

And tell me in detail about your encounters with Nanook and the other Aeons.

How annoying, why are all the Aeons only willing to meet you and not me?

Ah, don't get confused, it's not that I'm complaining about you. It just seems unfair to me.

I love you very much but it's just too unfair that...]

She writes too much and went off topic. I closed the chat and went to see the private chat I have with Feixiao:

[Feixiao: Dear, if you need my help, don't hesitate to ask me. I will fly over there and fight anyone no matter what.

Of course, I'll take the whole Xianzhou Yaoqing with me. They will surely be of great help to you].

[Nadie: Isn't that an abuse of power?]

[Feixiao: It's okay~ If it's you, it's okay~

Besides, it's Nanook and the Antimatter Legion, they're a universal enemy. I'm sure the rest of the Celestial Generals will understand]].

[Nadie: Thank you Feixiao.]

[Feixiao: All for you, honey~]

Well, at the very least, they will all support me unconditionally.

I have reliable allies and that's what matters. That simple difference brought me a lot of peace of mind.



I was gently stroking the head of Stelle who was lying on my lap pillow. I don't know how long I've been immersed in my thoughts, but when I looked down, there was Stelle looking at me and silently.... She immediately closes her eyes and pretends to be asleep.

-If you're already awake, get up.


I gently tugged on her cheek and forced her off my lap.

-But, I'm glad you're okay.

-Thank you...

Oddly enough, Stelle's behavior towards me feels somewhat different than before. Now she seems more, how shall I put it.... shy? Anyway, at least she looks cuter this way.

-The Legion threat has been neutralized. You're free to rest or go for a walk if you want. Also, let's exchange beacon addresses; I already have the number of all the members of the Astral Express, only you are missing.

That said, Stelle and I exchanged phone numbers.

-By the way, go see Himeko when you have time. She said she had something to talk to you about. I have business to attend to, so I'll leave first.


I didn't wait for an answer from Stelle, I just turned my back to her and left.

If everything goes according to the plot, Himeko should invite Stelle to the Astral Express and there they will also meet Herta.

In the meantime, I headed for my room. As soon as I opened the door, a figure embraces me and throws me on the bed, she sits on my waist and restrains my hands by grabbing my wrists, then my lips were roughly sealed and I could feel the touch of her tongue caressing every corner of the inside of my mouth.

Several minutes later... the figure finally released me but without getting off my waist.

-You look quite weakened, how dangerous was your encounter with Nanook?

-Well, I used the mask.

-You put on the mask?! Are you crazy?! You promised never to put it on again! Did you forget the price you had to pay just to use that power for a few minutes?!

-Calm down, I only used it superficially, I didn't wear it.

-I hope it was really like that....

She glared at me, I just shrugged silently.

Even though it was only an indirect confrontation, facing Nanook wore me down a lot more than I thought.

-By the way, shouldn't you be chatting with Himeki and Stelle right now? Herta.

The one sitting astride me is Herta, the one and only.

Seeing me so calm and stable made Herta sigh in surrender, she decided to put the "mask" issue aside temporarily.

-Don't worry about them, you know I can control several dolls at once. Splitting the thought is an easy job for me. More importantly, how do you feel Nadie, are you in pain anywhere?

-Isn't it a little late for that question? Asking about my well-being after you've abused me, something is wrong with your thought order.

-Don't blame me, I haven't seen you in person for over a week. Even though you were doing it with my dolls and I can share sense with them, the thrill is still very different from doing it in person. I missed you.

-... I missed you too.

Lying in bed, we cuddled and just lay in silence. To be able to relax like that once in a while is what gives life its value.

-Why didn't you call me sooner?

Herta's voice sounded a little sad when she asked that question.

-I'm sorry, I had to deal with this myself.

There was no way my connection with Herta wasn't working. As overprotective as she is, we even have an internal channel exclusively for just the two of us. The reason my messages didn't reach Herta was because I interrupted that signal myself.

-I hate it when you put yourself in danger. Your immortality is not absolute, the Aeons can kill you easily. You always rely more on those Estelaron Hunters and you never tell me anything, what am I supposed to do if you never tell me anything? I don't care if you have a close relationship with those bastards but at least.... This way I'll never be able to help you...

-I'm sorry, Herta. I'll never keep anything from you again.

-It's a promise.


Although Herta is stoic with everyone, there is one secret that only the two of us know and that is that she is very submissive and affectionate when it comes to love. Of course, she never shows that in public as she has a reputation as a "noble lady" to maintain.

-Are you really going with that oaf to the Astral Express? Can't you just stay on the Space Station? I'll be sure to give her a good treatment and I'll develop the greatest defense system in existence, I'll personally take Nanook down as soon as she tries to set foot on my territory.

-Are you that jealous of Stelle?

-Yes... you never gave me as much attention as you did her. It's too unfair.

-I'm sorry but I need to get Stelle on the Astral Express. She's destined to achieve great things and now it's my duty to protect her. I'll tell you everything I know, so please trust me, okay?

-All right...

-As soon as this adventure is over, I'll come back to you and we'll continue our daily life with everyone.

-The others too?

-Well, you're not my only wife.

Herta pouted, but didn't complain any more.

-Be sure to visit me regularly.

-I will.

-Call me if you're in danger.

-I will.

-Last question. Do you still want to go back to your universe?

-Will you be there if I leave?

-I don't know. If you go, I go. But if I can't cross with you, I'll...

For an instant, I could see the gleam in Herta's eyes become so cloudy that she might even go mad.

-I suppose it will be impossible for me to leave.

-Are you going to stay?

-Do I have a choice?

-No. Stay by my side, always, forever.

-Well, it's settled.

Even though I have my relatives on the other side of the universe, after spending so much time here, I ended up forming my own family in the end. I guess a part of me always wanted to find a place where I can call home.

-Okay, time for your physical examination.

Even though Herta said "physical examination", her eyes looked at me like a predator, she even licked her lips seductively.

-Please be gentle with me. I am quite weakened.

-Should I? You were very mean to me, maybe I'll give you a punishment~.

-I won't resist so please....

To earn Herta's forgiveness, I acted shy and submissive. Since my fate would be the same, at least a little mercy would be....

-Shit, that was fucking hot.

It didn't work. The effect was quite the opposite. I'm fucked.


Note from the author:

Well, with this, slowly some of you must have already noticed that I am dropping the comedy to develop the personal relationships and plot more. I don't intend to stop writing funny scenes but without seriousness the plot will not develop properly.
